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Ultimate Pearl Rabbit


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Are you looking for a new vibe but aren't sure of what kind to get?

Are you a novice looking into getting your first duel action?

Are you looking for a quiet vibe because of nosy roommates or perhaps because your apartment has paper thin walls?

Lucky You, I found just such a toy.

The Ultimate Pearl Rabbit


It is slightly smaller than most of the other duel actions, a nice 6 inches long and almost 2 inches in girth, it leaves you feeling full without making you feel like your going to split in half.

I got 3 AA batteries, put them in the remote, and began to get acquainted with my new rabbit.

The first thing that stood out and grabbed my attention other than the cool purple color, was the little button on the side of the remote box.

Then I noticed the veins on the shaft, a definite plus in my book, they rub against the vaginal walls and give that friction that is oh so nice as the shaft rotates around and around.

Then I noticed the little pearls on the base, they also give added sensation as they swirl and twirl around and drive you up the wall in sheer pleasure.

The rabbits ears are soft and pliable for that great clitoral vibration action we all love so much, the flexibility of them also makes it easier to put them in just the right spot.

The vibe action is multi speed, so if you prefer it a little lighter or just full speed ahead, this is defiantly the one to have.

OK , so your sitting there saying to me”you mentioned a button, whats with the button?”

calm down, I'm getting there.

I did mention the button didn't I?

OK, so you push the button while the shaft is rotating, and it stops briefly and begins to rotate the opposite direction, how cool is that?

For me, I pushed the button right before my orgasm, and it slowed it down, once I felt it building again, I pushed the button again, until I could hold off no longer.

It gives outstanding performance every single time, and it remains whisper quiet with repeated uses.

The quietness of it gets a huge plus in my book.

The fact that its great for beginners also gets a plus from me.

The only downside to it is because it is a duel action it does take a bit of maneuvering to get it in just the right spot, but thats also part of the fun of it.

You get to learn what turns you on.

This is a definite MUST HAVE for any beginners toy box.

They say that diamonds are a girls best friend?

For me, it's pearls.

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Nice review Whiskey! It is good to know that there is an economical version of the Rabbit out there for other's to try. It is important to have options - I always so options.

Plus, Dual actions are a girl's best friend - along with Pearls! :D

Also good to know how quiet it is -that is very important to many people!

Keep posting!


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Great Review Whiskey! I love quiet toys since I have 5 kids. I was to say you sure kept me wondering about the button to I think I may have to try this one. :D

Thank you for the great review and it is also very nicely priced I noticed.

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  • 1 year later...
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I love The Ultimate Pearl Beaded Rabbit Vibrator!!

I was happy to see this in my box, as rabbits are known to be a fun toy. I had one before, but it broke so this was a welcome sight.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the packaging is it came shrink wrapped, which impressed me.

When I looked closer at it, I saw something embossed along the bottom of the shaft, and to my delight it was daisies! That and an embossing of a little bunny. How cute is that!

This rabbit was pink, one of my favorite colors too!

The shaft of the rabbit is a good size, made of jelly material.

It has a fully insertable length of 6" and a circumference of 4" at it's narrowest point to a nice 5" where the barrel of the pearls are. It has some nice veining detail on it, but honestly I think that's more for looks as I couldn't feel them when it was inserted.

The jelly "rabbit" that sits upon the shaft encases a 3" bullet, with a detailed little bunny face, and 1" long soft "ears".

Another nice feature is the separate multi speed dual dial controls, one for the rabbit, and one for the shaft. For those that like low vibrations each control works independantly of the other. So you can have that shaft rotating at one speed and the bunny vibrating at another. There is a separate push button that changes direction of the rotation of the shaft, a neat feature.

The toy takes 3 AA batteries and battery insertion was easy. The end of the battery case has a thumb notch and slides open to access the battery compartment. Easy to read positive and negative battery terminal indicators are engraved inside the compartment.

There is a 12" coiled cord that connects the battery pack to the toy, which I really liked as tangled cords can interfere with play. The cord seems to be pretty sturdy too which was a plus. When the cord is fully extended it's about 48" long.

