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I Constantly Push Him Outto The Point Its In A Matter Of Seconds


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I constantly orgasm through sex, and the frustrating part is during intercourse I am continuously pushing him out, which is even leaving me stuck in an orgasm, or loose the orgasm only half of one , but I cannot stop going until I have multiple full blasted orgasms. It becomes distracting problem. I want to orgasm with him inside and I do not know how to control or stop doing this.

I don't even know what exactly is happening to me other than I'm orgasming or sometimes I even feel as if my orgasm never ended and he can't completely get in or instantly pushed out. What can I do? WE do alternatives to where he finishes making me squirt in other ways without the intercourse , but I want him inside and feel as one with him.

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I'm sure the more experienced people can help you more than I can. I'm not sure I understand--you're having normal penis-in-vagina intercourse and you keep accidentally pushing him out? :unsure: I can't say that I've ever experienced that. Are you really tense? Could you do the opposite of kegels and really practice teaching your muscles to relax? Maybe deep breathing??

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I am not sure I fully understand what is going on, but one thing to consider is to get a lot of that energy you have stored up OUT before Sexual Intercourse( SI) begins, by asking your lover to give you multiple orgasms orally during " foreplay". When most women have had a few multiple orgasms they are able to relax, and that includes their vaginal muscles. That will allow your lover to fully insert his cock in your pussy so that the two of you can have orgasms together, with him inside you and not out. I don't know how it is you are pushing him out? Are you using your arms, and feet? or What? I have pushed my lover's feet up along side her head so that she could not clamp down or push my cock out of her with just claimping her vaginal muscles on my cock and squeezing me out. She actually liked feeling me in her fully when she climaxed, and didn't get angry at my foring her legs up and away so they could not be used to push me away when she was not acting fully consciously. In fact, she was so surprised at the intensity of the orgasm she had, she actually thanked me for finding a way to keep from pushing me away.

I hope that helps. If not, please write back and explain in more detail what it is you are doing, and how you are doing it. If there is a sex position I have not tried, its only because my body would not let me get into that particular shape! I think we can help you if you better describe what is going on, and who is doing what. Thanks.


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I will explain in more detail. When we are having intercourse I am vaginally pushing him out and sometimes he cannot push himself back in or he can but I end up pushing him back out over and over again. As far as foreplay and having more orgasms first, the more orgasms I have the worse it gets, as if my vagina stays tight, or maybe when you describe locked on to your penis, that is when I end up pushing him out and I do not know how to not do that, nor do I know how to control my muscles for this not to happen.

We do foreplay and I squirt on average 5 times or more, about every two minutes, but it seems the more I squirt the worse I am tight or something.

Possibly, when I was pregnant with my first child, my doctor said that I have very strong muscles and that giving birth will go very fast. I have had three children and gave birth in less than an hour. When it was time to push, I only had to push three times with first one and twice with the other two and they were born. nOne of my doctors made it to the hospital quick enough and I was stuck with a doctor I did not know.

My hypothesis is two things, I have strong muscles naturally, and the second is, whatever the kegel exercise effects women have done, that maybe , because I have never done kegels it, is not something I learned how to do, that I do not know how to control in anyway.

We have foreplayed so I can orgasm-squirt, and even after I end up pushing him out, he will just rub his penis fast up and down my clitt and I squirt, in hopes that eventually I will be so worn out that maybe to the point I cannot squirt anymore, and not be able to orgasm so he can be inside me, but no matter how long we are having sex I have yet to stop squirting, and I become even tighter to where he cannot even insert his penis, so most of time at that point, he will eventually masturbate and cumm on me, or I finish him off. I have even become so frustrated I ask for him to anally , because I will give up and I do like that too.

We do all kinds of different positions. I like variety and so does he, but being in any position does not make a difference. The same thing will happen. We have at times, skipped foreplay and if we just have quickies and I mean really quick it seems to be more sucessful, but we do not want to only be loving each other for 5 minutes or less and only one orgasm together every time we make love.

