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Whats The Largest?


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I have been looking at diff toys and I cant help but to notice some of the sizes of them!! I mean some of them are like dayum! :o

So out of general curiousity I want to ask you ladies what is the largest toy in either circ. or length that you have used..

Some of the ones I have seen just have to be for novelty joke purposes and not for personal use...or are they??

So come on ladies lets hear what your biggest feats were... :P

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I know of several women that just LOVE that FULL feeling!! So, the bigger,the better (to a degree). I know that the John Holmes dong is HUGE, and, that would be a bit on the extreme side~for me. Though there is a poster on here that has used it, and really liked it.

My biggest is The All American Realskin Vibrating Dong with a total length of 8" and a diameter of 1.5". I LOVE LOVE LOVE that toy!!!

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You are obviously not aware of " Fisting " as a sexual practice. There are also videos out there showing women taking huge dildoes that are at least 4 inches in diameter, and about 2 feet long, and getting most of them all the way into them. It obviously depends on the woman and her internal sizing capabilities. I knew a guy years ago who was built like John Holmes. He went through three short marriage because his wives could not take his full length. He was dating a really short woman( he was over 6 feet tall) who apparently could take all of him. She had asked him to buy her one of the double ended dildoes so she could practice for him so it did not take them so much time to get him into her vagina to make love every time they got together. It was my first look at one of those dildoes, as it was delivered to him at work, and was passed around to see what reaction the guys would have to it. He delivered it to her that morning after we all pulled our trucks out of the barn, as his GF only lived about 2 blocks from the shop, and we noticed him as talking to her, and giving her the long box as we were clearing a nearby intersection on our way out to our route.

Remember that babies make it throught that same space, so there are very few men so well endowed that a woman cannot take him inside her. How big it is, really depends on how big the woman's hips are, NO? The few women I have met that are interested in this sort of thing tell me it helps if you have previously given birth to a child or two.


yea I have heard about it and seen it done in films..just not something so sure that happens off film..lol

I was just curious about some of the sizes of toys women on here have used. My wife has started playing mor with our toys and has shown an interest more in more in girth and length....

Wont hear me complain!! lol

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7 inches was my first and only toy. it was a vibrator, and not really fit for insertion... But I kinda think that bigger better thing is overrated. I like to keep it ... tight. so I dont really feel the need to strech it to the limit or anything. but who knows, I may like it. My boyfriend is just the right size, so I dont really think anything past a seven is neccesary. But whats neccesary anyways, besides an orgasm!

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Well, the largest toy I have ever used was 10 inches long and about 3-4 inches wide. I do not remember the name, it was well before TooTimid! I also have been fisted before - so in that case it was quite large - but I did indeed enjoy it immensely! Being this full is NOT for everyone!!

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I ran across some pics the other day of a girl who inserted a Nerf football all the way in her. There were also lava lamps and soda bottles and other large items but I seriously doubt that many women would even attempt this. My gf has the 15" double headed and one that is about 8-9" by 2" and she loves them.

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:PWell I will admit I purchased the John Holmes which is about 3inches in girth and approx 12inches long.

http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3129 I also wrote a review on it here is the link. :P

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