After a quick wipe down with a Moist Antibacterial Toy Wipe, I was ready to insert the batteries.

The first thing I noticed when I powered the toy up was that the bullet is pretty powerful. I love strong vibrations and this one on it's lowest setting was nice, and on top speed was amazing.

The bunny ears vibrate at such a high speed that they look motionless.

When I turned on the shaft controller, the pink and white beads begin a slow rotation that extends to the head of the shaft.

So off to grab hubby and play!

I lubed the shaft with some Too Timid Pleasure Gel, and handed hubby the remote as he like to drive, and I needed a hand free to insert the toy.

Once inserted it felt kind of full, in a nice way and hubby turned the controls to the lowest settings.

I immediately liked the feel of the rabbit ears, but had to get a bit used to the shaft rotation. It was a new feeling for me. It wasn't unpleasant, just a bit different.

I asked that we go to full power and that's when I really loved the bunny ears. They were doing there job, dancing around and flicking over me. That and the combination of the rotating shaft was really starting to get me going, but when the shaft hit full power, we both thought it was loud. I would not recommend this in a room mate situation or where you'd be concerned about someone hearing the toy.

I could have easily orgasmed with this toy, but hubby was having way too much fun teasing me by adjusting the power on the controls. When I'd get close to coming he would slow down the toy then turn it up or hit the rotating button and continued this way. Definately a fun factor for the other partner!

After about 15 minutes of play with the rabbit, we decided to try double penetration with him anally and the rabbit vaginally.

So we lubed him up (again with the Too Timid Pleasure Gel) and once he was in me I turned the controls of the rabbit up to high.

He immediately picked up his pace and was voicing his pleasure as loudly as I was. I know he was enjoying the sight of the toy in me and I loved the feeling of double penetration.

With him in anally and the rabbit vaginally and the bunny bullet doing it's little clitoral dance, we both came quickly.

I love this toy, and have yet to use it in solo play. I think if I controlled the speed and angle I'd probably come in minutes.

Clean up was quick and easy with another wipe. I would not run this under running water as I don't think it's waterproof.

It was a great toy for partner use and should be fantastic for solo as well. This rabbit will be taking it's place of honor at the top of our toy box and I can see us getting many hours of fun and pleasure from this great toy!

Bunny Love

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  • 3 years later...
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Go Bunny Go

I received this and it got my attention right away as I haven't tried a rabbit before, but have thought about it. Also because it had a corded remote, which I have never used so I was curious as to if I would be able to handle it. I will say that no where did it say that it is waterproof so I would say be very careful in cleaning it. Once it was removed from the box I gave it a good bath in warm water and

antibacterial soap and then left it to dry while I went to go get the 3AA batteries needed for the remote to bring it to life.

This is a beautiful purple color...which just happens to be my favorite color. The shaft measures 5 inches in length and 1.25 inches in diameter. Also is phthalate free. Now that he is dry I thought it was a perfect time to insert the batteries so that this toy can enjoy the life it deserves. I slid the back cover off of the remote and easily inserted the 3AA batteries needed. Then just as easily put the cover back on. This toy has severate controls for the clit stim and the shaft. They both are a rolling dial. Then in the center of the remote is a button by itself. This makes the party more interesting.

Well now it is time to see just how fast this rabbit can go. I put a little lube and away we go. Inserting it ever so slowly and playing with the dial at first for the clit. This has a very wide array of settings to please everyone from very low to very high. The shaft same thing, but also as an added bonus the button I mentioned earlier will spice it up. The shaft rotates by moving the dial but one press of the button and it will rotate the opposite way.

Definitely this rabbit can be the life of the party as he was with mine. As it rotates you can feel the beads moving around inside of you as you are moving the toy around which is a very nice feeling. In not much time my orgasm was building and before I knew it the explosion of an orgasm had occurred and within time I felt another one building.

It took getting a little used to having the toy attached to a remote but definitely worth it. I would recommend this to anyone beginner or advanced. It is definitely an affordable toy and well worth the money.

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