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help me out there guys! ive been going out met this guy that i really like but... he's not exactly packing.... he's maybe 5.5 inches if im lucky and im used to 7 inches and above... is there a pill or a gadget u guys can recommend? what should i do??? :huh:

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Sorry, guys come with what they have. You need to find a taller guy if you want a longer cock. Sometimes you will meet a short guy who is well endowed, but its not the norm.

Since you don't have nerve endings beyond the entrance to your vagina, The length of a man's cock is not particularly relevant if he knows how to use what God gave him. I suspect your current lover doesn't and that is the real problem.

Are you doing your kegels? Is he? Is he overweight? If so, he can gain an apparent Inch in length for every 30 lbs. he loses. He can add some length to his cock by toning up the muscles within and at the base of the cock by doing his kegels. You can help matters out by toning up your muscles so you can really grab and milk his cock with your labia. There are a number of techniques a man can use during intercourse to make it feel like to his female lover that he is much longer than he is, and much wider than he is. If interested in that information, ask and I will explain.

Have fun.


yeah please enlighten me howard... i mean we havent done it yet but im pretty sure are going to eventually lead to that....

hes really slender and did triathlons for like 12yrs...

ive havent been sexually active for the last 3 yrs...but im still worried... wat can i/we do if it comes to that?

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I've had a small variety of lovers. Some short with large cocks, some tall with small cocks, and everything in between. It depends on the person, really. Their genetic makeup, not how tall they are. It's like having blue eyes, large noses, or red hair; it's all genetic really.

I HAVE noticed that people with Italian decent seem to have a bit more um, packaging. Maybe that's my luck though LOL. Say hello to my BIG friend!! :rolleyes::lol:

Anyway, yes, it can be done. If he's thick, all the better. If not, well, as Howard suggested, keep doing your Kegels. They tighten and tone up the vaginal muscles. Where you haven't been sexually active for a while, you may have tightened back up some anyway. If this man is aware of his smallness, and, he is a caring lover, he probably will go above and beyond a normal guy, as far as oral, and other foreplay.

Best wishes!

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Kegals works well and I also would have him stimulate your G-spot and have a couple of orgasms before you start having sex. I have noticed when I have several orgasms my G-spot is super sensitive and I can actually have an orgasm during sex. This may help you acclumate to his penis size.

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Sorry, guys come with what they have. You need to find a taller guy if you want a longer cock. Sometimes you will meet a short guy who is well endowed, but its not the norm.

Since you don't have nerve endings beyond the entrance to your vagina, The length of a man's cock is not particularly relevant if he knows how to use what God gave him. I suspect your current lover doesn't and that is the real problem.

Are you doing your kegels? Is he? Is he overweight? If so, he can gain an apparent Inch in length for every 30 lbs. he loses. He can add some length to his cock by toning up the muscles within and at the base of the cock by doing his kegels. You can help matters out by toning up your muscles so you can really grab and milk his cock with your labia. There are a number of techniques a man can use during intercourse to make it feel like to his female lover that he is much longer than he is, and much wider than he is. If interested in that information, ask and I will explain.

Have fun.


Um Howard hate to break it to you, but not all taller guys have larger cocks. I know this from experince. The largest cock I have ever had was attached to a 5'2" man, and most taller men I have been with have been 6" or smaller.

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And what is the point to this comment, Krazykris? The average man has a cock that is approx. one inch long for every foot of height he has. There are many factors that skew the result of how grown men develop, including injuries, emotional trauma, diet, general health factors,, etc. between the time a baby is born, and it reaches maturity. But, there are general rules. I am not going to carve out exceptions every time I answer someone's question. In this case, I believe the question is misguided. I was trying to be kind to the woman. I don't know any woman who goes looking for a man to love with a tape measure in her pocket so she can measure his cock. Since there are no uniform, agreed-upon, rules for measuring the length of a man's erection, the whole subject is next to totally silly.

Abraham Lincoln, a very tall man, was asked by a boy on a campaign stop how long should his, the boy's , legs be when he grows up? Lincoln said, " Long enough to touch the floor!" The same can be said about men's erections, within limits. Obviously an erection has to be long enough to stimulate a woman's labia, but anything beyond that is just showing off! Its how he uses it, and not its length that is important in love making. Width does make a difference, for many woman, both good and bad, but length rarely is a problem for a man who knows how to use what he has.


Howard she must feel like it is important to her, you don't need to call it silly

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Hello trishy,

Well just wanted to remind you that there are many way for your lover to please you with his tongue, fingers (and I'm sure more that I can't think of right now) not just his penis. If he is a considerate lover he will make sure that get pleasure from making love.As you get more comfortable with him and your relationship grows you can introduce toys into the mix.I thought my hubby would be against toys being brought into the bedroom but boy, was I wrong. Also the Kegals sound like a great idea. I think i'll give them a try too.

