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A Slave's Dream


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Hey all, here's my latest story. I've been working on this one for a while now. It's pretty long. :) I wrote it for my fiance (with him in mind as the master and me as the slave), but I thought you guys might like it too. Hope you enjoy. :)

We approached the door and he stopped. He turned to me and looked at me for a long moment, almost as if he were inspecting me. Then he ran the backs of his fingers lightly across my cheek and through the hair at the side of my face. His fingers sank deeper into my hair, and his thumb slipped under my chin, tilting it up so that I was forced to look him in the eyes. The look I saw there was filled with heat and possession. I felt a warm flush spread throughout my entire body.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes." I whispered. It was all I could manage at this point. I was consummed by a need for him, but I was afraid of what might happen. I was afraid I might lose myself to him.

"Good." He said matter-of-factly. "There must always be trust between us. I will not hurt you. I will not do anything to you that you cannot handle. My purpose is to bring you pleasure, to show you what heights your body can reach. To fully appreciate the pleasure, however, there must be a little bit of pain. Do you understand?"

My eyes widened; I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I looked down and then looked into his eyes again. That was all he seemed to need.

"Good." He repeated. He released his hold on me. He took the velvet box off the table and turned to me. He slowly opened it, and what I saw there made a strange chill spread through me. It was a black leather collar. On this collar, gleaming even in the dim light, were silver letters spelling the world SLAVE. I breathed deeply.

"If you intend to go forward with this, turn around now."

I slowly turned until my back was to him.

"Move your hair."

I moved my hair and he snapped the collar in place. I felt different in that moment. That quickly, I felt like a different person. I felt like his possession.

"Let go of your hair."

I did and he then placed a black silk scarf around my eyes. I couldn’t see anything.

"Turn around, and hold your hands out to me."

I did and felt him slip velcro handcuffs with tethers attached to them around my wrists. I noticed, rather absently, that they were soft and very comfortable.

"When we enter this room, you will become my slave. You will do exactly as you are told. You will speak and move only when you are told to do so. You will serve me in any way I ask, or you will be punished. If you fail to do exactly as your told, you will be punished. If you are a good little slave, you will be rewarded. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"Good." He grabbed me by the tethers on the handcuffs , and pulled me behind him. I was terrified that I might trip and fall over something, but he didn’t let that happen. I walked several feet into the room. He stopped then and lifted my arms above my head. I could tell he was tying the tethers around something. He finished and stepped away. I felt completely helpless. I couldn’t see and I could move. He had tied me such that I was almost on my tip toes.

"From this point on, I will call you slave." He said as he moved around me. "You will address me as Master. Understand?"

I nodded.

"Speak, slave. Tell me you understand."

"Yes. I understand."

I felt the sting of a whip through my dress. I gasped.

"Yes, who?"

"Yes, Master."

"At least you listened about the clothes." He said. I could tell he was standing infront of me. I had listened. Mostly. He had told me to wear a low cut black dress, a black bra, no panties, black garter belt and thigh highs, and a pair of black strappy heels. I had listened about everything except the panties. I couldn’t bring myself to go without panties. I had decided to wear a little black thong. I began to feel like I might regret my modesty in a moment or two. I heard metal moving against leather, and then I felt a sharp point at my right cheek. I gasped as I realized he had pulled a long knife from its sheath. Slowly he drew the point of the knife down my check, my neck, over the collar, slowly over my chest and to the neckline of my dress.

"Let’s see how well you listened, slave." His other hand reached up and pulled the fabric of my dress away from my skin. I heard the slow sound of ripping fabric, as he cut the dress to its hem. He also cut away the sleeves, so that the dress fell around my feet. He stepped back to admire his work. He sighed deeply, almost angrily, and made a tch-tch noise. "My sweet, stubborn little slave, you did not listen to me." He tugged at the strap of my thong. "What are these?"


"Did I say you could speak?" He used the sharp blade to cut off the thin strings of the thong. It joined the dress on the floor. "This will be your first punishment. I said no panties. You must always do as Master says." He then ran the blade slowly up my stomach and under my bra to rest it between my breasts. He pulled toward him and the sharp edge sliced through the fabric. He also cut the straps on the bra so that it floated to the floor with the rest. He undid my garters, then cut the garter belt away as well. He stood back to admire his work.

"There, that’s better."

I shuddered. I knew he was looking at me, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. I couldn’t shield any part of my body from his gaze. I was standing before him, my hands tied above my head, in nothing more than thigh highs, and heels. I felt myself grow wet between my legs as I heard him move around me taking in every inch of my body. After what seemed like an eternity, he moved away from me, and then I heard the knife drop on the table. I flinched at the sound.

