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Most Interesting Fetish


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I did some research and talked with some friends who are open about sex also, and I came across some fetishes I have never heard of. So it got me thinking, what do you think of as the most interesting or unusual fetish?

I came across Macrophillia, Splorshing, Mucklarking, Medical Play, and so on as well as the more "mainstream" ones of Leather, feet, stockings, smoking, corsets, and so on. Oh and don't for get ponyplay. That one still boggles my mind right up there with adult infancy/adult diaper play..... :blink:

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The most interesting one that I have ever heard of is "enema fantasies or play" I have seen websites where people do different types of enemas: coffee, saline, what have you. They literally get off by having the enema, and in some cases, would have sex while doing an enema, waiting to release the "fluids" with orgasm!

Now in my book, that is just ODD, ODD, ODD!!!!

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i borrowed a book called

Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices; Brenda Love

oh my! you name it...they have an offical name!

Golden Cocktail (ew)

Melissophilia; Entomocism - use of insects

Entomophilia - arousal from insects

Formicophilia - arousal fron ants

I just turned to a page and picked one.....

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Hands down weirdest one is Necrophelia in my book. That one is so beyond me how someone gets aroused by the dead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far, one of the oddest fetishes I've heard of, is when people dress up in like mascot costumes, and "mate" like the animal that they are. :blink: I've heard of gross ones too, but I just don't wanna go there! :huh:

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OK Mike, forgive my ignorance, but exactly what is Macrophillia, Splorshing and Mucklarking? I'm not sure if they sound interesting or creepy....

I know that Macrophilia is fantasy and fetish involving giants. It basically says that you want to be hovered over by someone VERY large!

I do not know what the others are, perhaps Michael could enlighten us!

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from what I have seen, splorshing is using something liquid that is thicker than normal like chocolate sauce or similar "toppings" that are used for oral and intercourse as lubes and flavors.

mucklarking is a slang term for eating feces. Disgusting.

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I think it's called "sploshing" - but you're right... it's when people apply liquids (mud, whipped cream, juice, oil) to the skin or clothes for arousal. Feces, urine, semen are NOT included in this fetish. I think there is even a magazine devoted to the exploration of this strange fetish!

from what I have seen, splorshing is using something liquid that is thicker than normal like chocolate sauce or similar "toppings" that are used for oral and intercourse as lubes and flavors.

mucklarking is a slang term for eating feces. Disgusting.

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I know that there are all sorts of different likes out there, but those, to me, sound EWWWWWWWWW!!!

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ditto tyger, as well as pony play, furries and all that involves animals directly. I cannot imagine acting like a dog or telling my woman to bark evertime I spank her and things of that nature.

Luvhim, thanks for the info on the book, I have a friend that is graduating college who will love it, I am trying to find it on Amazon!

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Hi All,

Isn't this great or what! These days, there are so strange things out there to satisfy everyones appetite. This is not a fetish, but I recall bumping into a site dedicated to bikini babes being stuck in the mud with their cars. I believe it was called Mud-Stuck Girls or something.


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