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I feel really bad about all the controversy and issues that are coming forward as a result of this one thread. This is not the first time that members have gotten their claws out (I have been guilty a time or two of being hard headed myself).

I LOVE TooTImid because of all the things mentioned. I find it a 'one in a million' place to come and talk, be open, share experiences, learn about things, teach about things. I find that the bulk of this site, 99.9% of it is all of these wonderful things, and less than 1% might be a situation like this thread.

I am glad to see that so many of our new members are voicing their opinion on this situation. I have tried very hard to see this from every point of view. Censorship is not something that I favor - in fact, I am mostly against censorship in most forms. I believe that people have a basic right to talk, discuss, disagree, debate - but I do not think we have a right in a forum such as this to be disrespectful. That is the main contention for me.

I appreciate your kind words and your considerate opinions. I hope that this site continues to be a source of inspiration and delight and does not become a sore spot for you or for others! I think we should all just avoid that thread and move on and talk about something more fun....like SEX!

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I feel really bad about all the controversy and issues that are coming forward as a result of this one thread. This is not the first time that members have gotten their claws out (I have been guilty a time or two of being hard headed myself).

I LOVE TooTImid because of all the things mentioned. I find it a 'one in a million' place to come and talk, be open, share experiences, learn about things, teach about things. I find that the bulk of this site, 99.9% of it is all of these wonderful things, and less than 1% might be a situation like this thread.

I am glad to see that so many of our new members are voicing their opinion on this situation. I have tried very hard to see this from every point of view. Censorship is not something that I favor - in fact, I am mostly against censorship in most forms. I believe that people have a basic right to talk, discuss, disagree, debate - but I do not think we have a right in a forum such as this to be disrespectful. That is the main contention for me.

I appreciate your kind words and your considerate opinions. I hope that this site continues to be a source of inspiration and delight and does not become a sore spot for you or for others! I think we should all just avoid that thread and move on and talk about something more fun....like SEX!


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Let me also say that I agree. I think people degrading others here is NOT what this site is about. And, I guess I too missed something cuz I am lost. It's unfortunate that these things happen. Let me also suggest, that, in the future, if you have some similar statement to make, please put it in an appropriate forum, that will give it the attention that it justly deserves, like Everything Else or Rants & Raves. If you don't, it could be lost/ignored.

As for your compliment to Rob....I'm sure he'd LOVE to get a PM to the effect as to what you wrote, from YOU. He loves to hear feedback, good and bad. And, many people just write bad complaints, when the good stuff gets overlooked. It's always nice to hear some positive feedback. He may not be able to read each and every post in every thread, so I would suggest that you do this. It's more a direct approach.

I too have told lots of people about this site. 3 of them are regulars here in fact! So, thanks for the compliments, encouragement and honesty!

Thanks for your input!

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