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Well....finally have an answer to all my problems....and someone else mentioned on TT that I should look into it...and they were right. I have fibromyalgia. Lovely! Atleast I have an answer...now I have to go through testing meds to see what ones work for me! Thanks for all your support and listening to me rant about things. Keep you all updated on when I actually find something that works for me. lol.

Btw....there anyone on this site with FM too?

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I'm glad they were able to figure it out. Hopefully the meds will help!

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My sister has Fibromyalgia. She does well with some aggressive and common sense treatments. She exercises every day. She avoids as much gluten as she possibly can (Candida is common with FM patients), she makes sure to get enough rest. She has been doing quite well for a few years now.

There are lots of great sites and support groups for it! At least you can start to find answers now.

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Well that's the most stressful part, teh not knowing. Now you can find a treatment and get back to life. That's aweosme thgat you know, bummer whatcha got though. If you need anything lemme know! and good luck with the meds and keep us posted!

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Whitefang! So glad they found an answer. I'm sure you'll be on the right track for treatment soon and will feel a lot better. Good luck and keep us posted.

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Whitefang! So glad they found an answer. I'm sure you'll be on the right track for treatment soon and will feel a lot better. Good luck and keep us posted.

glad you were finally able to figure out what is wrong.good luck with everything. were here if you need us sweetie.

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Thanks everyone! Sad part is I am limited on treatment options...allergic to some pain meds used for the treatment of FM and then other meds that I was even on...for back pain and headaches before.....I was on when all this started so those obviously don't work for me! lol. But I will keep you all updated!

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Thanks my2cents. I am going to ask my doctor about the vitamins....and about the sauna and inferred room...not sure if there would be one around me....really really small town. The hotels around me dont even have saunas.....I'll keep my eyes open though. Thanks for the advise!

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I hope that you can find one. There help with so many thing. The infrared (sorry spelled it wrong before) rooms here are called Formostar.

There also Called Infrared Body Melt System.

Some gyms, women's gym especially, have these I know my old gym did and I wish I had made use of it! Definitely worth looking into!

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Well....finally have an answer to all my problems....and someone else mentioned on TT that I should look into it...and they were right. I have fibromyalgia. Lovely! Atleast I have an answer...now I have to go through testing meds to see what ones work for me! Thanks for all your support and listening to me rant about things. Keep you all updated on when I actually find something that works for me. lol.

Btw....there anyone on this site with FM too?

Whitefang, It might be worthwhile to see a Naturopathic Doctor, too. I've heard there are alternative treatments and herbals that may

not bother your allergies. I may have some info in old magazines, I'll look for you.

Wishing you the best.

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Well....finally have an answer to all my problems....and someone else mentioned on TT that I should look into it...and they were right. I have fibromyalgia. Lovely! Atleast I have an answer...now I have to go through testing meds to see what ones work for me! Thanks for all your support and listening to me rant about things. Keep you all updated on when I actually find something that works for me. lol.

Btw....there anyone on this site with FM too?

Whitefang, I did find one article. It probably won't answer a lot of question but it might give you a starting point to

research and understand fibromyalgia better. Also some alternative forms of treatment. Best to you.


selected articles

Feb/Mar 2004 archived articles

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Oh I hate taking meds. So I am trying to do my best to only be on ones that I can't live withough. lol. I am only trying one right now to see if it will decrease the pain...not a pain med. but an anti seizure med that tones down your nerves. I am not taking any sleeping pills...though I would love to cuz I can't sleep for shit...but I'm scared to get adicted to it. And the med. I'm on, I requested to start at the lowest dose. I dont bother with any other meds...as I don't want to mess my body up worse by making my stomach bleed or anythign like that. So I'm being as careful as I can. Thanks for the concern Archer! And some people do claim they have FM just to have an excuse or because they don't want to work or things like that. I'm not one of those people. lol. Trust me. I hate the state I'm in and just don't feel like myself anymore. Feel like crap and tired and hurting all the time. Can't sleep and if I do I wake up more then 3 times a night....and then wake up in the moring like I hadn't slept at all....and headaches everyday that won't go away....

Yeah...going to take me awhile to get used to this if this is the way I'm going to have to live the rest of my life!

And Boomer...that was a great article! Thanks. I will be printing it off and sharing it with other people and family!

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oh no i was just stating that. lol.

Talk to your doctor about Ambien, it's an OTC. Also its not a leeping pill, it won't put you to sleep but allow you to sleep. Also talk to him about something like an advil PM, my mom takes that once in a while. If you want something less medical, try cameomille tea, lipts makes a wonderful one and it always works for me. good luck love!

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Ambien is a prescription sleeping pill. Melatonin is a natural occurring substance found in your body, and taking that may help you sleep. My son takes it all the time. Rather than buying one of the over the counter sleep aids, you can take Benadryl and either Tylenol or Advil (whatever brand).

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Ambien is a prescription sleeping pill. Melatonin is a natural occurring substance found in your body, and taking that may help you sleep. My son takes it all the time. Rather than buying one of the over the counter sleep aids, you can take Benadryl and either Tylenol or Advil (whatever brand).

My bad, i was told it was OTC. I don't take it myself. I agree with WhiteFang about trying not to take any meds that I don't absolutel;y need. I personally like NYquil (granteed to knock me) but again i only take it if i need it. I'd try the teas, if you have a co-op locally they can hook you up with some mazing non-brand teas.

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