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Hey Everyone,

First off I hope Everyone had a happy Holiday Weekend :) Me I had to deal with My grandpa being hospitalized the day before X-mas eve and being there until x-mas day. He is not well and niether is my Grandma and i'm being asked to become thier caregiver. I am more than happy to care for them but I'm not sure I will be able to handle my mom and them :(

In happier news I've finally experienced my first orgasm!!! It happened lastnight as a matter of fact. I spent the holidays at my dads and spent a few nights away from my mom, I went to bed a little early, stripped down and teased myself relentessly. I knew my dad would not bother me so that fear I have of getting caught that I have when I was masterbating here at home was gone. I was completely calm and relaxed and when I went for it I felt pleasure during the build up to my orgasm that I was not feeling before, my hips wiggled uncontrollably and I had to fight the urge to moan!! before the sensations weren't strong enough to make me moan at all, and what I felt as my explosion was nothing more then a small spasm. But this time I felt this fire in my belly and my nipples were tingling and felt like they were throbbing, I was ready to give up when I started to get tired of stroking myself when all of the sudden I exploded!! I had to shove my pillow in my face and bite on it to keep from screaming, and it lasted longer than 2 seconds!! I did the deep slow breaths like Mikayla advises in her article and oh my god it was just amazing and I was so exhausted afterwords that I fell asleep naked.

I also have the opportunity to finally order my Vibrator without getting caught!!! my mom is heading off to Vegas with my stepdad new years day so I want to order the Vibrator tomorrow (Thursday 12/28) How long does it take for you guys to get your toys after you order them?? Like if I do order it tomorrow when will it get to me?? I would prefer it to get here on Jan 2 when I know for sure my mom will not be here....I've never ordered toys like this so i'm nervous lol!!

Ok well thats enough of my blabbing...i'm off to have another Orgasm :)

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B) Glad to hear you reach the big O. I am also sorry to hear that you spent your holiday in the hospital with your grandpa, that can be rough. The articles here that Mikayla has written are great and helpful in many ways. I am glad to hear though that you finally reach it. Everyday life and stress can make it difficult at times.

As far as for the shipping here there are different types to choose from. I live in Arizona and I have had some things ship overnight since I just couldn't wait :lol: there is also the 3 to 5 day I think it is and the standard 8 to 10. My packages have never really taken over 5days if I ordered it on Monday and picked the cheapest shipping I had it by Friday. I know that they are great on getting the orders out immediatley. If you really have any questions regarding the shipping you can call the office, I have always had them quicker then I expected it to arrive.

If you order it Thursday then make sure you pick the right shipping so it will arrive to you on the 2nd. Also once an order is made you, you will recieve an email and be able to track your package.

I am very glad to hear of your O. Also there are lots and lots of toys here so if you aren't sure on what to get read the reviews and if you still have any questions I am sure all of us here will be glad to tell you are favorites and what we think you might like. Keep thoses Os coming :P Have to love them.

Good Luck to you!!!

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I am very happy for you as well!

I do, however, have a major question. Your bio states that you are 27 years old. If this is true, then you should be able to order a vibrator without giving a hoot who knows! I mean, come on girlfriend, if you still live at home, fine - but YOU have got to have your own LIFE! The box is non-descript and if your mom opens it, she is envading your privacy!

You have to start demanding privacy as well. She walks in your room? Hell no! Get a lock sister! Start your freedom today, or you will be "mommy's little girl" forever!

Don't mean to sound harsh, but ...come on....


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Hey Mikayla,

The Truth is I am 27 years old....Your comment about my age seemed to insinuate that I am lying about it...but i'm not.

As for the invasion of privacy thing....my mom orders things from tv shopping networks like HSN, OVC, AND ShopNBC using my name since she fucked up her accounts and the hundred other ones she made using everyone elses names. So she automatically opens the packages that come in my name because I don't order off of the TV, I prefer physically going to the mall and trying on clothes before I buy them. So she would no doubt open the box with my toy in it if it came while she was here, and then she would scream and yell at me for buying such a gross thing and force me to return it. She also feels that because I don't have a job and I am not paying for my room that I do not have a right to privacy...I'd love to put a lock on my door but everytime I've tried she's either made me put the kit down before we get out of the hardware store or given it away after i've purchased it.