Does that make more sense, and enough detail. If not reply with whatever you do not understand, or what more information is needed. Can you help me or have suggestions. I really do not know what I am doing , but it happens naturally. Is there anyway I can learn to not do this, and if there is how? I also cannot control having to not orgasm.

My boyfriend says it's ok. i am always apologizing and I want it to be intimate. To me quickies, I am only out to get off not make love, so it really bothers me and I love him. He is also the first, I have ever squirted. I have not loved someone the way I love him. He is the first man I have ever trusted enough that I am not out to get off, I am making love. ---And no I cannot just, excuse my expression just fuck him like I have with my other sexual partners. I cannot control that when it comes to him, because I love him 100% and then some.

Please help me,


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I'm sure the more experienced people can help you more than I can. I'm not sure I understand--you're having normal penis-in-vagina intercourse and you keep accidentally pushing him out? :unsure: I can't say that I've ever experienced that. Are you really tense? Could you do the opposite of kegels and really practice teaching your muscles to relax? Maybe deep breathing??

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Thank You for answering back to me. I do not know how to do a kegal , yet alone the opposite. I do not feel nervous or tense. I am completely, utterly letting things happen naturally. This is happening without me being able to control it. I cannot stop from orgasming, squirting, or hold back to make things last longer either. No matter how many times I do orgasm like this, I become even more tighter. That's the best way I can explain it. I have even been stuck in an orgasm even after the squirting for an hour or two even though I cannot squirt anymore. I don't get it. Iv'e thought about asking a doctor about all of this and maybe something is wrong , but I am too embarrassed too. I'm embarrased to talk to anyone which is why I am on here hoping someone can explain what is happening to me and why. In hope too that maybe they know a way I can stop this, control it, when I want too.


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I understand that you are embarrassed. However, I truly believe that this is an issue that needs to be discussed with your doctor. Even if (s)he doesn't have the answer, the resources to find you an answer are there. This person has seen you in the most unflattering of times and positions. These doctors really have seen and heard almost everything.

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As a woman that does Kegels, I will try to describe how to do them.

Instead of "Pushing" with vaginal muscles, try squeezing them, like you would if you have to go pee, and have to hold it. Squeeze, hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Start doing this 15-20 times at a setting, then work your way up.

If you have trouble concentrating on the muscles, there are Pleasure/Exerciser Balls, which I have tried, like Royal Balls, and an item that I also tried a short time ago called The ISIS, which is speficially a Kegel exerciser.

Good luck!

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My wife can also squeeze me out - but it usually adds to her argasmic release - especially when I reenter her. One thing you might have your husband try is changing positions a bit. If he's on top, perhaps he can hold your legs up higher to get better leverage and access. I hold my wife's ankles at about my shoulder level and "steer". When she starts pushing me in this position, I rock her back a little which allows me to stay inside her through her "very energetic" orgasms.

When she is on top of me, she just pushes down harder on me to keep from squeezing me out. She can sit up straight which forces her pelvis against mine - causing even deeper penetration against her clinching muscles. Again, that's just a rocking motion that grinds our pelvis bones together. It's all about leverage. :)

I try and pace myself (and my excitement levels) to where I can maintain a strong enough erection to offer resistance to her muscles. Sometimes, the squeezing pushes me over the edge which only serves to intensify her orgasm even more!

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This used to be a problem for my hubby as well. I would orgasm and as my muscles contracted, he would be forced out. I learned 2 things about this. First, if he wants to stay IN he needs to push ALL the way up into me when I am about to cum. He can tell it is about to happen because of the normal contractions that lead up to it. Second, if I want to sort of restrain my contractions a bit, I learned to relax a little more during the height of it and then it wouldn't be so strong. I think us girls with strong vaginal muscles who do our Kegels are really talented and sometimes that talent works against us!

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