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I was screaming bloody murder until I realized he was attached and had not come to life!

My heart was pounding for at least another 10 minutes. :lol:

I can be such a doofus.

That is just too funny!!

I'm pretty jumpy myself so I can see something like that happening to me. And the reaction being the same!

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Ohh.... my SO is interested in getting the free DVD of the month club when he gets his own place here in the states.... I can't WAIT! ^.^

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Mixed feelings about the coming week!

Can you tell us why?

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Guest eminatic


one of my fillings just randomly popped out! and i wasn't even eating anything!

i dont know what to do...i cant even contact the dentist until monday...and i dont have a day off until next friday...

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one of my fillings just randomly popped out! and i wasn't even eating anything!

i dont know what to do...i cant even contact the dentist until monday...and i dont have a day off until next friday...

There's this stuff called DentaTemp (or something similar), comes in a mini little jar, found in the dental aisle almost anywhere, near the floss & floss picks. It's temporary filling. Follow the directions, and use on where you need to replace the filling as best you can. It's about $3.

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one of my fillings just randomly popped out! and i wasn't even eating anything!

i dont know what to do...i cant even contact the dentist until monday...and i dont have a day off until next friday...

Where you able to find the right stuff Em?

I have used it before, and it does work for a few days.

Good luck, sweetie, hope it doesn't hurt to much.

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It is sad that death has to bring the worst out in people. Bickering over the stupidest things. Get over it people. I just want to run away from all of them.

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NO no love you mean Run them all over!

ok a few of them yes run over. It is sad that I think that the roles should have been reversed and he should have lived. It will be hard and I will miss him a lot, but he led a very good life in his 88 years. People just have to remember not to drive after drinking. I am done losing people to drunk drivers. The damn assholes should fry for drinking and driving. The innocent seem to have the worst of injuries or death and they just have a few scratches.

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Ok. I'm trying to be the bigger person and remove myself from the situation.... Unfortuanately, I now share my room with the "situation."


I can't wait till her classes start up again... I REALLY need some ME time..... my poor toys are all locked up. No way to use them with her around.

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ok a few of them yes run over. It is sad that I think that the roles should have been reversed and he should have lived. It will be hard and I will miss him a lot, but he led a very good life in his 88 years. People just have to remember not to drive after drinking. I am done losing people to drunk drivers. The damn assholes should fry for drinking and driving. The innocent seem to have the worst of injuries or death and they just have a few scratches.

Okay now that I look back at that, very poor choice of words on my part.

I agree though the innocent parties always (in every situtation) seem to take the hardest hit. I'm here for ya babe and I know it's tough now with all that you have going on but the sun will shine again (and hopefully it'll be warm) and even teh innocent parties will have a chance to shine and be happy.

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I want everybody to be safe this holiday weekend.

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Guest eminatic

i just got back from the dentist!

i was freaking out because...i always freak out when i get too close to a dental building, but it didnt hurt at all (the original filling hurt really bad, so i thought it would hurt more to have it filled again) and they did a white filling this time, and you cant even tell theres a filling there.

(i had a "white" filling done before...but it looks grey/green and very obvious) :rolleyes:

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I was wondering how it was going, Em.

Thanks for the update, I'm glad it went alright for you.

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MAN! It's only been two days so far of working out and i hurt! BTW anyone know any good arm excerises? Oh and back too please! I feel like my legs and my abs, even my shoulders ar egoing to look phenonmenalbut my back an my arms are going to be gross. :(

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Guest eminatic

i got a new fish today!

he is a white delta betta...but when directly under the light he is coppery pink <3

he looks so beautiful, i dont know what to name him...possible names i've considered:

-Legato (Bluesummers) :lol:




i like Cloud but it seems too cliche =/

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Not me. Same day, minor surgery and a bit worried.

I'll be think of you today. Hug.

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Thinking about the next few days. I will be having a long talk with someone that is important in my life. Unfortunately if I don't get the answers I deserve than some changes will be being made to my life. This person needs to realize in time they are pushing the people that care about them most away.

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