"Now for your punishment. You will learn not to disobey me, little one."

I heard him crack a whip and I flinched again. I started to tingle all over as he walked behind me. He slowly flicked the whip and I felt several leather straps lightly graze my ass. He was teasing me, letting me know what he had in his hand. It had to be the cat o nine tails. He kept flicking it, teasing me, and my pussy grew even wetter. Then just as I had settled into a rythmn, as I had started to really enjoy it, he snapped the whip and it stung my ass. I gasped a little. He kept this hard rythmn up for what seemed like an eternity. I knew my ass was growing pink. It felt like a thousand bee stings every time the leather straps connected with my ass. I wanted to scream, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. I tried to move my ass so he didn’t keep hitting the same spot, but it didn’t matter, no matter how I moved, it didn’t help. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped. The room was completely silent. I was breathing so hard, I couldn’t hear anything. I couldn’t tell where he was. Then I felt him directly behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck, his lips next to my ear.

"Are you going to listen now, my sexy little slave? Are you going to do as your told? You may answer."

"Yes, Master." I said in a breathless whisper, nodding my head.

"Good." I felt something soft against my ass, and it made me gasp. He had the leather and fur paddle, and was rubbing the fur against my now sensitive ass. I was so sensitive, it made me want to cry out. I was whimpering, and I felt my pussy clenching and growing incredible wet. My nipples were standing out farther than they ever had. He pulled the paddle away from my ass, flipped it, and began spanking me with the leather side. Every third or fourth stroke, he would flip it again, and spank me with the fur side. All the while he was standing right behind me with his lips touching my ear. He kept whispering in my ear, telling me how much he liked spanking me, how much he liked the color pink my ass was turning, how good I was going to be from now on. I didn’t think I could stand it anymore. He flipped it to the fur side, and began rubbing my ass again.

"You want to scream, don’t you?"

I shook my head no.

"You want to cry out though. Don’t lie, slave."

I nodded.

"Do it. No one can hear you except me. I want to hear my slave. I want a reaction when I spank your nice round ass with this paddle."

He began spanking me again, and with each slap of the leather, I cried out this time. When he flipped it to the fur side, it felt so incredible, my entire body would tremble and I felt myself climbing towards an orgasm. I was so wet, I could feel it running down my leg. I started panting. I didn’t care anymore how I looked or sounded. My tears were soaking the blindfold, and still I didn’t care. All I could hear was the slap of the leather and the thud of the fur, I was completely lost in sensations. Then he just stopped.

"I think that’s enough punishment. I think you understand that I’m serious now."

I nodded.

"Good. Now, spread your legs as far apart as you can."

I did as he said. I felt him move away from me, and when he returned, I felt something hard and cold moving against my pussy lips. It was slick with some sort of liquid. He moved it to the wet opening of my pussy and pressed up. I suddenly realized what it was and tried to squirm away from him. I knew it was a vibrator. I had heard of them but never used one, and I didn’t want him to put that in me, but I couldn’t get away. Ever so slowly, so that I could feel every single inch go in, he pushed this fake dick up into my pussy. My pussy clenched around it, wanting it to be his dick. Once he had it in as far as it would go, he turned it on the lowest speed. I squealed. I’d never felt anything like it before. My entire pussy seemed to be humming.

"One thing, my sexy little slave, you can’t cum until I say so. If you let yourself cum before I allow it, I’ll be forced to punish you again. For much longer this time."

I felt my pussy clench at his words. Being told I couldn’t cum just made me want to cum that much more. He began to move the vibrator back and forth inside me. I blushed all over. I liked the way it felt, but I didn't want to admit it. He stopped for a moment and then I felt the sting of the paddle on my ass. He moved to my left side, and I felt him reach around with his left hand and begin to play with the vibrator, while he continued to spank me with the paddle in his right hand. He moved the vibrator in and out a couple times, then he stopped and played with my clit. Then he'd go back to the vibrator. It felt so incredible. When he spanked my ass with the leather paddle, I

Just as he was starting to move it faster in and out of my dripping wet pussy, the phone rang. He cursed under his breath and stopped what he was doing. Then a slow smile appeared on his lips.

"I gotta get that phone, slave, it could be work. But I have an idea, my horny little slut. I'm gonna push this vibrator all the way in you and set it to high. You are to hold it inside you until I get back. Remember, you are not to cum until I say. If you cum, it might slip out. If you cum or drop the toy, I will punish you in ways you can't imagine. Understand?"

