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That Rubbery Smell


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My vibe has that rubbery smell to it. At first it was ok but now it's becoming a hassle. I've washed it many times (with soap of course) but the rubbery smell hasn't gone away yet. And I'll be traveling soon (my sister dances in SC and my father works up there as well. My mom is sick so I have to drive her around <_< ) and I don't want my clothes smelling like vibrator lol. Does anybody have any solutions as to how to get rid of this irritating smell?


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If you're concerned about smell transfer, just wrap your toy in a ziplock baggie in your luggage.

When you clean your toy, allow it to air dry as much as possible, and try not to put it away wet. Other than repeated washings, there really isn't a cure for over-rubbery smell. Some toys take longer than others to die down, and some really just keep that smell.

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Sometimes that does help, but not always. Some toys never get rid of the smell, depending on what they're made of, and the "mix" of the components of the materials. Some always keep a strong rubbery smell to them.

Some of my cyber-skin toys still have that odd smell, and I wash them with antibacterial dishsoap & warm water each time I use them, and they air dry for a couple hours before I put them back. I need to get some more, but, with a lot of cyberskin toys, they recommend putting talc on them after usage to keep them supple.

I have a sensitive nose, but, knowing what I'm gonna do (thrill myself to no end), I usually don't let it bother me. If smell is really an issue for anyone, I would recommend getting hard plastic toys. Those generally have less odor to them. You can also try and use scented lubes, to try and help cover up the smell, or light some candles.

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Some of them seem to take longer for the smell to wear off than others do. I've never noticed the smell transfer to anything else, though.

Truse me, that smell gets on everything it touches.

I wash it with anti-bacterial soap all the time but it still smells rubbery. The only other soap in the house is my brother's special soap. And since I will NEVER be into incest (ACK!! *hurls), I'd rather not have my toy smell like my brother.

It's just annoying when you have to wash 10 times just to get the rubbery smell off of you. I wash my toy twice then dry it and put it in my room to dry. I STILL smell like my toy after 20 mintues. I put my toy away then I have to wash myself (where ever my toy was placed) for forever until I can get some (not all) of the smell off. I just get it to the point where I sorta smell like myself and let the rest fade.

This is not an exaggeration folks. I'm serious about this because this is a seriously strong odor that I can't get rid of.


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Sounds as if you have one of those stubborn ones. There really isn't much difference between antibacterial hand soap as oppossed to dishsoap (dishsoap is thicker and lathers more, but all in all it does the same thing:clean). Best thing to do, if possible, is allow it to air dry whenever you can. I know you live at home, and have a hard time keeping your privacy, maybe air dry it under the bed ontop of a towel or something? And, yes, depending on the materials, I've had some that do the smell-transfer thing too. Best thing to do is wrap it up in a ziplock bag when travelling, so it won't smell anything else up.

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Ok Tyger. I'll wrap it up in some paper towels then put it in a ziplock bag.

I washed it again today (after my triumphant four orgasms! WOOT!); three times to be exact. Still smelled of the rubber. My hands finally stopped smelling like it (it took an hour and a half to die down). The smell just isn't going to go away....it's a sad thing but true. I'll just have to do everything I can to keep the smell off of my clothes and hands while I'm away.

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Good luck, and I hope it works out for ya!

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I hope so too! I can't drive my sis to school smelling like sex toy! Plus it would be very embarrassing to sit in the car with my toy-crazed father and he smell it. Knowing him, he would probably recognize it....aw man, I'm getting nervous now lol.

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Maybe you should try to get a new toy, made of a different material...

I realize that maybe easier said than done for you, living at home, but there are ways!

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Vinegar can be a very effective odor neutralizer. I am not sure how this will affect some of the more fleshlike toys like silicone, cyberskin, and jelly, but on the less fragile materials it should be fine to use. I would just make sure to wash it down very well after applying the vinegar. Another odor neutralizer is coffee grounds, but I'm not sure how you'd feel about dumping your dong in Maxwell House.


