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does anyone feel more attracted or less attracted to their SO at different times?

for some reason, when my bf and i go to see his grandma (we sleep in different rooms) i feel so horny, and think he looks so sexy! i dont know what it is, but i want him so much more when i cant have him. he is a pretty snappy dresser, and when we go any where together he just looks so good i cant stop thinking about what i want to do to him when we get home.

when we get home, or have a moment together that desire goes away. we both change into our pjs, and i dont feel like i need him right then and there. sometimes he does something that is a huge pet peeve (and turnoff), that just completly turns my mood off. burping... farting... not helping me cook or clean... scratching...

i wish i could ingore those things and still want him as much as i did before. im sure that he feels the same way about me, like when i put my hair in a ponytail and wear a big ugly t-shirt while i clip my nails :P

what does your SO do that makes you crazy for them, and what about the opposite? what destroys the mood for you? i know that love is more than a mutual attraction to each other and people need to take the good with the bad, but what about sex? what about keeping the sexual attraction alive?

im curious about everyone's answers! thanks!

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It's funny you wrote this, because my husband and I have been talking

about that this week.

I was also reading this and waiting up for my husband last night.

I read this to him when he came in.

He's mentioned your post a couple times already since last night.

(And this EXACT scenario happened last night !)

He was SO TURNED ON when he got home. I had dressed up waiting for him.

But, instead of him acting on how he felt right away----he waited.

Well, then he didn't feel like it anymore !

I told him and he agreed----we both have to "act" on how we feel.

Don't worry about whether I'm in the mood to "cum" or not, just do it.

I've told him over and over it will turn me on just having him turned on !

When you are out in a public place and CAN'T have each other

that does seem to be when you're the most turned on.

When you come home "real life" sets in and just being in your

familiar surroundings I think, makes you think about other things, stressful things.

As far as not being "attracted" to each other----yes, there are definite "turnoffs" that occur.

For me--it's when my husband rambles on and on about his "list" of things we have to do.

He just can't shut everything else out and concentrate on just enjoying each other.

For us--that's a constant battle.

I am capable of tuning out things in my head to enjoy the moment.

But-he can't.

You get "used" to each other also. But, while I try not to dress "down" even when at home,

it doesn't really matter. He's used to how I look.

He does seem to appreciate me more when we're out in public.

Maybe that's why he gets turned on knowing other men are looking at me.

It takes work to keep that sexual attraction alive.

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We feel the same way in public places, and then we get home and forget that we were even in the mood. :lol: Hubby and I have been talking about this recently as well, and we both agree that there are things to try to avoid when trying to be in the mood. But, you gotta take the good with the bad, and that takes years to get utterly used to. My biggest turn off is when he over-does it on the burping and ball-scratching. I understand that this is a normal man-thing, but when I am thinking about how good he looks and he starts scratching, it doesn't help my mood. :( But overall, he is attractive to me, especially wearing a suit or just wearing his 'birthday suit' ;)

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Sure, context is everything. When we a re camping, sex is the only thing I can think of.

Funny, when I'm in a lingerie or jewelry store.... I'm very eager to get somewhere private ;) Also when we are away on vacation or a weekend getaway it's always on my mind.

camping - not so much

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When my hubby and I go to his parent's house in Missouri he is always SO horny. Like, grabbing my ass all over the place, having sex in the barn, fucking all over - horny. I thought it had something to do with the taboo nature of it, but then I realized what it was: he is not working, we are on 'vacation' and he can just be himself. There is less stress, we are in the middle of nowhere, what is there to do but concentrate on each other?

Now, I am a firm believer in acting first. If I am waiting up for my hb to come home - and I am dressed 'special' for him - I just JUMP HIM when he comes in. I don't wait for him to act. If he is really crabby or tired I tread more lightly, but if I want sex, I try to get sex. Period.

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When my hubby and I go to his parent's house in Missouri he is always SO horny. Like, grabbing my ass all over the place, having sex in the barn, fucking all over - horny. I thought it had something to do with the taboo nature of it, but then I realized what it was: he is not working, we are on 'vacation' and he can just be himself. There is less stress, we are in the middle of nowhere, what is there to do but concentrate on each other?

Now, I am a firm believer in acting first. If I am waiting up for my hb to come home - and I am dressed 'special' for him - I just JUMP HIM when he comes in. I don't wait for him to act. If he is really crabby or tired I tread more lightly, but if I want sex, I try to get sex. Period.

Here here!! I love you! LOL

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does anyone feel more attracted or less attracted to their SO at different times?

for some reason, when my bf and i go to see his grandma (we sleep in different rooms) i feel so horny, and think he looks so sexy! i dont know what it is, but i want him so much more when i cant have him. he is a pretty snappy dresser, and when we go any where together he just looks so good i cant stop thinking about what i want to do to him when we get home.

when we get home, or have a moment together that desire goes away. we both change into our pjs, and i dont feel like i need him right then and there. sometimes he does something that is a huge pet peeve (and turnoff), that just completly turns my mood off. burping... farting... not helping me cook or clean... scratching...

i wish i could ingore those things and still want him as much as i did before. im sure that he feels the same way about me, like when i put my hair in a ponytail and wear a big ugly t-shirt while i clip my nails :P

what does your SO do that makes you crazy for them, and what about the opposite? what destroys the mood for you? i know that love is more than a mutual attraction to each other and people need to take the good with the bad, but what about sex? what about keeping the sexual attraction alive?

im curious about everyone's answers! thanks!

I'm pretty much a horndog most of the time, but I know exactly what you are talking about.

DW and I recently took a few days from work to help my elderly mother move into a new house. She (mother) lives about six hours away from us, so we took a roadtrip down there, just she (wifey) and me. Made love two out of the four days that we were away, and most of the time we were working around each other, I was horny as hell for her...

I think the day-to-day responsibilities of work, raising a family, etc. have an adverse affect on desire. By the time the end of the day arrives, sometimes all you want to do is chill.

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