Also don't let him know that you think he may be on the small side it won't be good for his confidence or the sex.

Have fun honey :)


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Kegals works well and I also would have him stimulate your G-spot and have a couple of orgasms before you start having sex. I have noticed when I have several orgasms my G-spot is super sensitive and I can actually have an orgasm during sex. This may help you acclumate to his penis size.

so how doe's on stimulate the G spot? is he supposed to know how to find it? coz i dont dont...

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The person doing the stimulating can either insert a toy, which is a bit more comfortable for them, or their finger, which is not impossible, but can be a bit uncomfortable, depending on how long their fingers are. Going with the finger, insert the finger, then doing the "come hither" motion with it (having the finger pointing up, and almost like scratching, but gentler. The finger should be up, like it wants to point to your tummy, not your butt. The G-spot, generally, is about 3 inches up inside of you. Here's a diagram, to show you about where it is. I will also post the link where I got it. THis is a great article to read and learn about!


Mikdayla's article on how to have a G-spot orgasm

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I love to have my g-spot stimulated with fingers. I do have some toys that are specifically for the g-spot and those work well to. Don't be afraid to have open communication with your boyfriend. The diagram and artical that Tyger gave you is perfect for finding your g-spot. Relax and have fun.

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YOu haven't been sexually active for 3 years? Well, the first thing you need to do is PLAY with each other. Sex is Adult Playtime. Its suppose to be fun. If you are not teasing, giggling, laughing, tickling, whispering outrageous things to each other long before you get those clothes off, and all the time you are together, you are doing something wrong. Foreplay begins when you get up in the morning, and doesn't stop until you fall asleep. Touching is very important for both of you to do. Make sure your play involves activites that touch and feel good. That is why I recommend that you join your husband in the shower, and massage his shoulders and back, and then wash him yourself, so he can be both clean, and receive a good massage in the warmth of hot water. Then hand him the washcloth and soap, and ask him to return the favor. Always makes sure to wash his family jewels yourself. Don't comment at all on his erection. ( The silence is itself a tease.) Just clean it like it was your engagement ring! Same with his balls and his ass. Don't forget to massage his legs and feet, as everyone enjoys a good foot massage, and men are no different. If he is awkward or hesitant about how to massage you, instruct him.

When the shower is done, DON'T move to separate corners to towel off. YOU towel him off, paying close attention to the family jewels, of course, and let him towel you off. When he dries your breasts, or labia, and clit, if it feels good, tell him. Words work, but moans do the job, too. Invite him not to stop that for the rest of your life. COMMUNICATE to him about SEX. TELL HIM when he is making you feel aroused, or when something is turning you on. Tease him. My wife once began telling me how concerned that she was NOT to have soap remaining in her vagina, and asked me to be sure it was all gone. She spread her legs as wide as possible to give me access. When I wiped with the towel, she said, " That feels good, but ( innocently ) you might want to check that with your tongue. You know, you can taste soap when you can't feel it!" I laughed, and proceeded with the taste test!

Oral sex should and must be a huge part of your " Foreplay" and play. It begins with kissing. There are countless different ways to kiss your spouse, from light pecks on the cheek, which should only be reserved for Grandmothers, INMO, to a long slow swiping pass over his lip, or lips, to the deep throal kind of crushing kiss that has his tongue trying to get down your throat, and you trying to get yours down his. There are thousands of places in between, to do with tongues and lips, and then you get to do all those different things all over each other's bodies. If you resist doing the same thing, the same way, in the same order day after day, your partner will never know what to expect, and the slight anxiety will keep him excited and looking forward to playing with you.

The same Idea applies during sexual intercourse. SI is not a race to orgasm. Its play. Or, it should be. Instead of thrusting his cock as fast as he can into you( sometimes just the right move to make but not always) he can tease you by only entering your labia a little, and then withdrawing, rubbing the head of his cock around your labia and clit. Then back to inserting his cock, but a little further, than stopping, just wne you think he's going all the way in. Then pulling back out, and maybe this time, rubbing his cock back and forth from your anus to your clit and back again, as if he was holding a paint brush, then back to insertion, and maybe a little bit more, even with a bit of a rush, only to stop and move his cock from side to side, and then withdraw, all the time kissing you and ignoring your squeals of protest and delight, and questions asking him what he is doing, and why isn't he coming into you, as you are ready and you want him now, etc. Instead he just smiles, and continues to tease you with his cock.

