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Everything posted by raniedaize

  1. With life, it kind of seems that way on the moment. But with my body, no. I'm seeing awesome results already, and I'm only in the beginning of week 2 on a 6 week challenge! I'm quite happy about that. Life sucks otherwise a bit right now. TPBM has been working out lately.
  2. I have a German Shepherd puppy!!! I'm so happy. I get off work in the morning and get to go home and see her. Good job on stopping to pet one!!!!!! I love my baby girl.
  3. Oh, lo olvide! Y feliz cinco de mayo a ti tambien!!!...y a todos, claro.
  4. I'm happy to have a safe place of anonymity to discuss things. Thanks, guys!!!
  5. Hmmm.... It depends on what we're doing. Typically, I'm pretty comfortable and charming. However, there are those slightly awkward--or really awkward--moments for me that can pop up here and there, but I somehow play them off into ways for us to laugh, and all is good again. The worst part is when it comes to eating. I HATE eating in front of other people! I don't know why, but I've always been that way. So, I either scarf the food down quickly or just take way too long carefully placing each bite in my mouth. More often than not, I'm quite playful or really content and quiet. And I speak with my eyes. Oh, also, I'm a monogomist, but it's not always easy for someone to turn my head. Usually, there is a TON of time between different guys.
  6. Archer: Yes, male and female both share the same bunk room. It is all divied up by who is on what truck. They are extremely tiny and hold two twin beds, one for each person. I agree about the Benadryl. I have only taken one once on shift because my lungs were literally filling with fluid (oh wonderful anaphylaxis!), and only one won't put me to sleep, just make me sleep better. Otherwise, as an update, I still haven't had my period yet. Thank you so much, y'all, for your good thoughts and crossed fingers. I plan on confronting "Ralph" tomorrow. I'm going to demand that he give me the money for pregnancy tests. Then, I'll make him sweat a few weeks on the results afterwards--regardless of whether it's positive or negative. I think it's only fair that way! Plus, we're going to be having a very, VERY serious discussion over how he is so lucky he hasn't been turned into a girl yet. He shall be learning a great deal about respecting a lady and dealing with the repercussions when he doesn't. It'll be grand.
  7. I am so happy for you! It's a wonderful thing when you find the person who soothes the soul. Congrats.
  8. According to that link (I found it VERY interesting), this is what I burn on my workouts everyday: Ballet: 1 hour 550 calories Jump rope: .5 hour 458 calories Trampoline: .25 hour 75 calories Weight lifting: .5 hour 275 calories Walking: 367 to 455 calories/hour I'm on a six week body challenge that ends June 13th, and I have one day a week with no exercise allowed. I also ordered a weighted vest to start wearing. That will help tremendously too. I'm trying to trim down and buff up. I recently decided to be allergic to wheat (which is definitely helping on the diet front), so I'm eating mostly fruit and meat with vegetables and a salad here and there too. I'm only at the beginning of week two, and I can already see drastic results in my most problematic areas. I personally feel that each body is different and therefore needs different things. I'm just eating what feels good to me and doing what my body craves. Anyhow, when it's all said and done with, I plan on buying an awesome bathing suit come June. Perhaps I'll post pics of the end results then!
  9. At this current moment since all I can do is wait... TPBM is ready for a nap.
  10. I'd agree too, and welcome. And to answer your question, no, I'm not. I personally prefer the men for me.
  11. Definitely true. I LOVE soaking in the rays!!! TPBM is happy it's lawnmowing season. Time for some nice sweaty work under a great and warm sun! Nothing like wearing skimpy clothing and getting them soaked with the fruits of labor. I love this part of the year.
  12. They are so ADORABLE!!! I really just want to pluck them up and play with them myself! And hey, I understand. My family has three dogs and a cat too. Gotta love the animals.
  13. It's too late for the morning after pill. I couldn't get to a pharmacy in time. If I still haven't started by Wednesday morning, I'm going to go buy an at-home test. Fingers crossed I either get my period or that it will be an accurate negative!!! I can't go to the doctor until after May 15th. I'll probably go on ahead and make the appointment, though, later today so I can be sure to get to see one. Sometimes their schedules are all jammed up.