I whimpered

"Answer, slave." He turned the vibrator to high.

"Yes, Master" The words came out in a squeek.

I heard him leave the room. A few seconds later the phone stopped ringing. Then I was lost in sensation. I felt so completely exposed. I was hanging there in nothing but my thigh highs and I had this vibrator pushed up inside me. i couldn't stand the intense vibrations. My whole body was tingling. I could feel the muscles of my pussy grabbing at the toy. A fine sweat broke out all over me and chills began to wrack my body. I began to moan and whimper. I wanted to cum so bad. I tried to move to lessen the effect of the toy, but that was a bad mistake. It felt so good when I moved. I wanted to move again, to feel the toy move against the walls of my pussy, but I knew I would cum for sure if I did that. But I couldn't stop myself from moving one more time. I moved my pelvis forward and felt the toy rub against the front wall of my pussy. I cried out. Then I felt the toy move. It started to slip. I gasped. I had to clench my muscles to keep it from slipping out, but when I did that I could feel every vibration clearer and they were much more intense. I wanted to cum so bad. I was panting and moaning ad begging for him to come back and end this torture. I tried relaxing my muscles to stop myself from cumming, but that would cause the vibrator to slip. I squealed. I cussed. I pulled on my restraints. Tears began to slip from my eyes. I couldn't stand anymore. I tried to think of something else, anything else to take my mind off of the constant vibrations, but I couldn't. I couldn't get my mind off the feelings. I couldn't take anymore. I was going to cum and drop the toy. I knew I was, I couldn't stop myself. Then I heard the door open again. I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Oh please," I begged "Take it out. I can't... no more... please... I'm gonna cum... I can't stop myself anymore, please... I'll do anything... Master... "

"Mmmm... my hot little slut, you beg so well."

I could feel him approach me and stand in front of me.

"You look so damn sexy, slave. Mmmm... do you want to cum? Do you want to cum for me?"

"Oh God, yes, please..."

"Nope. Not yet. I'm not done with you yet."

Then I felt his touch. He ran his hands all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and nipples. He tugged at my nipples, hard, and that made me want to scream. I tugged at my restraints, trying to get away from his touch.

"That's it, slave, fight for me. I love to watch you struggle."

I started to beg again, but he told me to shut up. He lifted and rolled my tits on my chest. He squeezed them so hard I cried out. Chill bumps broke out all over my body. I felt an orgasm rising in me, and I knew I wouldn't be able to stop it this time. I told him I was going to cum, begged him to let me. Just as I was going to fall over that cliff, he pulled the toy out.

I whimpered. I had been so close to a mind-blowing orgasm, and he had stopped me.

Then I felt him messing with the knot that held my blindfold on. He was untying it. My breath quickened. I felt the silk slip from my eys, and I opened them to look around the room. It was a plain room. There was a table along the wall infront of me covered with different toys. To my right there was a large king size bed. I could see restraints already attached to the headboard and footboard. My pussy spasmed at the sight. Then he was infront of me again, looking up and down my body. His eyes met mine and they were filled with such heat that his look was as intimate as a touch. I felt so vulnerable. I was unable to shield any part of my body from that fiery gaze. My tongue ran out to wet my lips, in my nervousness, and his eyes were at once riveted to that spot. I blushed. His mouth lifted in this slow smile. He cleared his throat.

"I think you’ve been up there long enough." His voice was a slightly hoarse.

He stepped closer to me and reached above me. I looked up and saw that my handcuffs were looped over a hook that hung from the ceiling. As he was untying the tethers, his clothes brushed against my bare skin. It was like an electric shock ran from that spot, to my pussy, and then down to my toes. I wanted so badly to lean against him, but I knew that’s what he wanted. I wasn’t ready to give in to him completely.

He let my arms down, and it felt so good to flex them. He removed the velcro restraints and I saw him pull a pair of fur-lined handcuffs from his back pocket.

"Turn around."

I did and he handcuffed my hands behind my back.

"Face me." I turned to look at him. "On your knees, slut."

I slowly got to my knees and then looked up at him. He unfastened his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and unzipped them. He reached in his pants and then all of a sudden his dick was free and right infront of my face. I gasped. He had an incredible dick. Not only was it a nice size, it was perfectly shaped as well. I wanted so badly to touch him. My mouth began to water at the thought of tasting him.