I used the rim of my cock's head( crown) to push against the side of the muscles in her pussy, and slowly draw my cock out so that the muscles were being pulled as if I had hooked her hem with my finger and was slowly lifting it up. At some point, the labia would slide off the rim of my cockhead, giving her a thrill. I then would go back into her pussy about 1/4 the way, and do the same thing to her other side. Since the nerves in those labia are directly connected to her clitoris, the " Plucking " of her labia would send serious chills and arousal to her brain, via the clit, and she was be shaking in anticipation of getting my cockin her pussy so she could wrap her legs around me and hold me in there.

Not yet, darling.

One of the tricks in making her think your cock is a lot longer than it really is involve a short quick thrust-- no more than half the length of your cock--- and then a far slower withdrawal of your cock from her pussy. because you went into her so fast, her brain can't process the information with the few nerve cells she has, and she can't tell how much of your cock went in. When you slowly withdraw- slower than you normally withdraw your entire length normally, to her labia, you feel much longer than you are. Always pluck her labia on the way out. Use the crown to rub up against her clit, and brush her crotch with the head from ass to clit, and back, again, using that brush stroke. Think like her pussy is a paint can and you are dipping your brush into it and painting her crotch with her juices. Then insert again, maybe this time with a slower movement, but again, no more than 1/2, then pull it back out, again. Take your time getting all of you into her. She will be so aroused, and so excited by the slowness of your entry that she won't know how long your cock actually is: she only will feel like you have grown a telephone pole.

The same kind of things can be done with your cock to make her feel like its the widest cock since the monstrous cock she saw in a porn movie. When you move side to side, ( insert the cock half way, and then move your hips side to side, pressing the side of the shaft of your cock against her labia and those nerves) it makes that cock feel like its demanding she be much wider to accomodate you, and the brain translates that into " You are huge " tonight. You can push your hips from sided to side as you are moving both IN and OUT of her pussy with your cock, the entire length of your cock. Remember your cock gets wider at its base than it is at the crown, so USE that to convince her brain that you are that wide the whole length. That short quick stroke into her will put pressure on the sides of her pussy, as your cock widens. The rush sends those width sensations to her brain, but so slow, the brain thinks you were that wide at the crown of your cock. ERGO, the idea that you are " HUGE " tonight.

You can swivel your hips as you drive your cock slowly into her pussy, making a corkscrew movement, This not only makes you feel much wider in girth than normal, but it also overloads the brain as to how much of your are in her, and confuses her as to length of your cock. All that direct pressures on the nerves, muscles, and tendons, that are connected to the pubic arch, and the clitoris, result in substantial sexual arousal. When you FINALLY push your cock all the way in, those nerves will be feeling for everything, and what they feel at the entrance of her pussy is the base width of your cock, not the smaller width of the cockhead deep inside her. If you push her knees up to her chest during all this, her hips will swivel or pivot upwad, and that action will shorten her vagina's length, so that again, she " Feels" you are longer than you are. It also tightens the pressure of her labia against the shaft of your cock, and reduces the size of the opening to her vagina, so even the smallest cock can give increased stimulation.

What I have described can be normally done in the " Missionary Position". But you can use other positions to effect. Roll her over on top of you and let her ride you. If she has been doing her kegels, now is the time for her to use those muscles to grab your cock even as she is lifting herself up and off of it. She can practice pulling your cock into you. Any such action will make you seem much larger than you are, and much longer than you are. With her on top, you get to rest, and play with her breasts, or clit, or any other part of her that you can reach and massage, caress, fondle, kiss, lick, bite( lightly-- we are playing, not punishing here--) scratch, etc. TICKLE HER, for God's Sake! If she begins to laugh, while aroused, that is most likely to take her off to her orgasms.

If the guy comes from all that excitement, so what? The couple can return to " foreplay " using hands, fingers and lips to get him another erection, and then resume the playing. Many men fail to even try to be good lovers because they think they are a failure if they cum before the woman does. NOT TRUE. A climax is simply a physical compliment the man is giving his lover. She excites him! What is abnormal, or a " failure " abou that? Men are quite capable of having second and third erections. Just remember that this is about playing with your spouse. Always. There is no time limit for having fun. If either of you impose an artificial time limit, something is very wrong with the relationship, and it begins long before the sex play.

I hope that helps. I have not explained about the dry orgasms. You are a long way from using that information if you have not had sex in 3 years. When you get back up to having sex a couple of times a day, then ask again. You have to learn to walk before you run, run before you sprint, sprint before you leap. Dry orgasms are a few stages beyond the " leap ".


ok howard i'm lost are you talking to a women or a man, i've been reading on till i got here now i'm lost. isn't this about a women worried about the size of her man.??? but i do agree that the height has nothing to do with the size of a mans penis, me ex boyfriend is four inches shorer then mt ex husband and he was much larger in that area....

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