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All This From Clitoral Stim!?


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OK so. every now and then my hubby and moments of brilliance. Well, tonight was one of those nights. I have a doc johnsons mini vibe...and hubby decided to pull her out because my hormones have been wayyyyyyy out of control. Now, I have a small clit, but a larger hood..so its hard to get to. Hubby decided that he was going to stick the mini vibe Under my hood :o and moving it so slightly in a sliding up and down motion. not a poking or circle..up and down..and THIS is what happened.

now, mind you this was all from clitoral stim only!! now mind you..we have gone through all 3 sets of sheets today :o (told you my hormones are wacky) ...so i put a towel under the sheets to soak it up, then put a towel over the spot to attempt to sleep. well, after 15 min or so....both towels are soaked through in that spot ;) so lord only knows how much actually came out...i never would believe it was possible if i had not have done it...

but my question is...HOW is this possible to have that much fluid??

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:o 3 sets of sheets? Holy guacamole. All I can say is WeAreNotWorthy.gif to hubby :lol:

That's some wet spot girl.

You need to invest in some crib changing pads, cheap and waterproof ^_^

ETA: I never had anything like that happen from just clitoral, it was only when deliberate GSpot technique was being done. Was this the Petite Sophia's doing? Because I'm not surprised. That bullet's on crack! But I am liking his genius in using it, very inventive!

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:o 3 sets of sheets? Holy guacamole. All I can say is WeAreNotWorthy.gif to hubby :lol:

That's some wet spot girl.

You need to invest in some crib changing pads, cheap and waterproof ^_^

ETA: I never had anything like that happen from just clitoral, it was only when deliberate GSpot technique was being done. Was this the Petite Sophia's doing? Because I'm not surprised. That bullet's on crack! But I am liking his genius in using it, very inventive!

why yes, yes it was sophia's doing!! olav said we need to get a mattress cover and quickly. :P so that has been added to the target list

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why yes, yes it was sophia's doing!! olav said we need to get a mattress cover and quickly. :P so that has been added to the target list

That is great. It is amazing how much fluid comes out. I would love out of curiousity some time to be able to measure. We have talked about that as well as I do squirt and with a lot of fluid. He just can't imainge. He also LOVES it.

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WOW! I have read about having clitoral stim making people squirt! Glad you had a good night! Still trying here, but I am good with the way things are!

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We like these Crib Pads

You can get them in two packs also and they are machine washable, and they also are comfy.

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AK you can't believe how glad I am that you posted about this. I often squirt from clit stim too, but since it didn't fit the usually description of a g-spot O, I thought, well, it must be "you know what". Actually, this is how I found TT, but I never really had the guts to ask about this directly. I had just come to the conclusion that 1) it feels great. 2) I can't stop it anyway. 3) Husband has no problem with it. 4) I don't have incontinence problems any other time.

Well, this makes my day. Thanks AK!!!

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Not all women ejaculate. I feel we all have the ability to, but it's either something that happens and you "go with it" or you don't.

An orgasm is never bad, no matter what kind it is, but having experienced both, I can say for me that a gspot o feels immensely better for me than a regular one. Until you've experienced it, it's hard to understand, but it's a "relief" feeling, I think akin to a male ejaculation somehow. I know after I have one, I'm spent, exhausted and rung out totally. With clitorals, I never really feel fully satisfied or "done"

I mean they are nice and all but after a gspot one I can fall asleep and be satisfied. I hope that makes sense :lol:

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:o Holy guacamole. All I can say is WeAreNotWorthy.gif to hubby :lol:

That's some wet spot girl.

I'm gonna piggyback on Aiden here! Olav you must be taking real good care of that woman!

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vanilla bean...it used to bother me...that i couldnt g spot o...but, this, oh i will take it hehhee

aiden and pappy...hubby is still walkin round with his chest puffed out...and he deserves to do so

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AK you can't believe how glad I am that you posted about this. I often squirt from clit stim too, but since it didn't fit the usually description of a g-spot O, I thought, well, it must be "you know what". Actually, this is how I found TT, but I never really had the guts to ask about this directly. I had just come to the conclusion that 1) it feels great. 2) I can't stop it anyway. 3) Husband has no problem with it. 4) I don't have incontinence problems any other time.

