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UGH don't you hate it when a wrench gets thrown into your plans!!!!!!

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UGH don't you hate it when a wrench gets thrown into your plans!!!!!!

Yes! I was very disappointed, but were rescheduling so not all is lost.

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This is how I feel about things right now. :)

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That is so cool, MsLayD.

Suzy, you are a butterfly!

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125 days.... <3

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I should know better than to yell the way I did yesterday...lol. I am paying for it now as I have barely any voice today. Such is life.

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why do certain thing happen when the do why cant they happen when you want

them to????

If you find that out, please tell me!!!!!

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I am sad tonight.

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I am hoping to get a lot accomplished this weekend indoors since it is so cold and I dont' want to go out. I have some organizing to do. Also gonna spend some quality time playing games and such with my daughter.

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after a long battle i've finally gotten some answers from my ex. i am slightly confused now but so far i am not harboring any negative feelings...

OMG GREAT news! :)

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Hey, I'm almost a Guru :)

Hey I noticed that the other day! Maybe by Monday!

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At the rate I'm going, maybe today :D

Oh yeah! just 3 more! GO GO GO Guru!

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Drum roll Please..... TaDaaaa!!!!

YAY!!!!! You go on with your Guru self!

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i have found the most beautiful, sexy, smart, considerate, funny, caring, wonderful, loving,

awesome, hmmmm, i cant find enough words to describe this person, she is the best. i am truely

blessed to know her even though not in person just on the net and phone. if i could make a wish, i would wish that this person were never ever ever be sad in her life again. i never thought in a million years i would enjoy being with someone on the internet. she makes me happy and smile thinking of her. i just wish i could offer more to her than i can. i know she will see this and i want her to know it is ALL very true. i want the best for her. :kiss:

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