  14. I'm waiting until I can get a definitive answer before I even hint at anything to anybody...but you guys, because you guys are special and privy to all sorts of information I wouldn't share with anybody else otherwise! Believe me, if I am indeed pregnant, I'll let Ralph know it's his. And then I plan on thoroughly bitching him out and telling him EXACTLY how everything will be. It is ALL MY decision--since the sex wasn't--and he's just going to have to own up and live up to whatever I dictate on the matter! This will be MY baby and not his, but he definitely will be forced to help where it's needed. Fortunately, I have a well-enough paying job already. I had just been hoping to get on with the fire department, though. It'd be a bit difficult to change jobs in the middle of this, especially to go be a fire fighter! Kids mean I have to stick with the crappy ambulance service I'm already with. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE EMS, just not this company.
  15. That's my granddaddy. Strike two.
  16. I didn't mean to insinuate that you were anythng other than work partners I was just trying to figure out if you were talking about the same guy from december or not Let's call him Juan-Carlo from now on, LOL. No offense taken, babe. Only, Juan-Carlo is actually way too close to the first rapist's name (Juan Carlos)! Oddly enough. So, we'll have to call this one something else. Hmmm....Any ideas?
  17. The guy from December was also the partner I was working with a few days last week. Work partners. We're not butt buddies. No, I'm not on birth control. And no, there was no condom. He's not the kind of guy who would do this to the patients, I promise you. I honestly think there may have been a little bit of miscommunication, and a lot of thick-sculledness going on. As far as legally, I don't think I'll have much of a leg to stand on. I've been through this before, and if you count this as a rape, it's my third from three different guys. The first guy, I did eventually go to the police, but nothing ever happened to the guy. The second time, I went directly to his employer and got him fired and told his friends who were then disgusted and completely on MY side. Pretty much destroyed that one's life as he knew it. This time, I swear I'm not defending him, but I will tell him to keep his hands to himself and I WILL go to the authorities next time. Plus, he will have to face the full fury next time, and I am not a merciful human being once I unleash the beast within. Rape happens, and this was by far not the worst. I am mostly pissed off that this is right as I am FINALLY getting my life back together from the aftermath of the first rape. Of all timings, this was perfect to F my life up again! But, I have quit the coffee and not had a drop to drink of alcohol since just in case.
  18. Okay, so, as you all know I'm sure, I had decided to start behaving myself and not participate in sexual activity with anybody else. I have been very successful in this endeavor the past few months. Yay me! Now, here comes the bad part. I work in a place where we reside with our partner of the day in itty bitty rooms. Granted, we each have our own twin bed, but you literally can just reach out and hit the other bed from the one you're in. Way too small living quarters. There's another crew every day as well, and if they're up and moving about with the TV on in the living room, you WANT to sleep with the door shut. Problem. One of the guys I work with just so happens to also be the guy I had sex with once back in December. Yeah, so....I had been popping Benadryl like crazy last week (not the one which is just ending), and this makes me sleep VERY DEEEEEEPLY. It doesn't help that I'm a reactive sleepwalker. I won't "wake up" on my own, but if you talk to me, I'll answer you back. Not a good thing. Anyhow. So, my partner and I were going to go to our beds and sleep, right? Well, I give absolutely everybody at work massages. We work in EMS, and dealing with not-feather-weighted- people and stretchers all day really creates nasty nagging knots in the back and under the shoulder blades. As a result, my left shoulder blade is especially problematic, and I couldn't get to sleep because of it that night. AND, nobody hardly ever gives me massages. So, in order for me to get to sleep, I asked my partner to get this one specific knot out, all nice and platonic like. Well, the day had been especially rough and when the knot started getting worked on, I fell asleep. I fell really asleep. And that's when I hit the dangerous point--the spot where I'm interacting while asleep and registering it all as if it were a dream. Yep. His hands were wandering, and I remember objecting to it by continuously pulling his hands away. I also recall warning him to not make me wake up because I wouldn't be happy. Well, guess what. I did. To his penetration. Of his dick. I told him to get out and off of me or I would bite his face. He didn't believe me at first, but he did went I went to do it. He looked at me, moved three or four more times in me, and pulled out. Thanks a lot, bastard, now nearly two weeks later I think I may be late on my period. Granted, I sometimes work on a five week schedule, maybe six? And, I suddenly started working out multiple hours every day the past six days, and I know exercise can also affect the menses cycle some. So can stress, which, of course, I wouldn't know anything about because yes, a baby would be GRAND at this point in my life!!! Because, if I were pregnant, I would keep it--Abortion is not for me--But dear God, please, PLEASE don't let it be so!!!!! So yeah, I am FREAKIN' S-C-A-R-E-D!!!!! ...and a bit pissed too. Oh, and did I mention that this just so happens to also be timed perfectly with the two year anniversary of my first rape later this month? Fantastic.
