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Cock Rocks Bj Candy


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to1031764bu.pngWant to make your man EXPLODE with desire?

Feel like trying to him him the most ROCKIN' Blow job ever?

Well, look no further COCK ROCKS BJ Candy will help you to do just that. The principle is simple: great tasting candy that POPS in your mouth, increases saliva production AND had the added bonus of mild benzocaine additive that sort of 'numbs' your throat as you deliver the goods to your man. Don't worry ladies, it won't make it TOO numb - and guys, my hubby reports that it won't numb your penis either!

The flavor I got was Head Bang: Green Apple and it was, dare I say, YUMMY. I put some in my mouth just to see how much they would POP - and I am a bit embarrassed to admit, the first pops sort of took me off guard. It has been a long time since I have had pop rocks in my mouth (why does that sound so dirty?) so I was surprised. I thought it would make an interesting addition to oral time.

It was a bit awkward to pour these into my mouth, then to start giving my hb his oral attention as it took a while to figure out how much to use. Turns out, less is more. Just a little mouthful and your mouth will turn into oral armageddon! My hubby was really shocked at just how much he could feel the little 'pings of pleasure' as he termed them. The popping can be a bit distracting, but it really did enhance saliva. Warning: you may drool a bit more, so as I said, less is more.

WARNING: DO NOT use this on the vagina. This is for EXTERNAL use only. There is sugar in this product and sugar + vagina = infection.

Overall this was a real fun little treat to tempt my hubby with. He enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. It made a normal Tuesday into Banging Blowjob Tuesday!

Rock His World

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Sounds so fun! Thanks for the review!

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  • 11 months later...
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If they are sold out try a candy store for the pop-rocks. They work really well.

Ive never experienced this, though I have with a woman who used ice. A very cooling effect for a blow job.

I'd like to try or least experience the BJ Candy, sounds like fun :D

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Badda-boom!!!! :P

Something about discussing "Badda-boom!!!" while referring to my Dick, doesnt sound too Sexy, LMAO !!!

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Has your girlfriend used anything like that for you? It's fun! Just make sure you wipe up before entering your women, no sugary substance in the vaginal area.

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Has your girlfriend used anything like that for you? It's fun! Just make sure you wipe up before entering your women, no sugary substance in the vaginal area.

No, not at all...Actually, we havent experimented much at all, outside of some sexy edibles, chocolate, whipped cream, strawberries, of the sort... Sex has always been great, we've never thought of adding any tools or toys. Well I've never thought of such things, and she hasnt vocalized any ideas of this nature (I cant say she hasnt thought of it, I dont know).


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