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Strawberries & Champagne Boudior Powder Puff


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I LOVE Kama Sutra products, so I was very happy to get one to try out. So, the other night, while hubby and I were trying to have some romantic moments, I break out the puff. Champagne Strawberry scent/flavor, this pink puff was going to be a fun treat, or so I thought.

“Pat your boudoir puff generously and playfully all over the body” are the basic instructions on the screen-satchel it comes in. Open the bag, take off the sealed plastic bag containing the puff, to keep it fresh and clean, I noticed just a hint of a scent, but really couldn’t say that it was strawberry. Hmmm. So, I put my fingers in the satin ribbons at the top of the puff and tap my arm with it, to try to get the powder flowing a bit. Nothing. Ok. So tapping my arm a bit harder, still nothing, and still no real smell to it. I hit my arm relatively hard, and STILL nothing. Disappointed, that got tossed off to the side so we could resume our fun.

Later on that night, I decide that this has GOT to work better than that, since I am familiar with KS products. I start kneading the puff firmly, pat, nothing. Ok, more kneading, and finally I get success!!! I pat my arm with the puff and lo & behold! I have scented powder!! It smelled very strawberrily nice, and I tasted it. Not as sweet as a pixy stick, but almost like licking flavored “Sweet N’ Low”, it was ok. I brought it out for hubby to try, and it was too sweet for his licking…I mean liking. So, this product was a definite let-down for the both of us.

I see the potential for this love powder puff, but, for us, it was a powder pffft. I give it one paw for creativity, but that’s all.

To Puff, or not to Puff.

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"it was too sweet for his licking…I mean liking."

Silly girl ;)

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Strawberries and Champagne Boudoir Puff


I was excited to receive this product in my latest review kit. It looked soft, sweet and sensuous and I couldn’t wait to try it. It comes in a nice silky drawstring pouch and has satin ribbons attached to it. It is fluffy and soft and a pretty pink with a strawberry champagne flavor. Very romantic. The directions say to pat the puff generously all over the body. I thought I’d try it out on my arm. I patted it on my skin, but nothing happened. Hmm. I patted it harder. Nothing. Hmm? I patted it even harder (this would not be a romantic way to use this product). Still nothing. I ended up having to “fluff” and “knead” it quite a bit to get anything to happen. The smell was pleasant and the taste was subtle, but good. The powder felt luxurious – velvety soft. I would love to recommend such a fun product, but it needs to be improved a bit, or at least include directions about “prepping” the puff before it can be used.

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I too wish the directions were better. I almost had to beat the crap out of my arm to get it out, and, well, that's not overly romantic, beating your lover with a puff!! LMAO

Anyway, I loved the KS minty tingling gel. I can't remember what exactly it was called, but that stuff ROCKED!!

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EVERYONE is asking about that! I may have to go buy some and take one for the team!

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