"Open your mouth, slave, and suck my dick until I come all in your sweet mouth."

My mouth fell open, and he pulled my head closer. I felt the head of his incredibly smooth dick pass over my lips and into my mouth. He rested heavy on my tongue. My pussy clenched, wanting this incredible dick to be buried there instead. I ran my tongue around the big head of his dick, loving the taste of him and the way he stretched my mouth. I began to suck on him and move my mouth up and down his dick. I sucked hard on him and pulled back slowly until he finally popped out of my mouth. Then I began to lick all over the length of his shaft. I could hear him start to moan a little. A small smile lifted the corners of my mouth.

"Ah, good slave. That’s good. Now lick my balls."

I began licking his balls quickly, wanting to taste every bit of him. Then I set my lips to them and sucked one in my mouth. I began to suck it in and spit it out over and over again, until he grabbed my hair and pulled me away from his balls and shoved his dick back in my mouth. I sucked up and down his dick again, doing every trick I could think of to drive him crazy. His hand was still burried in my hair, and he moved my head back and forth, setting the rythm himself. I could tell by the sounds he was making that he was close to coming.

"Look at me, slave, look into my eyes." He panted.

I looked up at him, and he pulled his dick out of my mouth. He rested the head of his dick on my lips and began to jerk himself off. Then he started to come, and one shot went in my mouth, one went on my lips, then on my neck, and his last shot went on my heaving tits. I was covered by the time he was done. My pussy was dripping and clenching. I wanted his dick in my pussy so bad. I was tingling all over.

"Swallow." I did as he said, "Now lick the cum off your lips and rub the rest into your skin." Again I did what he said.

He stepped back, and I watched as he slowly pulled his belt out of its loops. He walked behind me and removed the handcuffs. Then he pushed me and I fell to my hands.

"Put your face to the floor, slave, and raise that beautiful ass." I got down on my elbows and put the side of my face to the floor. I didn’t understand what I had done wrong, but I did as he said and lifted my ass for him. "This is for thinking you had control over me while sucking my dick. I saw that little smile." He started tapping the belt against my ass slowly at first. He managed to thump it against my pussy every other time, and my pussy lips began to swell and grow slick with my juices. I knew he could see them running from my pussy down my leg. He picked up the tempo until he was slapping that belt against my ass hard enough to make me cry out. Every now and then he would flick it across my pussy lips and make them sting. When he had my ass a nice rosy color again, he stopped.

"Stand up."

I ackwardly got to my knees and he grabbed my by the arm and pulled me toward the bed. He tried to make me lay down, but I was suddenly really nervous. I tried to resist him. He pushed me onto the bed and quickly tied my wrists.

"Now, slave, don’t resist me, or I’ll be forced to punish you again. If you want to stop, you know what to say."

I knew he meant our safeword, but I wasn’t ready to end this after all. I looked away from him, but not quick enough to miss that cocky smile.

He didn’t say a word, his hands moved slowly down my body, and I cried out, it felt like he was leaving a trail of fire with his touch. He was careful not to touch my tits or my pussy, I noticed sadly. He reached my garter belt, undid the garters and jerked hard. I heard the thin fabric rip and he tossed it away. Then he slowly removed my thigh highs and heels. After he threw those aside, he grabbed my legs, spread them and fastened the cuffs around my ankles. He raised up when he was done and looked at me spread eagle on the bed. I was completely naked now. I felt myself grow wet again, and a slow, hot tingle began to run througout my body.

"Mmmm. You look so good like that, my slave, like a sacrifice to me." I began to breathe hard. "I’m going to undress now, slave, and I want you to watch me as I do, understand? You are not to take your eyes off me again, unless told otherwise."

He began to undress, and I couldn’t have looked away if I wanted to. His body was so incredible. There was that beautiful dick again. My mouth began to water, and I ran my tongue out and wet my lips. I wanted to taste him again so badly, but I couldn’t move.

He knelt onto the bed between my spread legs. Then he reached over the side of the bed, and pulled out a tiny whip. I almost laughed at the size of it. It was bright orange and had all these tiny, thin rubber strips. What on earth could he do with that, I wondered. Then I regretted asking. He ran the very tips of those rubber strips all over my body. It was like being touched by a thousand tiny fingertips. Then he flicked it at my tits and I felt this incredible thud against them. I arched my back. It felt so incredible. He continued to flick it against my tits, stomach, and then my pussy. He ran it lightly over my entire body, until I was squirming on the bed. I couldn't stay still.

