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None Stop Razor Burn On Coochy! =[


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So I've been happily shaving down there for about two months. I never liked shaving down there, but my bf told me it would be sexy if I did, and I've liked it ever since! (deff makes oral better!)

ANYWAYS no matter what, Im always getting razor burn, or the pores bleed a little bit. I've read the shaving article, and I dont see what I'm doing wrong. I never use a dull razor, I shave about every 2-4 days, I use either Choohcy shave creme, shave gel, or conditionor all depending whats in the shower at the time. I stroke with the hair to trim it down a bit, and then shave against it to make it smooth. I know this is what causes the burn because it slightly 'burns' as I shave up, but I have to shave against the hair in order to make it silky smoooooth. My bf says that my skin just needs to get used to shaving down there, but I think its been long enough! :unsure:

I haven't tried waxing yet, I suppose this would be best, but I know it can be pricy. I would try a home wax kit but I know that its not really recommended.

Any suggestions?? thanks!


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You can't shave the skin dry. From what I am understanding, you are shaving the soap off the skin( or gel or cream) with one stroke of the razor, going with the grain, and then, WITHOUT PUTTING MORE SOAP, GEL, OR CREAM ON THE AREA AGAIN, are shaving against the grain. That is what is causing you all the problems. That, and putting too much pressure on the blade to get all those NUBS cut off with one pass of the blade. You have to relather the skin every time you run a blade over it, and Particularly when you shave against the grain. You also have to take much shorter strokes. For get those Noxema ads where the lady runs the blade the length of her calf in one stroke. There is no razor in that prop, and her legs were shaved smooth before they lathered them for the commercial. Take short lght strokes. Use more gel( My recommendation, but then I have never used Coochie cream) before you shave an area again. wash that blade out thoroughly before you go back for another shave. When in doubt, use a new blade.

I hope that helps you.


Yes...you need to keep it lathered with something to act like a lubricant. My wife started shaving it all again a couple months ago..she allways kept it trimmed real short anyways..usually just a small strip right above...but now she has gone back to being bare :)

She keeps a bottle of saline solution in the shower as a few years ago we came across a shaving article by a well know adult actress who swore that visine worked wonders after shaving.

keep it slick and pampered to have the silky feeling without the burn! ;)

Odd that its just been us men commenting....this is about the time that the ladies will step in and correct us a little bit :P

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Never heard about the saline solution trick....I will have to try that one. After all, can't be TOO smooth down there!! Thanks for the info!

I get razor burn pretty easily. Another key in successful shaving, is finding something that works for HER. Unfortunately, this can take some time and money, because you're buying different products. My favorite product that I use to use, is no longer sold, as my luck. However, Coochie Cream really worked great!

Also, is she applying lotion afterwards? If so, she needs to stop. I don't know if she is or not, since that wasn't mentioned. But, if she IS, and she's doing it right after she gets out, she needs to wait for a few hours after shaving, to give the pores time to heal up. Any lotions applied on a freshly shaved area, especially one that's not use to being shaved, will irritate the skin.

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I forgot to mention that the saline is applied afterwards......something to do with the pores...

Little fuzzy headed right now from a few down the hatch today so............................................. :P

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Joey 9817, you crack me up.

Another idea is to try one of the newer razors that have come out that have the built-in "slick" strip. They are usually made with aloe or some other type skin protector. This helps to provide an additional skin protector and also to prevent irritation when adding pressure to get the last few "nubs". A couple of the ones I have tried are Gillette Venus and the Schick Quattro. They give an incredibly close shave without so much of the irritation.

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I have been shaving smooth for about 7 years now. It's just part of my everyday shower routine. I do take an extra minute ot two to ensure that I use plenty of body wash to get a good base for shaving and I do not rush it.

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the lotion is what probably set off the razor burn! I would put it on right after drying off in the shower :(

I didnt put it on all the time though, so maybe the fact that im not using aloe strip razors plays a part to!

i supose i wasnt paying attention to the little details.

thanks for the help guys and girls! ill let you know if the tips improve it.


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it's best to shave in the direction that the hair grows, shaving against it could create ingrown hairs [which appear much like little red spots]... make sure you use a shaving cream with no alcohol + fragrance free... exfoliating before hand and moisturizing after could help too!

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