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Tubal Ligation...advice Please!


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Most of you old timers (haha) know my history and that I'm sooo done having kids. My new insurance with my NEW COUNTY JOB (yaaaaaaaaay) will pay 100% for tubal. I'm 38, if this makes a factor in your advice. I currently have an IUD but I'd love to just be DONE with everything until menopause.

Y'all have such great advice, so bring it on!!

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My tubal was one of the happiest things I've done. Out patient, quick and easy, on tiny little lightning bolt of a scar in my belly button that you can't even see without some pretty close examination. And best of all, no more worry (as I seem to be pretty fertile, having gotten pregnant on two different forms of birth control).

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I just got all giddy with being reminded about your new job, that I had to cheer for you. Yay!!! :) :) :)

While I have no personal experience with TL, a co-worker of mine had it done a handful of years ago. She'd had two kids with a rotten guy, finally gotten divorced, wasn't planning on more kids. Then, when her first two were in their teens, she met her REAL true love, reversed the TL and had two more, one after the other (yup, two teenagers and two babies! :huh: ). Everyone thought her older son and daughter were the babies parents. *giggle*

The TL she got done before I knew her, but I seem to recall her saying that it wasn't a big deal. The reversal she got while I knew her, and that was a little more complicated. She walked bent over and "tenderly," like she'd just had a bad horseback ride, but it wasn't too long a healing time.

Anyway, not that that helps you any. :D I mostly just wanted to cheer your job, your health coverage, and wish you good thoughts whatever you do!

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Awww....Thanks Val!! I'm discovering its one of those jobs that I rejoice to see unemployed people get good jobs and kick the lazy, late people and say, "no wonder you're unemployed...get a CLUE!!" lol

In terms of the IUD, i ahve to get a new one put in before I hit menopause. Pills are NOT good, the hormones really screwed me up.

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Well I have not had a TL but my husband has had a vasectomy. Pregnancy is not good for me. My body and pregnancy seem to battle and I have MAJOR complications. SO for us the safest thing was a vas for him. We have 2 children together and full custody of his daughter from a previous marriage. That being said I wanted one more child but was told it could risk my life. SO the choice was pretty much taken away from me...BUT the vasectomy was the BEST thing to do. it has made sex worry free. No more birthcontrol (i am also very fertile getting pg on the pill the first time and with one try the second). Worry freee sex anytime anywhere does a person good. So from teh standpiint of permanent birth control I say go for it....if you are 100% positive you are done with babies.

PS-congrats on the new job!!!

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So Glad the new job is going well!

As for the tubal, I am planning on having one after this baby comes out - perhaps IMMEDIATELY after! I am only 36, BUT I know I am done having kids. So I say - GO FOR IT! I think we women know when we are done with childbearing - and the freedom not to worry will make sex A W E S O M E!!!

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Being in the medical field, I have to add my two cents worth here. I'm not sure whether vasectomy for your husband is a choice for you personally but I must say this is a safer alternative than you having a tubal. Vasectomy only requires a local anesthetic where you must have general anesthesia with a tubal. I know chances are slim that anything adverse will happen but if your husband is willing, why take the risk? My husband had his about a year and a half after our third child was born and it was the best decision we ever made.

Mikayla, I must also tell you of our experience with considering a tubal at delivery. We had two relatively easy pregnancies with our first two children. My third was a definite surprise (notice I said "surprise", not "accident"). We knew when we were pregnant with him that this would be our last. My first two were delivered by c-section and the third was a scheduled section. I inquired about having my tubes tied at the same time as delivery. Here is how my OB put it to me "out of 100 deliveries, 99 will be fine and have no problems, but what if yours is that 1 that, God forbid, after delivery doesn't make it? You have then taken away all possibility of having another". I decided against doing it at delivery. Well, we almost had that "one". The day after my son was born, he had a collapsed lung and we didn't know for about two days if he was going to make it. He is a very healthy 14 yo now. I'm not trying to scare you shitless but please take everything into consideration before making a decision such as this during a very hormonally charged emotional time.

As for sex being awesome after a permanent procedure, I couldn't agree with you more!!

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Not to go into deep details, but it would be best for me to get fixed. I don't want the risk of getting pregnant again due to health issues, both on my and his parts.

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I would LOVE to get a tubal. People think I'm crazy for only wanting one child (especially here in the south). Having chronic bouts of sistitus, which is a severe form of a bladder infection, having a herpes break out every darn month, and then I had a sem-hard time with my recouperation time after delivering our daughter via c-section. I didn't have an overly HARD pregnancy, in comparison to some other women I know, but it was very uncomfortable. I really couldn't ENJOY it much.

It took me literally 6 weeks to be able to sit up on my own, out of bed. Until that time, I had to sleep in a recliner. I did try very hard to get up and move around, but I had slightly tore some of my internal stitching near the surface, and it caused me great pain. Personally, I don't want to go thru that, breast feeding, or doing most of it alone (hubby worked long hours, so I am not criticizing him at all. This allowed me to stay home with her).

My husband has a death-fear of needles. Plus, he had to have surgery on his penis as a child, so he absolutely refuses to go have a vascectomy. I think he personally has a slight wish for me to change my mind, but I won't.

Everyone's like, "Oh, just wait a couple of years. When your child goes to school, you'll want another one". Well, it's coming time for our daughter to go to Pre-K, and I am looking forward to going back to work, having some well-desevered ME time. Plus, I am thoroughly enjoying spending some time with our daughter, teaching her, and seeing her grow. Being able to expand what we're able to do more and more with her.

Please don't misunderstand, our daughter was very planned, we love her very much, and I don't regret having her at any time. I just know my limits, and ONE child is mine. I am a big enough woman to admit that.

When we get signed up for health insurance, I plan on getting an IUD. Hubby doesn't really want me too, but, I am tired of using condoms and foam all the time, and I truly believe that fear of pregnancy is a deep reason why my sex drive isn't overly high.

If it's something you really want to do, for whatever reason, then I would say go for it. It's a basic, every day procedure, that is really safe, so I would say then you should do what you want to do.

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Hiya CL, well after my last son was born I had a TL, it was great,wonderful, easy and I loved it. I honestly didnt have any probelms, pain or anything after it. Due to my medical issues though about 4months after my TL I had to have a complete hysterectomy. This has NOTHING to do with my TL or anything. In fact at the time they were wanting to do a hysterectomy but since I had just underwent a major surgery 2 weeks before had, I had a complete tyroidectomy they Drs. wanted to wait a little longer to make sure that my body could handle all the hormone changes from that before they cause another serious hormone change by removing all my insides. :P Hell what a hormonal mess I was for a little.

Anyway my girlfriend had a TL last year and she loves it, no need to worry about anything that chances of something happening are slim. She also had no complications at all in fact she checked in at 9am and was home by noon and besides just being a little tired she was fine. The next day she was out doing her normal everyday stuff. I know you have alot of medical things going on to, I loved it and I had NO complications problems ect. My hysterectomy was due to alot of issues I had prior and had nothing to do with my TL.

Just to ease your mind it is simple easy, you go home the same day. Your choice of course just my thoughts. Also to let you know I worked as a pediatric ICU nurse for many years I havent work in a few years now though due to my Graves Disease, heart etc. Good luck to you and please let us know what you have decided.

Take care

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Ahhh...Grave's disease. I'm sure I'll be hearing a lot about that in the next little while since I know its a form of hyperthyroidism. I just really want to get this done but the timeline looks like it will be at least 6 months because I"d like to build up some vacation time as well as medical leave before I get it done. Thanks for all the great advice!!

(mind if I hit you up for thyroid advice later?)

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