He leaned over me, and my whole body was alive and tingling, I thought, finally he's going to stick that big dick in my aching pussy. But no, he just grabbed a pillow from beside my head.

"Lift your hips, slave."

I did and he shoved the pillow under my ass. I felt kinda funny now, with my hands and feet tied, but my pussy shoved up in the air. I felt so vulnerable.

"No, I think you deserve a little reward for being good and doing what your told."

I saw his head dip, and a moment of panic hit me, what was he going to do. Then I cried out as I felt his lips touch my inner thigh. He kissed all around my thighs and around my pussy, without actually touching it. My pussy was throbbing so bad by now, I needed some kind of relief. Every thing he did made me squirm and cry out. Then I felt his tongue against my pussy. He started at the bottom and in one slow, long lick, he licked his way to the very top. I squealed and bucked my hips. He began to tease me with his tongue, licking ever so lightly around my lips. He didn't touch my clit at all, and it was swollen and throbbing so much I wanted to grab his head and push it into my pussy, but my hands were tied. Then he sucked one of my pussy lips into his mouth. Again I cried out and bucked under him. He nipped at me lightly and I cried out again. I felt an orgasm coming, one more intense than I had ever felt, but he slowed down. He licked down my pussy, to my drenched hole, and then in one quick movement, slid his tongue inside me. I thought I might pass out it was so intense. Then he started to fuck his tongue in and out of me. I wanted it so badly, I was trying to match his pace, I lifted my hips to his mouth, wanting his tongue deeper, wanting his dick inside me instead, wanting anything to relieve this tension building in me. He stopped, and raised his head. I looked down at him, and his face was shiny with my juices. I moaned.

"Do you want to cum, my little slut? Do you want to cum in my mouth?"

"Oh, God, Yes, please... I'll do anything... please just let me cum." I was squirming on the bed, pulling on my restraints, trying to get loose.

"Please, who?"

"Please, Master, you're so incredible, you're driving me crazy, Master. I want to cum for you, Master. Please... Oh, God, my Master... please make me cum for you..."

"Ok, I think you deserve it."

I almost lost it right there, just at his words. I wanted to cum so bad. I saw his head dip again, and then I felt him kissing at the top of my pussy slit. Then I felt his tongue lapping at me there. He ran his tongue in a circle around my clit, and then finally sucked it in his mouth. At that same instant, he pushed two fingers into my dripping wet pussy. I screamed. He began to fuck his fingers in and out of my tight, wet pussy. He swirled his tongue around my clit, flicked it with his tongue, nibbled on it, and then sucked it in his mouth.

"OH, YES" I screamed, "Oh, God that feels so good. Please... more!!!"

I was pushing my hips against his fingers, matching his rythm. Then he pushed his fingers as far inside me as he could, and sucked hard on my clit at the same time. That was it, I was hit by this incredible orgasm. My pussy spasmed around his fingers, and I felt this incredible sensation throughout my body. It was tingly, and hot, and almost like fireworks going off in my body. It radiated from my pussy, and I could even feel it all the way to my toes. My vision kind of blurred, and I closed my eyes.

"Oh, God yes, yes..." I kept repeating over an over.

It seemed to last forever, and just as I was starting to come down from it, I felt him move up my body and slowly sink that incredible dick in my still spasming pussy. I cried out again. It seemed to push me to a whole other level, and prolong my orgasm forever.

"Oh, God!" I moaned deeply. "Yes..."

He felt so incredible buried in my pussy. This is what I had wanted all night. He stretched my pussy, and filled me so completely. I had never felt anything so incredible. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His eyes were so deep and dark with desire. My pussy spasmed again, and this time I could feel it clench around his hard dick. He didn't move inside me, he just let me come back to my senses and feel him inside me. He leaned down and finally took my mouth in a slow sweet kiss. I tugged at my restraints, wanting my arms around him. He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I could taste myself on his tongue, and that caused my body to tingle and tense again. Desire flooded my veins once again as his kiss deepened even more, and he shoved his tongue all the way in my mouth. He still wasn't moving his dick, and I tried to move, tried to push my pussy up against his dick, push it deeper into my pussy, but he had me pinned so tight, I couldn't move. He ended this kiss and leaned up. Keeping his dick burried in my pussy, he reached back and undid the restraints on my ankles. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist and felt him sink a little deeper in me. I whimpered. He leaned up over me, and undid the restraints on my wrists. My hands fell to his shoulders and then his chest. I moaned. I had wanted to touch him all night. I ran my palms all over his chest and shoulders and back. His skin felt so incredible; my palms tingled at the feel of him. I pulled him closer to me, wanting to feel his weight. He cupped my check with his hand, and then trailed it down my cheek and behind my neck. He unfastened the collar I'd been wearing all night and threw it aside.

