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Single for the first time in 25 years. So much has changed in the variety of condoms available. How do you decide which one is best for you? Textured, vibrating, size, scent, taste even color? How do you know which size if you don't know who your partner is yet? Which ones are best for both partners? Which ones break easily? Which ones protect against STD's the best? Help me out here.

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Hello new again!

In response to your question of which condom is right for you, only YOU can decide that - through trial and error ;)

Because there are so many choices available now, I suppose a suggestion could be to purchase a variety pack of condom's that will allow you to 'test them out'. You can certainly use them on any vibrators or other toys that you may have to decide if you like the texture or feel of them.

As far as not knowing what size to buy ... you could always carry the regular AND the extra large sizes in your purse so that you're always prepared.

I applaud you for wanting to be prepared should the occasion arise that you would need to use a condom. I know a few people that don't seem at all concerned sometimes with bringing someone home after a fun night out and failed to use protection. SCARY! :ph34r:

Remember that no form of birth control is 100% guaranteed effective in preventing STD's. I believe a lot also depends on your partner in using them correctly.

Anyway, I hope I helped in some way. Take care!

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I would also recommend the variety packs to try out, to see what's pleasurable for both of you. Each person has a different preference~hence why there are so many options out there now! ;) Now, lambskin condoms are more sensitive for the man, but not as good for STD protection as the latex are. Remember, with condoms, it's protection, but not guaranteed that you won't get an STD.

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Single for the first time in 25 years. So much has changed in the variety of condoms available. How do you decide which one is best for you? Textured, vibrating, size, scent, taste even color? How do you know which size if you don't know who your partner is yet? Which ones are best for both partners? Which ones break easily? Which ones protect against STD's the best? Help me out here.

Thank you Majikal & Tyger. I didn't know you could purchase variety packs. It is all about STD control for me. Pregnancy is impossible. Interesting also is I have no idea what it will be like to be with someone new. I had surgery recently due to some problems and the gyn removed a large area of scar tissue in my vaginal area, so.....I not only am I 'new again' to this dating thing but you could also say part of my body is 'new again'. Quite a bit tighter I am guessing, which can only be good right? Trust is going to be the big hold up for me--to trust someone again to be 'vulnerable', to be brave enough to put myself out there again.

I would have liked to have gotten some responses from males--what their preferences are...

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thank you Howard, it was nice to get some male input--no pun intended--but it is funny when I re-read this. I have every intention of finding someone who cares for me. I have never been and don't ever plan on being anyone's one night stand. ;);)

For what its worth, any condom feels better if my lover puts it on me herself, rather than waiting for me to put it on. I just feel her involvement makes the act more intimate, and not simply a birth control or disease prevention activity. I bought Trojans, when they were about the only ones available. But, now , even Trojans offers various kinds. I stuck with the traditional condom, simply out of habit. I did try one of the " thin " ones, once, but didn't feel any real difference, and my lover was concerned that it would break, so the sex was short, and full of anxiety on her part. I went back to using the standard variety and she relaxed.

It is not unusual for women to carry condoms, and lubricants in their purses on dates, these day. Some even carry their favorite vibrators . Since I don't really like " one-night stands", because I just don't think the sex is very good until you get to know the person, and find out you like them enough to play with them, I think I prefer women who leave all that stuff at home, and invite me to their bed after we have talked and got to know one another. I like to know I am going to have sex with a woman, in advance, so I can talk to her about STDs, and birth control, etc. and take the necessary steps to have condoms I like available. I did have a lover who wanted me to wear her condoms, and that was my first experience with women having the condoms at their bedsides. I was a little embarrassed at first, but then I showed her how to put them on, and from then she made that part of the fore play. She also liked taking it off! And then cleaning my cock with her mouth and tongue. That drove me crazy. Women talk about being very sensitive after a climax, but men also can be very sensitive after an orgasm, so that any oral attention afterwards can make them climb walls.

So, take your time. Find the right guy for you, and get to know him. Forget about one night stands unless that is really what you want. The kind of men who want a one night stand may not be the kind of guy you want in your bed. They are most often simply out for their own release, and could care less about you. Try to find someone who really wants to make love to you, and not simply get his rocks off.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you Howard, it was nice to get some male input--no pun intended--but it is funny when I re-read this. I have every intention of finding someone who cares for me. I have never been and don't ever plan on being anyone's one night stand. ;);)

This is a good question. And like new again, in some ways. I am new to the dating scene as well. I want to make sure to have protection for when the moment happens. I am not sure what to get. I bought Trojan-Enz, spermicidal lubricant condoms, but then I have read where its not a good thing, not as good or something. I would like to know what to get. I have never bought any to begin with, so its new to me.

Thanks in Advance

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