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Tpbm (the Person Below Me)


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False I usually detest mornings, I'm a night person

Tpbm is very grateful for a wonderful partner :wub:

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Tpbm is wondering if they make lime kool aid anymore.

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FALSE...and no they dont,....they dont make strawberry anymore either :(

TPBM should NOT be going to work today

True....I had sucha long day of fun and play that I do not want to work thankfully I work from home.

TPBM had a long wonderful day in bed with their SO yesterday

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False - My husband is a workaholic, he'll never be home during the week unless he's on vacation :(

TPBM is forever shopping for furniture

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False - too damn sore from moving appliances :-(

TPBM has a very comfy couch to nap on

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True - if only I could stay home and do it!

Tpbm wants to take off for a long weekend with their SO

UGH I wish! TRUE!

TPBM is bored

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TPBM is ready for the weekend!

False, I have too much to get ready for

Tpbm has a wedding to go to on Sat.

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False Thankfully

TPBM is ready to play!


TPBM had a great time recently...

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TRUE very true

TPBM is looking forward to more great times

True....and still thinking about the great times that I just had.

TPBM is tired out from last nights activities

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False My husband came home late and was tired

TPBM is not felling well

False, feeling very well

TPBM is going camping this weekend

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TPBM is looking forward to tomorrow!

True as it is my day to sleep in and I need it

TPBM has something fun planned this weekend

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Not planned, but something usually "pops up" ;)

TPBM was woken up by a hang up call this morning

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