"Hi, baby." He said in a deep voice and grinned.

I felt heat flood my body.

"Hi." I whispered, smiling too.

He began to kiss me, light sweet kisses all over my face and neck. Everything had suddenly changed from punishment and reward, to making love. He began to move slowly in pussy, allowing me to feel every inch of him as he moved. His words changed from demanding and stern, to sweet and loving.

"You feel so good, baby." he whispered against my lips. His hands carressed my body, running lightly over my sides and tits. "I've wanted to be inside you all night. You're so hot, so incredibly tight, so sexy." I smiled at his praise. The more he talked, the faster he moved inside me. I raised my hips to meet each thrust. My arms tightened around him, trying to pull him closer, deeper inside me. He leaned up, ran his hands down my body, to my thighs, pushed them farther apart, and began thrusting hard against me. I cried out each time he slammed into me. It felt so good. I could feel the head of his dick growing thicker inside me and knew he was coming close to orgasm.

"Oh yes, baby." I said, it coming out in a whisper. "Cum for me, baby. I want you to. I want to feel your hot, thick cum inside me." I ran my hands all over his chest and back. "Please baby, fill my pussy with your creamy, salty cum."

He cried out, and I could feel him spasm in my pussy. He slammed his dick in me all the way, and it pushed me over the edge again. It hit me hard.

"Oh, God, baby, yes!" I screamed. "That feels so good, cum for me, baby." My hips slammed against him, and I felt my entire body shudder, then I felt the fireworks again. I felt that same rush throughout my body, but it was deeper and more intense with him in me. The pleasure ran through my body in waves. I moved my hips back and forth against him, causing him to spasm again, and pushing myself into another small orgasm. I moaned deeply. I closed my eyes for what felt like a second. When I opened them again, he was laying on his back, and I was draped on top of him, my leg over his leg, my arm over his chest, and my head on his shoulder. He had his right arm around me and was lightly stroking my back. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. He squeezed me, pulling me closer to him, and kissed me on the top of my head.

"Your welcome." He said with a grin.

I cuddled up closer to him and closed my eyes again. My body was so completely relaxed, I couldn't have moved if I had to. I sighed deeply and gave into the sleep that was trying to overcome me. A small, satisfied smile lingered on my lips.

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Excellent story Bondagejunkie!

I tell you, I have lived the dream....and it was as wonderful as you depicted! There is something magical about the pleasure / pain connection that few people understand!

Good job!


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I've got to say ...... this is a very well written story ...... it made me want to be in the man's role .... plus its made a reaction to me that hasnt been felt in a very long time...... i do have friends that bring this type of story to life ... but so far i have had the pleasure of bringing it to life for my self......

Excellent story ... if you have more would you please post them also.


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EXCELLENT Bondagejunkie!! WOOT talk about a story to make you hot. IF it is okay with you I would like to print it off and have my hubby read it. Let me know I am gonna send you a pm, maybe it will give him a few more ideas. Thanks!! :P

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Thanks, I'm glad you guys liked it. Needless to say, my fiance loved it too. :) I was attacked after he finished it. :) Now there's an incentive to write more stories. :)

Katprr, and anyone else, feel free to print it if you want. I'm glad you liked it that much. :)

I got such a great reaction from my fiance that I'm forming another one in my mind right now, so hopefully it'll be done soon. :) It's just an idea right now, but I'll post it when it's done.

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Yeah, we're planning to on our honeymoon! :) We are renting a cabin in the Smoky Mountains. :) A great spot for fantasies and role playing. :) Don't have to worry about what people might hear through the walls.

Anyway, some of what I wrote was based on real life. We've done most of those things, just not like that. :) But I'm glad you liked the story! :) I'm working on another one. Hopefully it'll be done soon. :)

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WOW! What an awesome story. I am so jealous , hubby and I have talked about that kind of stuff before...but he is not into it. We do other stuff kinda along those lines...maybe someday he will be willing. Anyway Thanks for an awesome read, can not wait for your next story.

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I need the author bad. She unlocked my hidden, life long need for mutual bondage and play. Now I need to visit my "dark horse bj machine" Amazon $87. Works great in absense of the woman of my dreams that wrote that story. The toy is called male masterbater😋

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