Well, this makes my day. Thanks AK!!!

im glad i can make your day!! im still kinda freaked out about the amount that came out of me...hubby said i had a dam of water being held back by me ass :o

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Well I'd say he's earned the right to strut! What the fuck did you put in that man's food?

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Well I'd say he's earned the right to strut! What the fuck did you put in that man's food?

he took his cialis like a good boy!!! and boy oh boy lookit his reward :P of course i treated him to a nice slow oral reward

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I think that was your reward! His reward will make men jealous!

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I think that was your reward! His reward will make men jealous!

The kiss song "lick it up" keeps ringing in my head


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vanilla bean...it used to bother me...that i couldnt g spot o...but, this, oh i will take it hehhee

aiden and pappy...hubby is still walkin round with his chest puffed out...and he deserves to do so

Well the man deserves to puff up! Good job Olav, practice makes perfect :lol:

Ak, this is a gspot o. I think once you see results it's hard for it to sink in, but that's what it is my dear.

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Well the man deserves to puff up! Good job Olav, practice makes perfect :lol:

Ak, this is a gspot o. I think once you see results it's hard for it to sink in, but that's what it is my dear.

well its ABOUT TIME

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Not all women ejaculate. I feel we all have the ability to, but it's either something that happens and you "go with it" or you don't.

An orgasm is never bad, no matter what kind it is, but having experienced both, I can say for me that a gspot o feels immensely better for me than a regular one. Until you've experienced it, it's hard to understand, but it's a "relief" feeling, I think akin to a male ejaculation somehow. I know after I have one, I'm spent, exhausted and rung out totally. With clitorals, I never really feel fully satisfied or "done"

I mean they are nice and all but after a gspot one I can fall asleep and be satisfied. I hope that makes sense :lol:

See now I am going to chime in. I have gspot orgasms, I have clitoral orgasms. I can have multiples from both. Now in the past I would have one and be spent, tired and passing out. Now I have MANY and I could just keep going, all night it seems. He is the one who stops. I stop because he is done. Now I am, actually, very tired after, relaxed and sleep well but if he starts touching me again I could go again. It just seems to be the opposite of what you just said. Clitoral for me is intense and strong. G is still intense but deep slow and kind of turns me inside out if you KWIM. Blended well just blows my mind. I do believe all women have the ability to ejaculate but G-spot orgasm and ejaculating are 2 different things like I read in the book you gave me! So anyway whatever happened I think Kudos to AK and OLAV both! Definitely good things! :)

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I'm no expert that's for sure. I'm learning too everyday about this wondrous thing called the "Gspot". I think there's very little data on it, since there's still disagreement from the medical field itself if it even exists.

What I was trying to say, is from everything I have read, Gspots are total body orgasms. For me I am satisfied with one, because it's so intense. Sometimes it's hard to move for a long while after where as a clitoral I could pack up and go in a minute :lol:.

It may not be this way for all women because no two of us are alike. The Gspot orgasm has some factors that seem to be the same for every woman that experiences it. Fatigue, a deep feeling of satisfaction and the fact that upon direct gspot stimulation fluid is expressed in the form of the *female ejaculation*

Some women report this ejaculation without any touching of the gspot just clitoral stim. Do I think this is a true Gspot o? In my opinion yes. Because if we look at female anatomy, the Gspot is closely proximated to the clitoris. The outside clitoral area is not all there is to the clitoral body. It travels much deeper into the anterior or front upper wall of the vagina. Close to the Gspot. The parauthreal glands are also in that area, as well as the urethra.

So clitoral stim in some women may very well also stimulate the gspot.

For me this has never happened. I only have gspotted with direct manipulation of my Gspot either manually or with Gsk's penis.

I have not experienced it with a toy yet.

Ak was asking is this a Gspot O and is this Gspot fluid? Because she did not experience gspot stim just clitoral? According to the literature out there she did. Without a full lab analysis of the fluid, nothing is certain.

