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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. How did you know! TPBM - Feels like they are hitting a brick wall?
  2. ladylove


    The interpretation of "read words" are absolutely subject to personal interpretation. To stave off an argument lets just give E the benefit of the doubt.
  3. I'm reading all these entries and I have to admit I've never had a bruise of scratch, that I can think of, from a sexual encounter. Although I'm pretty 'hardy' I'm also a thin petite women. I think my husband maybe afraid he'd injure me. On the other hand he has had a back full of scratches...
  4. Yes one can, and I hope one takes care of that soon!
  5. Eventually TPBM loves to try new and exciting sexual things suggested by their SO?
  6. Welcome! looking forward to all your input.
  7. TC, When I started doing this for DH he was more that willing to accommodate any stipulation... Perseverance is key. One step at a time.
  8. Interesting observation. Could be, but it be generational, or just personal relationship style? And here is another question I wonder about, in line with this subject. When Divorced adults are dating I've heard it said that there is a 3 date rule or something like that. I was ease dropping, not attending my another conversation, a long while age. One of DH associates has stated something to this effect. Mature adults in "our position" (and I pretty sure he was in part referring to age) don't need to be playing the shy virgin card, I won't play. Compatibility is very important....... on and on it went. Catching snippets here and there. No way did I misunderstand the conversation. So men of mature age atleast 40's, do you also feel this way or is this seemingly mild manor, intelligent gentleman just a wolf in sheep's clothing?
  9. To bad it didn't work, but you never know until you try. After many trials and tribulations with g-spot toys I found only 1 or 2 to be worthy. Keep experimenting, one never knows what's going to "do it" for you.
  10. A DATE!?!?!?!? If so how did it go?
  11. Oh boy, your right, how many girls does he have?
  12. I'm sorry you feel like you waisted so much time. Perhaps if you thought about why you needed to go through what you did, what was it your were suppose to learn. Perhaps then it wouldn't feel like such a waist. I believe every experience, good and bad, is for a reason. We each need to figure out the lesson. If you never had ALL the experiences you did, you wouldn't be the person you are today, and from where I sit you're pretty damn good. Thank your ex for teaching you to love yourself enough to want it all..
  13. E V E R Y D A Y!!!!!! But tonight I know is a given .
  15. I think you and your husband should read it, It's a quick easy read. Maybe you and your husband can read it together, I think that would be the best way to do it. As for the program, I did watch one of them yesterday while doing some other stuff. The one where the man has an affair with an escort, in the end his wife and he reconcile. First let me say I don't know why anyone would get on national TV to tell the world this, but that's just me. I think affairs happen because of something a person isn't getting in their current relationship. An Individuals allows another to come in, whether it's intentional, or subconsciously is not the issue. I've also learned what looks perfect to the outsider, could be everything but behind closed doors, in short we should all learn never to judge that which we truly don't know. Affairs aren't the only way people deal with the emptiness, some eat, some go to the gym, some have affairs, some shop, one and on it goes..... The main thing I will come away from this is, we are all human with needs. Figure out what those needs are and learn how to best fill them in a healthy manor. If you can do that you will always have peace within.
  16. You can't fight it so you might as well embrace it. Absolutely! My DH has a hard time remembering my girls are young adults, they will forever be his little girls. They all grow up in spite of us.
  17. Your Welcome. As for your girlfriend, only you know what is right for you. Each person has a different relationship style, be don't listen to anyone, BE TRUE TO YOURSELF FIRST. ... AND have fun!
  18. To all the women in their 40's, 50's and 60's: WE ROCK!
  19. So sweet, but I don't find it incredibly sad. I think how incredibly wonderful to love someone so and be so intertwined, that your body shuts down when that person dies.
  20. I don't think there is anything wrong with waiting until you are ready, no matter how long it takes for you to be ready. A person who cares enough for you will wait until you are ready, and not want to rush you.
  21. Congratulations that's wonderful. It seem like the girls are getting their period earlier and earlier these days. It's makes them grow up a little bit quicker, which is really to bad. On another note, Red Bank is such a fun little town.
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