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Labia Size


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I am so uncomfortable with my labia size, mine are not huge but they do protrude past my outer labia and hang down a bit. I do not look like the women in playboy. Do men care about labia size. Would they look at me and think i'm unattractive because of my labia size. Are men turned off by labia size. I'm a virgin so no man has seen me naked yet and i'm actually afraid to get naked in front of a man because of it. What do you think?

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Im not a guy, but from my husbands perspective it doesnt matter. Im very self conscience of my inner labia too, but not because its big, not at all, my problem is, they seem too small, like, almost non-exsistant. I wouldn't let anyone go down on me, in the light anyways. Most of the men I talk too, it doesn't matter to them, specially to my husband, he doesn't seem to mind either way, since he has been with a girl (who was a virgin to him) and she had quite large labias that protruded beyond her outer lips. I'm sure others will have better answers.

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Oh honey, we are all beautiful no matter what our labia look like!

Take a look at this website:


You will see ALL kinds of labia there...and they are all beautiful!


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I didn't mean I dislike my labia now, but back when I was younger, I thought it was something to be ashamed of, like, something was wrong with me because I barely had any, and I mean, barely have it. And all the porn mags I seen, the women had nice inner lips, so shapely and coud notice them straight away, didn't have to get really close to see them, like on mine. Since I met my husband, and seen pictures of many different women (btw, I did see that site, waaay before I started coming here hehe) And it has made me comfortable about it. I wouldn't change them for the world. :)

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I too, have checked out that site, and I must say, women really DO vary *down there* as well as everywhere else on their bodies. Everyone is different! And, in one way or another, everyone is beautiful.

I personally, have never heard of a man screaming out of a lady's bed, because her labia was too big.

Yes, some adult models and porn stars have larger labia, but that's usually due to either genetics, or lots and lots and lots of usage!

Let's face it, men are VISUAL creatures. They LOVE to see everything!! And, those models in magazines that have larger labias are a great subject for photographers to focus on!! Hell, I love looking at beautiful women too.

So, please don't worry. Just try and accept how your body is created as it is (easier said than done, I know). Allow a man to worship your body the way he wants too, and the way that pleasures you too.

A confident woman is a SEXY woman!!

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Hi All,

Loads of female comments yet very few from guys. To give some statistical significance, here's my opinion.

They are all fabulous! Go ahead and love them, and don't hesitate to show that to your partner.

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I asked my husband opinion on this for you, he stated "no having a small or large labia really didn't phase him one way or another." He asked a few of the guys at work to and they stated,"it didn't really matter to them either."

My opinion is that if you are comfortable as Mikayla would say ,"In your own skin" then I really don't a man is going to turn you down, walk out of the room ect.. You really need to be comfortable with who you are, labia very from women to women. This just goes to show the generation we live in. I know that I never worried about what my labia looked like when I was younger nor did this thought ever cross my mind.

Bluelight, I wouldn't worry about it I think honest that is the last thing men are going to judge a women on. Wish you the best.

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Thanks for all your help. I already feel a lot more confident. If I'm confident and comforable with myself then any guy should be too and if not I guess he's not for me anyway. I'll work on loving myself more and be proud of what makes me unique. I guess sometimes we just all need a little encouragement to give us a boost. Thanks!

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You know, I never once even thought about the size or proportions of my labia until this thread. I'm now sitting here trying to remember whether or not their proportionate, etc, and I honestly can't tell you. I know my inner labia doesn't protrude, but that's really all I can tell you about it. I haven't once heard a guy say anything about the size or shape of a woman's labia - and while my sexual experience with men is not what others is, I do have a pretty large number of male friends whom I frequently have candid conversations with. I've heard guys comment on breast size, a woman's basic figure, how loose she was, etc and so forth, but nothing about the labia. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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Hey Bluelight...

First I would like to admit that I love labia... When giving a woman oral, they are suckable as well as lickable, and that seems very pleasurable to those who have experienced that technique... Also they feel great wrapped around a mans ppenis, especially when in deep... Large Labia... A personal turn on for me...

So don't think that they are a flaw, rather just another facet of your unique physiology... No two pussies are alike... yours is yours, so you shouldn't be uptight about it. Any guy who doesn't appreciate yours needs not to partake of it...

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