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:( Sex is the worst thing in my life right now. I hope this forum and too timid can help my sex life. I just bought my first toy and Im super excited to get it ;). Anyways..I just wanted to introduce my self and say hi.
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Hi and welcome, I'm sorry things are not the best right now, but you're with a great bunch of people and alot of information is here. It's nice to meet you!

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Welcome to the forum! There is so much information here. You can read through old posts, read the sex ed articles, and ask questions. Please post as much or as little as you like. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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WELCOME! Can you give us a little information as to why sex is so bad? There are so many reasons and most can be easily fixed! Please post when you are comfortable!

have fun and learn much!

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Welcome, welcome!! I hope you're able to expand your issues with sex here, once you feel comfortable of course, and have fun, learn, and get a lot from here!! Best wishes with your new purchase too!!!

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OMG whats not wrong with it. Ok, first of all I have never had an orgasm. I need to have one and when I do I feel like I'm going to explode. My boyfriend doesn't care if I have good sex, its all about him, which is fine...sometimes, not every single time. He lasts 20 seconds, and I really mean 20 seconds. He always justs want to get it over with, so he can orgasm. Well obviously I cant orgasm in 20 seconds, I don't think many girls can. Nothing he does feels good to me, nothing. The foreplay or the sex. He doesn't make me feel sexy. He doesn't play with my body. I want to try new things like role playing but he wont. The thing is I couldnt have an orgasm with any of my boyfriends. I have never used toys before or talk to people about it like I am now, but I figure if I want to feel that amazing feeling, Im going to have to do something. So I am excited to get my toy, but kinda nervous.

WELCOME! Can you give us a little information as to why sex is so bad? There are so many reasons and most can be easily fixed! Please post when you are comfortable!

have fun and learn much!

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So if your boyfriend gives you so little consideration in the bedroom, I have to wonder what the rest of your relationship is like and why you're with him? I agree that you need to cut to the chase and let him know that his behavior isn't acceptable. Find a respectful way to tell him he needs to grow up. Life is too short not to have frequent orgasms from a skillful finger or tongue.


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I'm sorry to sound harsh, but 3 sentences REALLY bothered me there: "My boyfriend doesn't care if I have good sex, its all about him, which is fine...sometimes, not every single time. He lasts 20 seconds, and I really mean 20 seconds. He always justs want to get it over with, so he can orgasm" Um, WHAT??? No, that is NOT FINE!!! He's a BOY, not a man, and he's not a very good BOYfriend, if it's all about HIM getting HIS nut, and you get what? A mess? Um, HELL NO!! Just because he has a penis, does NOT give him the right to just get his, and not worry about you. This is NOT the way to develop a relationship of meaning, this is just a Booty Call. You deserve SOOOO much more/better!!!

First, read the articles written about masturbation, how to find your special hot spots, and do some self-exploration, finding where you like to be touched and what kind of pressure you prefer. The best way to find out what gets you hot, is to try it yourself. Then TEACH your BF. If he's unwilling to listen and learn, then he's not worth your time.

Best wishes & good luck! Happy reading!

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Welcome, and you came to the right place! If you keep your mind open, you can learn a LOT here! Definitely check out the articles.

And please, please, please, tell that boy what you're feeling! Break it to him gently, 'cause he might not realize what he's doing and how it's making you feel. Sometimes it helps if you say it in "me" terms, i.e. "I would feel so good if you did xyz to me." or try just taking charge. Sometimes guys need a kick start. Set up a sexy role play so that it is all in motion when he gets home. Make it playful, and hopefully, he will be receptive. Try looking for a book called "The Secrets of Sexual Play," I forget the authors name, I wanna say Graham? Anyway, this book not only has great advice for couples, he gives real examples that get pretty hot.

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