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Penis Rings And Vacuum Pumps For Ed Problems


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I have ED, and have had for a while. I read the "guide to ED" and thought this would be a good place to ask stuff. I have heard that using a vacuum pump can help, and so can penis rings. Has anyone had any experience of these things? How effective are they, and what type should I get?

thanks in advance,


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I concur, you should really consult your doctor, who will probably either prescribe something like Viagra, or have you see a urologist. Some will even prescribe a penis pump to you for such issues.

Good luck in your search.

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I concur, you should really consult your doctor, who will probably either prescribe something like Viagra, or have you see a urologist. Some will even prescribe a penis pump to you for such issues.

Good luck in your search.


I did see my doctor, and he gave me a prescription for viagra. It's not something I could see helping long term, as it is quite expensive each time, and as we don't have much money, it would be a lot of pressure for it to go well! I never collected on the prescription.

I can get a semi fairly easily, and also can get a full erection, but it doesn't last very long. There aren't any health problems to worry about it affecting. I've had a vasectomy (a long time ago). Don't know if that changes anything?

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I understand about Rx's being so expensive.

You didn't tell us how old you are, or how stressed out you are either. Those things can also be factors.

I've never heard of the act of getting an erection hurt by having a vasectomy. An erection, as you well know, is a rush of blood to the penis. A vasectomy, is 2 cuts in the testicles, where they either cut or cut and burn the small "tubes" that allow the seminal fluid and sperm to the penis. So, I'm not seeing how that could affect them. Have you asked your DR if that could be part of the problem?

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Have you read my article on ED? It might give you some suggestions or help you to find something to try that you haven't.

Guide to ED

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Have you read my article on ED? It might give you some suggestions or help you to find something to try that you haven't.

Guide to ED

yep - I read that article - that's what led me to this site in the first place.

I think that the ED is a result of stress, and so does my doc. It's a combo of a few factors - firstly the stress itself, then the fact that because we've been stressed we haven't had that much sex recently (lack of excercise for my little man!) and of course the pressure to be able to come up trumps doesn't help...

I'm still reluctant about the meds. I don't like the idea of having to depend on them to get an erection, especially when they cost so much!

I've noticed that when I masturbate more, my erections are much better, so I'm thinking about getting a masturbator to help. Simple old hand-to-gland combat gets a bit boring after a while, and if I'm doing it in an attempt to excercise my member, then I'm not always going to be very sexually excited! Does that sound sensible or am I imagining the improvement?

The jury is still out on both the pump and penis-ring idea. would a pump actually help the blood flow in that area, does it just 'suck up' blood for the time with no long-term effects, or does it actually make things worse?

Also, is it like a proper erection with the pump?

With the cock rings, I know someone said you shouldn't have them on for more than 20 mins. That should be enough time to be getting on with! At the moment I can just about manage 3 minutes if I'm lucky. As long as I stay within that time, are they relatively safe? It does seem slightly scary restricting blood flow like that, but if it helps then I'm all for it!

PS I only mentioned my vasectomy because someone said something about 'blue balls'. It's probably irrelevant.

Sorry about the long post!

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Good! I am so glad you found your way here! As I said in my article, stress is one of the largest causes of "ED" - that is not medically based. I also mention that my hubby had a nasty bought of ED when he had started a new job. EVERY time his little man wouldn't "cooperate" he would feel bad (even though I tried not to let him) and the next time would be worse. He did get some samples of Cialis and they worked wonderful - but, like you, he didn't want to depend on a pill to get it up! He felt that made him less of a man (which is DOES NOT!) - so after he got his confidence back, he no longer needed them. It just took some times of getting a good, solid erection to boost his confidence again! We still have the back up pills (his doctor gave him loads of samples - look into it :) ) and when he is having a stressful time - we sometimes resort to it. It doesn;'t bother him or make me feel "less sexy" either!

So yes, the meds are expensive, but your doctor does get loads of samples and if he is inclined,he can spread his wealth! At least try to get some so you can boost your confidence. If it is indeed stress - and no medical reason - these pills work wonderfully!

You are correct, masturbation is exercise for your "little man!" You should masturbate more - but then keep in mind that if you masturbate right before sex, you may not get an erection! Have you tried having your partner masturbate you until you are erect? Many times I would tell my hubby that I just wanted to suck his cock -so I would and soon he would have a rock hard erection (no pressure about sex and performance) and he would tell me to hop on and I would. It really does make a difference if psychologically you are not expecting sex.

No, it makes perfect sense what you said about masturbation. Perhaps getting a masturbator would be a wonderful way to help ease the mundane! Also, try some masturbation lubes - especially the ones that help with an erection!

Npw, here are my thoughts / experiences with pumps and rings:

Pumps are GREAT for the moment. They do pump up your penis, make you erect and larger. This effect is only temporary - but if you are having trouble getting erect and staying erect, this can give you the boost you need. There is some research out there that suggests if you use a pump regularly it will help long term with ED. Well, I personally think that if your issue is stress - that the pump may not help as much. People who have blood flow issues can benefit from pump use, but if you have a psychological block, then it might not help as much for you.

Now, cock rings are a simple and wonderful invention! Cock rings really DO help for all types of ED. Just remember the rules: get one the fits snuggly, not painfully. I suggest the pack of 3 sizes sold here on TT. Put it on over your semi-erect penis AND balls - you need to cinch in the blood, and going over theballs is the only way to do this. Do not leave it on more than 20-25 minutes - and if your penis goes numb, take it off! Penis rings are really a great way to get an erection and keep it. My hubby loves to use cock rings even when he isn't having issues! They make the erection very hard and you will feel verile and strong - I definitely reccomend!

I doubt the vasectomy had anything to do with this, but there have been cases of lack of sensation and erection ability after a vasectomy - but I think that is very, very rare!

Good luck and let me know if you have more questions!

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If Rx cost is the major problem here then you should look at some of the online pharmacies. I think I've seen Viagra at about $2 each in quantity. However before you order check the legalities of these online sellers and see also if there have been any complaints filed as to quality of product or failure to deliver.

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I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Be careful where you are buying your meds from. Companies who sell to a global market have different standards in different countries. The drug you buy from another country may not stack up well against the US formulation for that same drug.


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:lol:Yes Thurisas (see, spelled it right this time :rolleyes::P;) ), you have said that before, and it's worth repeating.

A lot of "online drug companies" are really hard to regulate online. So, you may think you're getting what the FDA has approved for dosage, when you're not. It may be a much higher dose than the FDA allows. Also, it's hard to know whether or not that the meds your getting are the ACTUAL meds.

It's kinda similar to the whole toothpaste scare that happened not too long ago, some lowere ranged retail store was getting a particular brand of toothpaste (Colgate, I think), but the kind they were getting was made in either China or Japan, something like that. It was making kids sick cuz of some ingredient that was higher than what the FDA allows here in the U.S.

So, if you're getting some medications online, and are wondering or kinda nervous, I would suggest going to your doctor, see if (s)he has samples, or, if not, if they know of a reputable online source.

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Aw, that's too bad Tyger. I think you were well on the way to getting into a world record for number of times spelling a word wrong when it was sitting there on the screen in front of you.;) No worries over the misspellings, though, I was never offended and you weren't the only one.


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I am kinda scared of the idea of buying meds online. I looked into it a while back, and couldn't tell who was genuine and who wasn't!

It may be different in the US, but here in England, the pharmacies sell viagra (if you have a prescription) for £10 ($20) a pill. That's a lot of buck for your bang!

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