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HA! I couldn't put my vibe into the starbucks coffee pack lol. I'd die of laughter if anybody drank it!!

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"dumping your dong in Maxwell House"!! Good to the last.....um, vibe?

I'm not sure about vinegar as a safe bet for that kind of material. NEVER use bleach or harsh household chemicals to wash your sex toys (for those of you out there that may not know). It can dry out and damage the materials. :lol:

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I know I'm usually a lurker and not a poster, but I had to share my two cents. I've had a few toys (both bought at a local store) that REEKED of rubber. all I could do was put them away, use them sparingly, and use lots of flavored/scented lube when I did get them out. I seriously reccomend either buying a jar of coffee beans or looking at a new toy....if it's really too hard, you could just leave your toy home for a little while.

best of luck


ps. if this offends you in any way, I do sincerely apologize

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I know I'm usually a lurker and not a poster, but I had to share my two cents. I've had a few toys (both bought at a local store) that REEKED of rubber. all I could do was put them away, use them sparingly, and use lots of flavored/scented lube when I did get them out. I seriously reccomend either buying a jar of coffee beans or looking at a new toy....if it's really too hard, you could just leave your toy home for a little while.

best of luck


ps. if this offends you in any way, I do sincerely apologize

Well, if you knew my situation, you'd know that I'm still at home and my mom doesn't like toys. I'm 18 and I can't just leave my vibe out on the bathroom counter for my siblings and parents to see!! No, I'm not too happy about your "two cents". Next time, please find out more about my situation before you post, thank you. <_< Geeze, thanks for the help.

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Brandyfan, I think that was a little harsh. Not everyone who posts and reads here has a good enough memory or the inclination to remember every person's personal history. You've just blasted this person for taking the time to try and help you. Even if the idea didn't help you it very well could help another. As a result you may have put this admittedly sparse-posting forum member off from posting in the future when their experience could very well help you or another.


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Everyone who has actually helped me out in this post knows my situation, that's why they're helping. You may not know because we've never talked or you've never posted in any of my threads. What I said wasn't harsh, trust me.She acted like I was a whinny brat or I was stupid. And to be honest, if that person keeps posting stuff like that then I'd prefer that they don't post at all. If she had read the posts, she would have known I'm still at home.

Now, I would like to get back to the thread's topic, even though it's pretty much been resolved. But we're still talking about it and I would like to finish.

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I'm just going to add that I agree with Howard and Thurisas. Not everyone can/does/has time to read every post, and, personally, even I have a hard time keeping people & life situations straight too, so it's normal.

Besides, you could always find a way to try and air that out, like under your bed, or closet. If in a coffee can (which I still get a kick out of "dunk the dildo"), empty some out, put in in the coffee can & cover it with the lid, or ziplock bag, to keep the coffee smell down to almost nil.

Let's be nice & respecful now.

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Howard: I have not embarrased myself at all. My post was just fine. And you act like you haven't gotten mad at anybody here Howard. I've seen some of your posts and you flat out insult people, even if they didn't do anything. I have done nothing wrong here. I take everybody's HELP into consideration but no one takes insults lightly, not even you. And it's hard for anyone to talk because it wasn't directed towards you. I had a right to say what I did and I meant it. I never asked for her post did I? I asked the people that knew they could help me! If she didn't read the posts before then she shouldn't have answered. I care about you guys too, but I'm not going to take any flack from anybody. As you know, I've been nice to everybody here unless they don't give me respect. I give respect to you if you give it to me, plan and simple.

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I personally didn't see it as that insulting. What i got from it was she was saying, if it's that big of a problem leave it at home, that seems like pretty standard advice from where I sit. And it might be worth investing in a new toy if the smell is so bad on that one. I know what it's like to live on a budget and it's hard getting your privacy at home, but you can always have a freebie from TT shipped to a friend or just make sure you are there to get it when it comes. You can stick it in your car until you have time to sneak it in. There have been many good suggestions here and I think this thread has about hit the end of the line.

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