I still say an orgasm is never a bad thing. I think when we women look for the true *Holy Grail* of a textbook Gspot o is when we can make ourselves nuts.

I never knew I had the ability to Gspot O much less ejaculate fluid, but it happened to me so since I personally experienced it I will argue it with any medical Dr that says the Gspot simply is a myth.

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I'm no expert that's for sure. I'm learning too everyday about this wondrous thing called the "Gspot". I think there's very little data on it, since there's still disagreement from the medical field itself if it even exists.

What I was trying to say, is from everything I have read, Gspots are total body orgasms. For me I am satisfied with one, because it's so intense. Sometimes it's hard to move for a long while after where as a clitoral I could pack up and go in a minute :lol:.

It may not be this way for all women because no two of us are alike. The Gspot orgasm has some factors that seem to be the same for every woman that experiences it. Fatigue, a deep feeling of satisfaction and the fact that upon direct gspot stimulation fluid is expressed in the form of the *female ejaculation*

Some women report this ejaculation without any touching of the gspot just clitoral stim. Do I think this is a true Gspot o? In my opinion yes. Because if we look at female anatomy, the Gspot is closely proximated to the clitoris. The outside clitoral area is not all there is to the clitoral body. It travels much deeper into the anterior or front upper wall of the vagina. Close to the Gspot. The parauthreal glands are also in that area, as well as the urethra.

So clitoral stim in some women may very well also stimulate the gspot.

For me this has never happened. I only have gspotted with direct manipulation of my Gspot either manually or with Gsk's penis.

I have not experienced it with a toy yet.

Ak was asking is this a Gspot O and is this Gspot fluid? Because she did not experience gspot stim just clitoral? According to the literature out there she did. Without a full lab analysis of the fluid, nothing is certain.

I still say an orgasm is never a bad thing. I think when we women look for the true *Holy Grail* of a textbook Gspot o is when we can make ourselves nuts.

I never knew I had the ability to Gspot O much less ejaculate fluid, but it happened to me so since I personally experienced it I will argue it with any medical Dr that says the Gspot simply is a myth.

In that book there was a chapter in which women were at a workshop. They practiced what I think was G-spot massage. Some of them ejaculated without actually orgasming. That is what I'm saying. That from what I have read, while orgasm can/does induce ejaculation it is possible to ejaculate without actually having an orgasm. I guess they are separate things. Weird huh? I don't know why anyone would want to. Maybe just for practice? Who knows! I'm still practicing myself!!! At the toy party I went to on Sat, the girl who was running it mentioned the g spot. One of the guys there said "that's a myth" I just bit my tongue. It was cleared up later though in general conversation. See people still think it is a myth! God knows I don't!

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In that book there was a chapter in which women were at a workshop. They practiced what I think was G-spot massage. Some of them ejaculated without actually orgasming. That is what I'm saying. That from what I have read, while orgasm can/does induce ejaculation it is possible to ejaculate without actually having an orgasm. I guess they are separate things. Weird huh? I don't know why anyone would want to. Maybe just for practice? Who knows! I'm still practicing myself!!! At the toy party I went to on Sat, the girl who was running it mentioned the g spot. One of the guys there said "that's a myth" I just bit my tongue. It was cleared up later though in general conversation. See people still think it is a myth! God knows I don't!

Yes you can ejaculate just from Gspot massage. If the Gspot is massaged it will induce an orgasm in some women without any clitoral stimulation.

Now will gspot massage alone induce ejaculation without any form of an accompanying orgasm? I don't know. I suppose they can, the same way that men are induced to ejaculate with prostate massage, without any penile stimulation. But they are having prostate induced orgasms.

I don't think there is one right or wrong way to have an orgasm. I think whatever works for the person is great. We have never done Gspot manipulation without some form of clitoral stim, that's my next experiment :lol: I'd be curious to see if I can come without any form of clitoral stim.

So many people still feel the Gspot is a myth. I did until it happened to me.

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One of the guys there said "that's a myth" I just bit my tongue.

Was this guy single or soon to be single?

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