  19. For me, preferable penetration time varies. I love when lots of positions are brought into play. When this is the case, short stints of time are fine with me, and I also will make sure he's not the only one having to do all the work. Now, if the foreplay is done just right to where it itself nearly kills me in a good way, that can be quite a different story. Say, for instance, we're in the car on the way home and I start kissing all over him and he gives me enough instructions to the point to where I am absolutely naked by the time we arrive (not even earrings or my watch!). Nearly 30 miles of this will make the seat need a little wiping. Oops, but ooh! Then, just inside the door, he takes me in his arms, ravishly makes out with me (after all, 30 miles also can make a man hungry too! haha), and plays with my clit while we're still standing up--only in such a way that my knees literally lose their strength and he's supporting my weight. He continues like so for a few more minutes and leads me to the bedroom. He nicely secures my arms in the comfiest of cuffs. I strain and pull on them as he eats me out. I'm clearly at the break of insanity, so he assumes the position. Only, instead of penetration, he just teases me incessantly with his dick, rubbing it to and fro against me. So, when he finally does go deep in me, I have so much built up that I want him to go longer. I'm craving him to go longer, and the orgasms wind up leaving little lakes in the sheets--very intense. Just have at it, baby! Wear me out!!! So, maybe I'm the odd one out. The longer the foreplay, the longer the "banging" for me. That, or the more intense. If we kind of just get down to it after a little foreplay, I'm quite content with just a few minutes of penetration. Anyway, all that matters is that everyone gets fully satisfied by the end!
  20. My answers: Your guy's in the mood, but you're dead tired. What do you do? That would never happen. Who usually makes the first move? About 50/50 Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome has been smiling at you all night. What is your move? Smile back and confidently wave him to join you. What kind of vacation sounds the most appealing? Hiking in the wilderness. If someone were to look through your purse, what is the sexiest thing they would find? Lipstick You and your friends walk into a club. You go straight for the... Bar What's your gender? Curvy, sexy, and all woman. Pretend your body is a map. How well do you know your way around? I know every back road, short cut, and scenic route around Your guy's moves aren't working for you. What do you do? Show him what you want. Your guy asks you to talk dirty to him. What do you say? A string of smut that's so dirty you don't even know where it came from How can you get a guy's attention? I can flirt with my eyes from across the room like a pro! What do you think is the first thing a guy will notice about you? My eyes What do you look for in a guy? Someone smart, funny, and handsome. How sexy are your pajamas? I wear shorts and a tank top. What makes for a sexy meal? Exotic foods. I'm an adventurous eater. Which TV character do you swear is based on YOU in real life? Rachel (Friends)-sexy in that friendly, yet seductive way When do you feel MOST sexy? All the time. I know how sexy I am. What's your kissing technique like? Lip biting and sexy tongue flicking What's in your underwear drawer? Some naughty and some nice stuff. You can be sexy at any age, but how old are you? Very nearly 23
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