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For All The Parents On The Board


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If you are a parent , if you will soon become one, or even if you have that inkling to have children at a later date, this is for you....

I was recently in an argument with my 7 yr old over the location of her medicine.

We argued back and forth over where exactly it was, when she angrily blurted out "YOU NEVER REMEMBER ANYTHING!!"

I looked over at her and began laughing.

she asked me why I was in tears and laughing myself silly.

I told her,

As a parent, I am expected to remember which child has what toy and who gave it to them and for what occasion.

We must remember what clothes belong to who.

We are required to remember full names, birthdates and social security numbers of all children, spouses and anyone else living in the home.

We are supposed to remember the dog, cat and even goldfish's birthdays and celebrate them accordingly.

We are expected to remember whose favorite color is what.

We are required to remember which child likes which musical artist or boy band this week.

We are required to remember favorite foods and food allergies for each child.

We are required to remember what child has who for a teacher and what classes they teach.

We are supposed to remember 2nd grade math that could perplex even a rocket scientist.

We are supposed to remember 4th grade algebra that we took in school 20+ years ago.

We are required to remember which child has what after school activity and when it starts, when it ends and when we are supposed to pick them up.

We are expected to remember which child has who for a friend,

We are expected to remember the friends mothers and father name, their address, home and cell numbers..

We are supposed to remember for the children of divorce what the custody arrangement is and when they have visitation with which parent on what day.

We are expected to remember what friends have who for a boyfriend/girlfriend and if they break up.

We are expected to remember what boys are hot, which are not and who likes who this week,

And heaven forbid we get it wrong one week, this is a punishment worse than any embarrassing thing we could ever do to our children.

We are expected to remember wich boy likes who and why, and how wrong he is for liking that girl instead of our own.

We are expected to remember any medical information in case there is an emergency,

We are required to remember what medication our children are on,

We are required to know the name and dose and frequency of any medication.

We have to know which if any medicines the child is allergic to.

We have to remember any illnesses, the dates and any hospitilizations and surgeries the child has had.

We have to remember doctors names, phone numbers and favorite sucker flavors for each child.

We are expected to remember that recipie we kinda tossed together and was a huge hit with the whole family 2 months ago.

And we WISH we could remember those times!

And our kids wonder WHY we forget something simple sometimes?!

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This will be Fw: to my mother, daughter and brother (SIL included). Thanks for that one!

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AWESOME!!! :lol::P

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I really relate to this....when I had my second child I literally felt like the doctor took out half my brain WITH the baby during the c-section! Uuggghhh....now I have to remember 2 birthdates, and that is just too much some days! :lol:

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