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Hi -

I placed an order for a new toy and some other fun things last night and decided to check out the fourm - see if any other women are experiencing what I am....

I've recently stopped taking birth control pills - and I'm extremely horny all the time. I'm in a new job where I'm traveling Sunday night to Thursday night - and even though I have no problem masturbating during the week - it's not as satisfying as being with my man. However, we've not always had a great sex life - always satisfying just not very often - so he's a bit taken aback over the fact that I want him all the time. I can understand it to some point because I haven't been this way since we were first married 27 years ago - so it's quite different. How do I get him more interested more often? Any ideas would be helpful...and he's not into lingerie - although I wear it for me - makes me feel sexy.

Oh - also, we've just discovered the joy of oral sex - well - let's say he's discovered it - and I like giving it - so I'm hoping it will soon be reciprocated in kind! :)

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Welcome to the forum and I'll give you my experience on your dilemma.

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar. Like most couples we were hot and heavy when we were in the beginning of our relationship. As time went on and we both got used to each other and as life took over, there wasn't as much sex going on. I was pushing for sex quite frequently at the get-go and if my wife wasn't feeling it, I wasn't getting it. It only takes so long before that sort of rejection (even though it isn't meant that way, it is hard not to take it as such) gets old and I found myself not trying anymore. Then, all of a sudden, things are shaken up by a rekindled sexual desire in my wife (thank you TooTimid for your part in that) and I find myself very much overjoyed but at a loss for what to do. I asked myself do I wait and see how long this dream lasts? Do I initiate? Do I wait for her to initiate? I was so confused when the sexual side of our relationship started coming back on line that I was at a loss for what to do. The bottom line is that while my wife was breaking her norm, I was still stuck in my own and I didn't dare believe that it would last at first.

I explain this to tell you that the only real thing that you can do is keep trying to find new ways to catch his interest, to bolster his belief that sex is back to being a big part of your relationship, and talk to him about what his wants and desires are. You're already starting to explore new-to-you things, you just have to bring him in on the planning part of that.


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Thanks Randy!

It really helps to hear a man's point of view. Hubby and I have miracously been able to talk about it for the most part - and I think he is feeling it a bit of "too good to be true". And he even told me he that's he's use to having his space and my being more sexual lately has been just a bit more than he's used to - so I think you're advice is right on the money! Believe me - I'm gonna keep trying!

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Welcome to TooTimid!

To add to the female side of Thurisas' story (he's my husband), I feel your frustration. You're feeling hornier, more active, and you think you're showing it, but he's still not reciprocating, right? Keep at it... but more importantly, if you haven't talked to him about it, do it. He might see you're opening the door to having more sex, but like Thurisas said, he might not believe it. The combination of action AND having heard the words will eventually help sink it all in faster.

Good luck, have fun along the way, and enjoy your toy order!

(Well, we posted about the same time and I see that you have talked to your hubby -- good!! B) )

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Thanks Valntyn,

Oh he definitely knows I want it...in fact just about every time he even touches me I about explode - but he's not always "in the mood"...but I don't give up. After almost 27 years with this man, I do remember a few buttons to push and even last weekend he told me I was too hot to ignore (yea me!). I just hope to get him to the point where he wants to rip my clothes off as much as I do his on a more regular basis. All your advice and understanding even so quickly has at least made me feel like I'm not a freak! I'll definitely keep at it - and I've always got my little pink wonder toy :) - or course that's no substitution....

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Hello Tango - fellow mid-southerner!

Seems all it took tonight was a bit of visual stimulation for hubby to "come" around! WEEEE!

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Welcome and best of luck in your journey of fun.

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