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Uti's From Sex? :\


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This is a problem Ive been having for a few months now...Everytime my BF and I have sex, within 24 hrs, I get HORRIBLE UTI symptoms (urinary tract infection if you don't know). These symptoms include constant, frequent, PAINFUL urination (literally like every 10 minutes, but barely anything comes out), often my urine has a musky smell and it's kinda cloudy, and a few times there has even been blood in my urine! AHH! This usually goes away in about 4 hrs...and only comes back if we have more sex....I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!!! It only lasts a little while (generally at night which is terrible because I have to get up and disturb him every 10 min) etc....Is this still a UTI even though it only lasts a few hours??? Ive tried the cranberry juice thing, showering before and after, peeing before and after, nothing seems to help!

NOTE: We ALWAYS use condoms and change them out when needed, there is NO chance of STD's for either of us (we got tested), etc

I know sex causes a high chance of UTI because bacteria gets worked in the urethra...but come on...EVERY TIME :( UGH!!!!

Has anyone else gotten this? what do i do?

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I would suggest that you discuss this with your physician. You may have a UTI that is not going away with the cranberry juice, etc. You may need a course of antibiotics to clear it up completely. Some women need to take a single dose of antibiotics before sex.

It may be something as simple as irritation from intercourse.

Please discuss this with your doctor.

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I get sistitus, which is a severe type of bladder infections, on a regular basis, so honey, I feel for ya!!

I agree, you should go see your doctor, especially if there's blood in your urine. If you're not getting treated, then think you're ok when there's no more discomfort, have sex, and then it starts all over again, you are not cured. You will need a heavy dose of antibiotics to get rid of this fully. Your BF may have to take them too, cuz you may have a type of bacterial infection that you're passing back and forth between each other, and he may not even know it! Usually, bactrim is prescribed for bladder infections, which is a sulfur based antibiotic, and it knocks them out quickly and efficiently. Macrobid is another successful Rx too. Make sure to follow your doctor's instructions, and ALWAYS finish the entire Rx, cuz if you don't, the infection can come back even stronger, and can build up resistence to the medications, making it harder to treat, and with the use of stronger drugs. Many people think that they're feeling better, so there's no need to finish their medications, but that is not the smart thing to do.

If the UTI's continue, you may want to change the type of condom you're using, cuz that may be irritating you too.

It's not overly "Hot" to do, especially with a spur of the moment love making, but, always try to go pee before and soon after having sex, to clear out any possible bacteria that can get up inside your urethra. Wash your genitals with warm water and soap, making sure to rinse the soap fully away too. This should be done whether you get infections easily or not, just for cleanliness sake.

Be sure to tell your doctor ALL of your symptoms and when exactly you notice them. Never be embarassed with your doctor, especially when it comes to your sexual health. Your doctor may suggest some other things to do to prevent this from happening again so quickly.

Good luck!

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Is this still a UTI even though it only lasts a few hours???

This is very unlikely. Bacterial infections don't just "go away". Tyger is correct in her recommendations to talk with your GYN about your concerns.

NOTE: We ALWAYS use condoms

It may be that you have a latex sentitivity, or even more likely, are hypersensitive to nonoxynol-9, the spermicidal lubricant that is on most condoms sold in the USA. This local inflammation can cause typical symptoms of frequency of urination, burning, as well as blood, if the reaction is severe enough. Also some couples opt to use saliva as an additional lubricant, and that can sometimes increase irritation and/or infection. Spit may be a convienent lube, but not usually the best option. No one can tell you without examining you, and testing your urine what is happening (infection or irritation). There are some over the counter kits that you can buy in the pharmacy, that may help you determine if you have an infection, but if it is happening this frequently, you should probably be seen by your provider.

I know sex causes a high chance of UTI because bacteria gets worked in the urethra...but come on...EVERY TIME :( UGH!!!!

UTIs are more frequent in women after intercourse because of the short straight urethra that is so close to the vaginal opening. Mother Nature didn't have her thinking cap on straight when she designed the female anatomy. The more frequent the sex, for some women, the more likely the infection...hence the diagnosis of "honeymoon cystitis."

Good luck in figuring this one out with your provider. I can't diagnose you over the internet, but my bet is on the allergic reaction.

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I think LoveGoddess is right on - latex sensitivity is my bet too. However, as she already pointed out - we can't give you specific medical advice, nor diagnose you, over the internet - but we can point you in the right direction - which is to your GYNE! I would go sooner rather than later - and remember - your doctor has heard EVERYTHING so please don't be embarrassed!

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