Unfortunately I am stuck living with her until I get my Driver's License and have enough money to rent an apartment so I have to live by her rules..If all goes well and I end up being paid by the state to be my grandparents caregiver I will have enough Money to get a place of my own and be in a whole new stage of my life by this time next year. For the first time in a long time I feel like things are looking up for me, that 2007 is going to be the year I grow up and take hold of my life and maybe finally get a boyfriend or two during all of this.

When I do get a place of my own I will definately load up on toys, I'll buy a nice box to keep them in and join the ranks of all of you here on this forum as an owner of a pleasure chest!!!

For now though I really want just one toy to play with....I'm a beginner with this sort of thing so I want to start with one and work my way up as I get used to this.

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Honey, I wasn't insinuating that you were NOT 27, I was more surprised by it. Listen, I know we all move at our own pace in life, however, you are well beyond the age of adulthood here - and your Mother has NO RIGHT to open your packages - it is against the law. Also, if she is using your credit to buy things, then she owes you something in return, like PRIVACY!

Sure, I get it, she owns the house you stay in for free - but you are her CHILD - no matter what age - and she has GOT to learn that your PRIVACY is essential in life! So, you have to start asserting yourself, put a lock on the door, and start taking care of business!


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Hi, and I completely agree with Mikayla here. Also what do you mean she will MAKE YOU return it? I mean you are the adult, sorry I don't mean to sound harsh or rude hun. I just can't imagine it that is all. When I first got married to my first husband and we lived with my mom for about a month just tell our house was built I would recieved toys etc.. In fact my mother walked in before didn't knock or anything and got an eye full. :lol: She got over it to. She relized that I am an adult and although we don't see eye to eye on alot of things what I like to do or not do she can't control. I guess my question is really this how can she make you? I mean would she threaten to throw you out of the house?

Good luck Hun and I hope I didn't sound rude or anything it wasn't ment that way just a little curious if that is what she would really do or not. You know also don't feel embarassed or uncomfortable if she does ever happen to find it. I mean you are an adult and adults enjoy sex.

Take care!

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Hey Mikayla & katprr

My mom can't use my credit, she messed that up too, I filed for bankruptcy when I was 21..I got my first credit cards when I was 18, got careless and she told me that I if I can't pay for them I shouldn't use them. I realized she was right and stopped using them. However she had just gotten into her tv shopping networks and was at the time recieving 10 boxes a day. She saw the advantage of my then excellent credit and had me signing up for all sorts of cards at the department stores and even American Express. Well she started using my cards to order her crap and before I knew it I was $17,000 in debt and had no way to pay it off so I filed for bankruptcy. I was foolish to trust her when she promised she would make the payments. She refuses to take responsibilty and blames it on my brother because he did max out my gas cards and would not pay for them, and my stepdad too because he always maxed out my home depot card as soon as it was paid off.

and yes she would scream and yell at me and do so as she drives me to the post office to return it. She refuses to speak to me like an adult or even treat me like one. She has three kids me being the youngest and she went 7 years without speaking to my sister and was deprived of 7 years without her 2 oldest grandchildren and didn't meet my sister's youngest daughter until she was 4 (they've since started speaking again) and now she isn't speaking to my brother because he basically took her house away and my brother just became a father (he has a son) and my mom will never meet him and says she hates him.

I know I am an adult but if I so much as try to assert myself she flips her lid and she does threaten me, but she threatens to give my dog away because she knows i'm extremely attached to him. I did buy a toy and picked the delivery option that said it would be delivered Jan 2... it says its scheduled for delivery on January 2 but my stomach is in knots for fear it will get here sooner than that. I am tracking it and its already at its last stop before it gets to my door step. i'm scared out of my mind that its going to get here before she leaves Monday and will be that way until I get it and have it safely hidden. In case your wondering I bought the "Crystal Snow Bear" the original toy I had been eyeing is out of stock so I browsed for a long while before I decided on this one. If anyone has it please do tell me about it!!!

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Back to your original topic, YAY YOU!!! I'm glad you were finally able to get your O on!!

As far as your mother's actions, I covered this in your first post. Your mother is a control freak, and staying there, allowing her to do that to you, is enabling her to continue. Alcoholics can be very abusive. So can people that think they were wronged. Sounds like, from your posts, she is both. Her controlling issues with privacy, your fear of being reprised of buying an adult toy at the age of 27, her blatant abuse of your credit and not caring, and her threats are forms of abuse & control. YOU are the only one that can change it.

Again, I strongly advise you take your dog, and leave to go live with your father. It would be the best thing for everyone.

Best wishes to you in the New Year.

