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Everything posted by ohshelly

  1. I am looking for a new place. My mom says 'Shelly, I love you, but I can't have you move home. You are just to much for me!' I almost died laughing!! THANKS MOM!! That will go into Moms comment hall of fame!
  2. Thanks, but you know what, I will be fine in the end. I know there is a decent guy out there somwhere and we will find each other and be happy. Someday. I want it to happen tomorrow, but I know it won't! (smile) Some alone time will be nice. I am happy by nature, so I am fine on my own. I'm just going to give myself some time. Be quiet, breathe.
  3. I am not going into details, but the changes I had hoped for have not happened. He continues to lie and see the other woman. (his ex, no less!) Time to pack up and move on, but it is ok. I can say I gave it my best shot.
  4. TPBM has had a rollarcoast past couple of weeks. True, so very very true. TPBM is getting ready for a celebration.
  5. Oh, Chuck! You are always good for advice and a smile, too!
  6. Brandy, you have a good dad. I am glad that you appreciate him. I'm sure he knows how lucky he is to have you for a daughter. If he doesn't, please tell him for me, ok? ((hug))
  7. Pirate wench oh, yeah and sometimes only perfume!
  8. The guy commented early in our relationship that I was a squirmer. I said 'whaaaaaaaat?' I guess the Ex was the wake 'me up' type, too. He wasn't used to having to deal with a wild thing! Chuck, men are more then welcome to share their stories. We can take it. tell us men~ what did she do/not do?
  9. I am sorry the news is so terrible, Pappy. I cannot even begin to know your anger. I am glad you and your G.F. are there.
  10. ha~ha~ha Sunny! Leave it to you to give her a list!! I am NOT laughing at you, I am laughing because I am a pretty undies girl, myself, and I LOVE all those same places! SUZY~GIRL~CONGRATS!
  11. I have my fingers crossed for you, sweetpea.
  12. How is it going there, Pappy?
  13. Thank you so much. The support of my friends here has been invaluable. We have been back together for almost two months, and it is working. It is going to take time, tho, and I know we are not out of the woods yet. I want it to work, but I am realistic, also.
  14. Well said, Taiyo. Thanks. The guy and are are working thru his last and only chance, so this applies to me, also.
  15. Sweetheart, I wish I knew the answer for you, I really do. I know the hurt and pain you are feeling. No matter how new the relationship, the hurt is very real. I wish I could give you a hug and tell you it will be alright. Give this a lot of thought, ok? Do what is best for you, don't think about him right now. It is going to be tough. I will be thinking of you.
  16. Alright, I will add my two cents, too! Some of you have heard this before, so I apologize. All my partners where circumcised until I met my SO. He isn't cut. I was probably as curious about my new play thing as you are! An uncircumcised penis is interesting, and you will enjoy the differences if all you are used to is the other. The skin is attached right below the head. I suggest a medical website for clear detailed pictures if you want a closer look. They're not nearly as scary as they sound! ha~ha This is my/our experience. As my guy becomes more aroused, the head of his penis starts poking out, and when he is fully aroused, the head is totally exposed. He loves it when I start a blow job lightly running my tounge around under the skin and gently licking him. Drives him crazy! As far as durring sex, the skin is retracted, but does add some extra 'girth'. He has been able to make me squirt when all others have failed! From what I have notice between him and other partners, My guy's penis seems much more sensitive. I think because the head doesn't rub on his clothing all day. Unless he is unusally large, condoms fit exactly the same way. Personally, I LOVE my guys penis, and now wouldn't like one any other way. When the time comes, do some playing, up close kissing and touching. Watch his penis change and read his reactions. Ask him what feels good and what might not. He will appreciate your candor, and the idea that you want to learn about his body and please him. In all your new exploration. don't forget to relax and enjoy your own body and its response to him! That is, after all what it is all about. Best wishes and enjoy!
  17. Just made a pan of chocolate chip bars. Took them out of a 350 oven five minutes ago. Everybody smelled them baking and heard the timer go off. SS walks through the room bouncing one from hand to hand saying 'these are too hot to eat'. Ummmmm........... *duh* (He is 23, please don't feel too sorry for him!)
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