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Everything posted by cirrus20

  1. Gorgeous!!! So inviting and delicious looking!!!
  2. Thanks Tiger. Here's to you and happy masturbating.
  3. I've posted before that my wife has not been able to become aroused for many years. It was something that happened slowly as she wanted sex less and less. And, on the occasions we did have sex she would "turn off' in the middle and ask me to please finish. She has had some medical issues so I was pretty much resigned to masturbation as my only release. My wife was also resigned to no sex and feeling guilty about it. But we made it work, though difficult at times, and lived the best lives we could. Recently, we took and extended trip to visit her family and I came back a couple of weeks before she did. The day after she returned we went for a swim in the pool and after a bit she playfully pulled down my suit. This wasn't like her as she is usually a little concerned if a neighbor see so I decided to call her bluff and took it completely off. Then I pulled down the bottoms of her suit and to my surprise she took them off! Then she told me she had a nice surprise. My wife got me hard and started pulling me to rub the head on her pussy and get me inside. I couldn't believe it, she was horny and wanted sex! She told me that after I had left she started looking at porn sites, reading sexy stories, and sexual desire started returning. We decided to get dressed and head up to the bedroom where I had my cock buried in pussy for the first time in about 27 years! We went for about an hour and she was wet, wild and insatiable. My wife (and the rest of the family) has had problems with her mother for many years because her mother is a real drama queen that is very controlling. For my wife this really hit a peak when her father died and she wouldn't speak to her mother for a number of years. Her mother is still alive but now in a senior care facility and starting to do poorly. My wife said that on this trip she was finally able to let go of her negative feelings and essentially cut loose from all her mother's bullshit. It seems pretty clear that some deep-seated mental aspects played a role in my wife's sexual problem. But boy is she trying to make up for lost time now and I'm loving it! So for the others here that are in the same situation, there is a chance things can get better. It might be difficult but finding the root cause of the problem is the key to fixing the problem. Don't give up.
  4. 13. But only because we don't have kids otherwise it would have been 14. (I have to ask other people's kids for tech support).
  5. I'd definitely be in a hurry to have fun with that sexy woman!!😈😈😈
  6. Katie Did It is correct, it varies. I recently came back from a long trip where I had very few orgasms and didn't really feel like cumming much during that time. But after I got home I was doing two or three per day for a while and it felt great! Then the desire decreased a bit about 4 - 5 per week (so there were a couple days off while the body recovered). Just listen to your body; it will tell you how many is OK.
  7. I didn't see this until just now and I have the same problem; had to take care of it myself.
  8. Yes, that is one sweet looking pretty pink pussy!!!
  9. Absolutely gorgeous!! I'd sure like to work on that. 👅👅😈😈💦💦
  10. Mmmmm!!! So hot and juicy wish I were there to lick it up. Very nice!!!
  11. Nice shootin' iron there Tex! 👍
  12. So hot and sexy! Love it.
  13. Very nice. I sure hope you took care of that!
  14. Gives a whole new meaning to pumping iron.😛
  15. No I've never tried them. I hope you find something that works. In the meantime, just be sure to give your wife lots of oral.
  16. Looking good. I hope your took care of that!
  17. One suggestion is to make sure you're cumming frequently enough so you don't build up too much desire. It takes time but training yourself using the stop/start technique can work. Start off masturbating solo and dedicate two or three sessions per week to the exercise. Stroke until you start feeling the build up and stop before reaching the point of no return. Start again oce you've regained control. Do this at least four times before letting yourself cum. With time, start going longer and eventually bring your wife in to help. And between practice sessions be sure to have sex with your wife so you aren't missing her pussy. It might take a month or two but it can work.
  18. Her stories are here on TT forum.
  19. Fantastic pics; so hot!!! I just wish you were riding my tongue and cock for multiple orgasms.😜
  20. One of sassnclass's hot stories. They get me rock hard every time.
  21. Set those beauties free sexy lady!!!
  22. I'll say!!! You look amazingly beautiful and sexy!!!
  23. So nice!! Makes me wonder how tight you can squeeze me when I'm balls deep in your hot, wet pussy.😈😈😈
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