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Alright guys i'm in freak out mode now!!! I just found out that mail will not be delivered on Tuesday in honor of President Gerald Ford!! I scheduled the delivery of my toy for Tuesday and now i'm freaking out because now I don't know if its going to arrive the day before or the day after EEEK!!!

I'm very tempted to cancel the order right now :( I mean I jump every time I hear a truck go by as it is...ugh I just want to get my toy without getting caught up in a fight with my mom and its all falling apart!!!

As for taking my dog and moving in with my dad....won't happen EVER because I was talking to my dad and stepmom at Christmas about moving in with them and they said yes but that I couldn't bring my dog, that i'd have to leave him behind and I just can't do that....So i'm stuck here at my EVIL MOTHERS house until I save up enough money to rent an apartment.

Anyways i'm working on getting out of my moms grasp...our relationship will be so much better when i'm on my own and she starts seeing me for the woman that I am :) I'll keep you guys updated on the situation!!!

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The post office will not deliver on Jan 1 or Jan 2. If your package is being shipped via UPS, it will delievered on Tuesday (if it was meant to be delivered that day).

I hope this info helps.


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Thanks Rob that does help ALOT!!! My toy is being shipped via UPS and is scheduled for delivery on January 2, 2007...I know or atleast I hope they won't bring it before then but i'm still jumpy lol i'm also excited and anxious to get it already :)

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As for taking my dog and moving in with my dad....won't happen EVER because I was talking to my dad and stepmom at Christmas about moving in with them and they said yes but that I couldn't bring my dog, that i'd have to leave him behind and I just can't do that....So i'm stuck here at my EVIL MOTHERS house until I save up enough money to rent an apartment.

At least she lets you have a dog! My grandpa saids I can get one...when I move out :( !


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Ok first of all Happy New Year everyone!!!

Secondly I can't try out my toy when it gets here...why you ask?? well Its that time of the month ggrrr and I screwed up my neck...its so stiff that even if It weren't the time of the month i'd be way too uncomfortable to enjoy the "Crystal Snow Bear" so i'm going to have to wait a few extra days to play with it.

Thirdly...I just learned about and how to have clitoral and G-spot orgasms but I was just reading some toy reviews where some ladies including Mikayla said they had fantastic Anal orgasms....Never heard of Anal orgasms until now...what are those like? and how do you know the difference between the three orgasms??? lol sorry

The toy I bought has an anal stimulator on it as well as clitoral and Vaginal...I need to know what i'm getting myself into guys and gals!!!!!

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[quote name='VirginGirl' date='Jan 1 2007, 02:07 AM' Ok first of all Happy New Year everyone!! I was just reading some toy reviews where some ladies including Mikayla said they had fantastic Anal orgasms..

The toy I bought has an anal stimulator on it as well as clitoral and Vaginal...I need to know what i'm getting myself into guys and gals!!!!!

:ph34r: Man oh man...I know I have been away for a long time but I feel like I'm in a Peyton Place rerun :blink: ....hehehe...tomorrow is the BIG DAY :lol:....uh huh uh huh uh huh :P I hope you got some kind of good water based lube for your anal play. Sometimes you can get inexpensive lubes at discount stores-I have and at $1 each. I got a dozen or so. Mikayla knows about lubes and such. Well time to tie on a feedbag. peace 12G

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I honestly don't know much about Lubes like which ones are safe and which ones aren't so I bought the only brand I knew of until recently...KY Jelly..... My big day will be delayed though :angry: due to the fact that i'm nursing a stiff neck...I woke up yesterday not being able to lift my right arm or move my neck much for that matter...I have to wear an arm brace because the weight of it hurts lol...haven't had a stiff neck like this since I was a kid..used to get them all the time then lol

You should have seen me at midnight...I was saying Happy New Year with my head tilted to the left and when I was being hugged by everyone I wanted to cry because it hurt so much...still does and just sitting here typing hurts :( it will take about a week for it to completely go away.

Its my dogs fault!! I have a teeny tiny Twin Bed and we don't fit in it together, he's 65 lbs of pure joy but he likes to sleep with me and not at my feet either. Its been cold here in Los Angeles lately so when I went to bed 2 nights ago my dog refused to move so I squeezed in next to him and slept pretty akward that whole night...hence the stiff neck :blink:

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I have a twin bed because it was the cheapest mattress set and Sam's club lol....I never said I didn't know about KY Jelly...if you re-read what I wote you'd see that I actually say KY Jelly is the only Lube I knew existed until recently...And I do read the stories on here, I read alot of stuff on here :)

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