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I Am Baaaack


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Hello Board!

It has been a long while since I have been here, and I have missed you all!

A lot has been happening in the last year. When last we "spoke" I was on the romantic adventure of a lifetime! I had met the man I thought was my soulmate, my everything. I moved myself and my 2 boys to Canada to live with him in Quebec. We had nearly a year of amazing, blissful happiness! I have never in my life had such fullfillment in the sex department! We had sex daily, flirted all the time, cared for each other in a way that was unmmatched. It was wonderful. It ended. :(

So, why did it end? Our children just simply did not match up. We fought and fought because of the stress. We became angry with each other and frustrated with the fact that things did not work. We said things we should not have said and the hurt built up until it was too much. I decided to move out, and down the street to stay in Canada for a while. That did not work. The hurt was too much, we waiting too long to separate the kids, it was just too burdensome to try and love each other from a distance.

The hurt caused more fights and arguments. I had to leave Canada - and him - behind. I will always love this man. He was the epitome of what love is supposed to be, it just did not work and that was a horrible realization.

So, I am back in the States, looking to start my life fresh and new. I just wanted to stop by and offer a "helllo" to my old friends and a "new to meet you" to the new members here. I hope to invade some threads and give some advice, as now I have so much more to offer in the world of advice!

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Welcome back to the Board!!! <3

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Great to see you back. Sorry things didn't work out for ya. Onward and upward.

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Hi Mikayla! Glad to see you back! So sorry to hear it didn't work out in Canada. It sounds like you are handling the situation as best as you are able to.

"Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself." -Walter Anderson

Excited to see you active around here...take care!


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Great to have you back! Canada's loss is our gain!!

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Awe! Thanks guys! I am excited to be back. I have settled in, have gotten a LOT of support from my friends (and have talked Tyger's ear off!!!) and I am feeling much more resolved about my future. I am not dating - YET - but wait until I put myself back on the market! Watch out Chi-Town here I CUM!

I am going to be around here much more this summer, as I have little to do other than enjoy my boys. I look forward to connecting with more of my old pals here and making new ones!

Thanks again for the support. I really do love all of you!!!

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Hey Wendy girl....got lots to catch YOU up on!!! :)

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