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Enzyte, Cialis, Viagra Etc...


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I always see that damned Enzyte commercial with the whistling. "This is Bob..." Has anyone tried that stuff? How is it? Not that I feel my H needs it , I am just curious. Also I know there are tons of other meds out there for men. If any of you are using them why not share what they do for you, if you like them, or if you get the "4 hour erection" that Cialis warns about! LOL Tell us!

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A few years back, right after my hubby got a new job, he was having 'erectile difficulties' in that, he would get erect, then loose it. The doctor said it was due to stress cause he had no other serious medical issues. He prescribed Viagra. This worked OK, but it gave him headaches. Then he had him try Levitra. This one was great. From what I remember, he would take it and there was a 36 hour windown in which we could have sex. It gave him the mental confidence to know he wasn't 'gonna loose it' and we had great sex. He only used it for about 4 months, then we tried without it and haven't had a problem since. Sometimes men just need a little something to get them over the hump. When they have an issue they think they will ALWAYS have an issue and then their brain overrides their penis.

So yes, it worked for us, if even for a short term.

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hubby was put on cialis. the first time we used it, it didnt work. then mikayla said to try taking it a few hours before we had sex. he did..and he was not only able to maintain an erection..but was able to get it back up about 10 min later. so yes, for him it works just fine. actually has not had to use it more then twice...he hasnt really had any problems in that area since. i think he feels better knowing its there, just in case.

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Have you used any of these Iha?

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Guest eminatic

my bf uses viagra sometimes....it gives him a raging hard-on when he says he's not even really that interested....and then makes him take FOREVER to finish and by that time neither of us are even interested anymore but he "needs" to finish XD

although sometimes it works in the wrong end and gives him a really bad headache instead of an erection lol

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only herbals and supplemental amino acids..l-argenine and ginseng, potasium (bannanas) and lots of hydration

You have to be really careful with these sorts of things too. Like, for me, I can't use anything with l-argenine and have to be careful of potassium intake due to my herpes. And, that goes for what hubby ingests too, because, again, his cum can affect me that way too.

Before using herbals and supplements, PLEASE check with your doctor and/or pharmacist, to make sure that any of those ingredients won't interfere or have conflicts with any medications that you are taking, or can aggrivate a condition you may have.

I loved Mikayla's response "to get over the hump". So, to hump, you had to get over the hump!! :P Sorry! I just couldn't resist.

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I have to use viagra all the time due to ED. Most times I can not get or hold an erection

without it. Viagra has helped me with no side effects, it does take at least a half an

hour for it to work. But I can tell you it does help because I was starting to feel inadaquit

while making love. Toys have also helped, because we can not afford the $50.00 for five


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You need to be very careful. These meds have several side effects including ones listed above and many many others. I would recommend you use this as a last resort only. If you chose to go the med route, have a full medical work up prior to taking them, and find out what all the risk are for you.

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Here's my question, why do "heathly" take it? I've known (but not experienced it myself) plenty of guys who take it just to take it. Why is that? I could understand once to try it because they are curious, okay, but to make it part of teh routine without a need? Is it possible to be "dependant" on them? or would it be more like an antibiotic that you over use and it stops working for you?

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Here's my question, why do "heathly" take it? I've known (but not experienced it myself) plenty of guys who take it just to take it. Why is that? I could understand once to try it because they are curious, okay, but to make it part of teh routine without a need?

My guess would be they like that psychological boost of a raging erection..kind of like the ones they have at age 18. And they can last longer, which might be an issue, too..therefore it's another confidence builder.

Is it possible to be "dependant" on them? or would it be more like an antibiotic that you over use and it stops working for you?

Because it increases blood flow, the only thing that would stop it from working would be some problem with blood vessels, like arteriosclerosis. And to my knowledge, there is no physical addiction, but there surely could be a psychological one.

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I always see that damned Enzyte commercial with the whistling. "This is Bob..." Has anyone tried that stuff? How is it? Not that I feel my H needs it , I am just curious. Also I know there are tons of other meds out there for men. If any of you are using them why not share what they do for you, if you like them, or if you get the "4 hour erection" that Cialis warns about! LOL Tell us!

First..If I ever meet smiling Bob I am going to beat him to a pulp!!!

On the serious part. To many years of smoking and high blood pressure makes for E.D. I use Cialis, prescribed by doctor after

complete physical. It works good from two to thirty six hours. I hate to admit it but I look better in the mirror for 3 or 4 days

even when it's flacid. So it is a good emotional boost also.

God, I don't tell DW this stuff, how come it is so easy to tell you guys?

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First..If I ever meet smiling Bob I am going to beat him to a pulp!!!

HA HA HA I know! Don't you want to punch him in the FACE! LOL too funny!

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First..If I ever meet smiling Bob I am going to beat him to a pulp!!!

On the serious part. To many years of smoking and high blood pressure makes for E.D. I use Cialis, prescribed by doctor after

complete physical. It works good from two to thirty six hours. I hate to admit it but I look better in the mirror for 3 or 4 days

even when it's flacid. So it is a good emotional boost also.

God, I don't tell DW this stuff, how come it is so easy to tell you guys?

Because we listen and don't judge! That's one of the great things about this site..I've told things here even my bestest buds don't know about.

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Because we listen and don't judge! That's one of the great things about this site..I've told things here even my bestest buds don't know about.

Thanks Pinky, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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