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Do You Have A Sexy Bedroom?


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I need to redo my room. I've looked online and have a basic idea of what needs to be done, but I'm a visual person and would like to see some pictures.

Does anyone want to share?



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I don't really have any pics either, but I would say, as a woman, that, instead of white walls (which can be too bright in the daytime) darker colors for the walls. Darker colors are more sexy usually. Adding some bright lamps, lightly colored candles, and pictures can help lighten up the room.

A brick red, with white or cream trim, or a dark navy blue, white trim, with some plain curtains/drapes on the windows. A sexy bedroom really depends on what you like. I like tigers (duh), and my hubby likes John Wayne (ew). So, for us, it's kinda hard to make it "sexy" for the both of us. Muted lighting (maybe either touch lamps, or lamps with the bulbs that have the dimmer, dim, and bright settings on them), candles, maybe some wall sconces, safely mounted.

I also think canopy beds are extremely sexy. Dark bedding, and a couple of stratigically placed mirrors (like on your vanity or bureau).

Simplicity can be added too, without distracting. For instance, if you want to add a nice touch, such as some scarves on the lights, that can be thrown on there, and removed without detracting or being overly distracting.

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One thing that is a requirement is that whatever our comforter color is, it has to match the curtains. :-) He doesn't want to buy new curtains. They're not special. They're soft tan colored ones from Lowes.

I know he doesn't like the girly themes, which is fine. We've had the silk sheets and comforter before and neither one of us were thrilled w/ them. We do have some idea of what we DON'T want.

I will ask though if he has anymore input.

Right now, our room is awful. Anything will be an improvement.

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Hmmm. I was waiting to see a backelor submit a pic with the revolving bed, disco lights and cheetah prints. Since thats not happening, I guess I'll chime in. My boyfriend is laughing and wants to respond. He says: Pick a theme. Go with Dom/S & M, Lounge style or Cave. All else is unecessary. Hahaa.

Howard has an excellent point that asking a lover what their interests are can add to a rooms sexiness for you both. But for those maybe not in a relationship or wanting to take things into their own hands.....

My thoughts on how to add to a rooms mood:

*Having variations of lighting (i.e. Candles, soft bulbs, can you put in track lighting? )

*Textures - Leather, silk, plush, etc. For example, a soft or silky-like throw on the bed. While you have to be careful sometimes what you put where, they can heighten how you feel and moods.

*Lots of pillows. - These generally end up on the floor eventually, but they also give opportunities to move the action to another spot in the room.

*Mirrors - I'm sure many on this board can attest to loving watching their lover or themselves in the mirror during the thrusts of passion.

*Colors- color theory is really an intreaguing study on the human psyche. I'm sure some of you have heard of things such as restaurants using red instead of blue table clothes to increase appetites. Don't paint a baby's room yellow because of the way they can react to the color and it's vibrancy. Hospital rooms are generally green because of the soothing qualities. etc. etc. etc. You don't necessarily have to go out there and paint your room red. But leaning towards a color palette can change the mood of your room. Here's a quick link for referencing: http://colourstyle.silvergarden.ca/colour-features.html

I think I read somewhere in a Feng-shui book (yes I know it's a bit hippy dippy) that adding a red object to your bed can increase passion in your love life as well.

Hope that helps on your pursuit for new flava - Ginger

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