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Great I Might Need Stiches


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I did that once...I just duct taped it real tight and forgot about it...

Use a bandaid..the sticky part..and pull the cut together. Protect it with another bandaid and if it doesn't bleed, you don't need stitches. If it keeps bleeding..head to the doc.

Duct tape works too

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Guest eminatic

duct tape? but since its sooo sticky wont it pull the cut open again when you try to take it off? D:

i just got home from a baseball game and a kid sitting slightly to the right of me got hit hardcore in the face by a foul ball D: i guess be glad you dont need stitches on your face at least :P

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You know, there is a time frame for getting stitches. You can't wait for days to get cuts stitched. It has to be done within a certain number of hours...

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I hope that it gets better soon. Hey I am sure Angel and I can take a road trip to you and nurse you back to good health sweetie.....lol

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Aww thank you. I would like that but that is quit much to do over a finger. Thank you for the offer. Me too I can't take working with one thumb.

try the super glue and or duck tape IF it doesn't close on it's own, and definitely see a doctor if it doesn't heal right. You might be able to buy the liquid stitch if you'd prefer that to super glue

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Guest cockney
So I sliced my thumb open yestuday with my own knife and now I'm being told I need to go get stiches. :angry: FUCK!!!! :angry: I hate needles and I'm already in enough pain I dont need more.

There is this stuff call Liquid Skin. Apply it to the area. Once it dries, use a heavy duty bandaid, the kind that care withstand a couple of showers.

If needles bother you don't look at them as they go in. Its the watching that frightens you. The pinch doesn't last a second.

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There is this stuff call Liquid Skin. Apply it to the area. Once it dries, use a heavy duty bandaid, the kind that care withstand a couple of showers.

If needles bother you don't look at them as they go in. Its the watching that frightens you. The pinch doesn't last a second.

Take it from a guy who makes some very sharp knives and has been cut more than my fair share of times. The super glue works wonders :D

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I have very sharp knives and slice my finger all the time, use starry strips to close the wound, and you won't have a scar.

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It's heeled now. I'm glad I didn't go to the doctor I would have needed surgery, I can tell I fucked something up cause I can't feel pain at the tip of my thumb and the nail isn't growing. oh well I'm healthy and have all 10 finger type limbs and nails.

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Typical guy!! :P My hubby won't go to the doctor or hospital unless a limb is falling off! There's been several times where he should have most definitely should've gone. Drives me crazy! LOL Anyway, I'm glad that you are ok. Chances are, even if you had stitches, at the tip of a finger, unless it's hanging off dangling or something, they probably would've just stitched you up anyway, and the loss of sensation would have still happened.

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There is not a lot that can be done with fingers. Though I did get to watch the doctor create a fingertip for my daughter when she cut the tip off in a door. I have several myself that half-assed grow the nail in but I have to use a needle to get deep into the nailbed to clean the dirt out usually. And only about half still have feeling in them.

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Typical guy!! :P My hubby won't go to the doctor or hospital unless a limb is falling off! There's been several times where he should have most definitely should've gone. Drives me crazy! LOL Anyway, I'm glad that you are ok. Chances are, even if you had stitches, at the tip of a finger, unless it's hanging off dangling or something, they probably would've just stitched you up anyway, and the loss of sensation would have still happened.

I pretty much crushed the end of my right index finger a year ago next month. Ripped the meat back and tore the nail off but the nail grew back and it healed up in time but I still don't have much feeling in the tip of that finger, but like Tyger said I would have lost that anyway. Severing nerves does that to a person :o


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My middle and third finger on the right hand are the same way. They are now flat rather than rounded like the left hand. I have no original fingernails left.

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LOL gees. Well if I had to get stitches and possibly reconstructive surgery then I would have ended up missing work. I thought I was bad by having a drill bit get rammed into my ring finger, stab myself with a ground staple and slicing my thumb open. Nope you guys are much worse.

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LOL gees. Well if I had to get stitches and possibly reconstructive surgery then I would have ended up missing work. I thought I was bad by having a drill bit get rammed into my ring finger, stab myself with a ground staple and slicing my thumb open. Nope you guys are much worse.

Just remember, "Chicks Dig Scars" :D Makes you look like a real man!!!!!!!!

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Just remember, "Chicks Dig Scars" :D Makes you look like a real man!!!!!!!!

scars and rough hands........

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