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What Is Your Ideal Mate Made Of?


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I was wondering ladies - what qualities in a man are the non-negotiable traits that your mate or serious lover MUST possess. I am not talking about a 10 inch cock here - I am talking - intelligence, good job, nice car. What do YOU think makes a perfect "man?"

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First off, great topic!

My ideal man has to be confident, have a great sense of humor, smart and be willing to admit when he is wrong. He also has have great debate skills as I can be very argumentative at times..lol Looks are not a huge priority for me, but he has to have great eyes.

I am luck enough to have found a man who possesses all these skills and coned him into spending the rest of his life with me!

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Well, for me, there is no "perfect mate", since nobody is perfect. Sorry to sound a bit too anal, but that's me. My husband is great. I love him, but he's FAR from perfect!! Then again, so am I!! :lol::P

When I was single, and looking for a guy, I looked for a sense of humor, willingness to try something I like, but he may not have done. Caring, willing to put me first, but still maintaining his relationships with friends and family. Listening to my wants and desires in and out of bed. Adventurous. Tolerance of my quirks, friends, and pets. Allowing me to have ME time too. A great ass and nice eyes didn't hurt either. ;)

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for me

it would be Godly values, intelligent hardworking has a vision never settle for just the now but eager to strive even harder

excellent teeth romantic loving friendly,tall patient a motivator i could go on.

these are things that i didnt think about when i was younger adn i truly appreciate now especially being married

thanks Mikayla great topic makes you really think.

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The first thing is showing love for me. When I met my husband I was going through emotional issues where I really needed to know I was loved. Even though those issues have long since been worked through, I still love the fact that my husband is very verbal and fairly demonstrative in showing his love for me.

Second is a good sense of humor. That is one thing that makes a man sexy to me. Looks are not that important. I mean we may all look a second time at someone great looking, but what keeps us coming back may not be the looks.

Third is kindness and a good heart. Willing to do things for others, and putting his loved ones first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I want someone who fits. Many of my friends are getting married lately (well yeah, because I'm 27 and everyone does. well everyone else anyway!) and some of them are having to change their entire lives. Their families and friends don't like the new SO, the SO's family doesn't like them, etc. I want to be able to bring my SO home to my fam and friends and feel like nothing is really different. I want him to laugh with my bff, and chat with my mom. I want us to fit each others lives as well as possible. I'm not naive, I'm aware that changes are absolutely necessary (who made that rule anyway?) but my fam and friends are just as important to me as any relationship I've had and I don't feel like I should have to change one for the other.

Physically speaking, I love love love TALL guys. I'm about 5'6, and I love tall guy hugs. My dad passed away this summer, but he was 6'4, and I'm really missing his hugs. I want a guy who can. . . .envelope me and make me feel protected and cared for. Sappy huh?


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  • 1 month later...
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Well my perfect mate, (wherever he is) would accept me and not try to understand me; always assume that I'm NOT MAD; be confident enough that he wouldn't question every thing I do, and wouldn't be threatened by anyone I talk to; hopefully be into what I'm into, but if he's not, be totally ok with me enjoying it w/o him, except for sex, which we should ALWAYS enjoy together; be thoughtful, considerate and intuitive, and adore me. He must be a gentleman, and he must be a cowboy. When I find him, I will make him the happiest man on earth

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