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Am thankful that things are getting better. He had said to give him a few months as things were just so nuts with work and family illness. I had my doubts, but he told me by February it would be fine. I was worried that we wouldn't make it through it all. He was exactly right. We are back to where we belong and it is a great feeling. So it is nice to be able to say yes he is the man that I thought he was and continues to be.

I'm glad to hear that sweetie. You two are great together, and I hope that I will be as happy as you.

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I'm glad to hear that sweetie. You two are great together, and I hope that I will be as happy as you.

Thank you and I know you will be sweetie. It was a very nice night last night as well as the night before. It is just nice to see he and I still are connected so well no matter what situation is thrown at us. We know that no matter what we are there for each other.

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Thank you and I know you will be sweetie. It was a very nice night last night as well as the night before. It is just nice to see he and I still are connected so well no matter what situation is thrown at us. We know that no matter what we are there for each other.

I am happy for you shortstuff. I'm glad things are working out. :)

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I thought I was taking my child to the hospital over night. Thankfully she is doing better now. It has been a long night.

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Some people really grate me.

Me too, Man, and I am just pissy enough today to tell them about it. :angry:

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I am at the point I don't care about little things. I am taking care of my daughter and enjoying my life. It is ashame that some can dish out but can't take it back. What happened to honesty in this world? Who only knows.

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Lastnight my best friends husband died suddenly.

That put a lot of little things into perspective.

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Lastnight my best friends husband died suddenly.

That put a lot of little things into perspective.

OH wow. I am so sorry to hear that.

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What a crazy day! Oh well bring on the weekend!!!!!

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My poor daughter I wish I could take all this for her. Fevers off and on non stop, and just feeling absolutely awful. Those that know my daughter are in shock. She is always on the go and never stops. Now she wants to just lay around and sleep. She has NEVER been this sick. She is having average temps of 101-102. We wree at the doctor yesterday and today. Poor thing. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend and she won't be able to enjoy it. I just want her better soon.

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My poor daughter I wish I could take all this for her. Fevers off and on non stop, and just feeling absolutely awful. Those that know my daughter are in shock. She is always on the go and never stops. Now she wants to just lay around and sleep. She has NEVER been this sick. She is having average temps of 101-102. We wree at the doctor yesterday and today. Poor thing. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend and she won't be able to enjoy it. I just want her better soon.

It sounds like a bad virus. Just keep her hydrated and give Motrin/Tylenol as needed. She'll come out of it in a couple days I bet!

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My poor daughter I wish I could take all this for her. Fevers off and on non stop, and just feeling absolutely awful. Those that know my daughter are in shock. She is always on the go and never stops. Now she wants to just lay around and sleep. She has NEVER been this sick. She is having average temps of 101-102. We wree at the doctor yesterday and today. Poor thing. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend and she won't be able to enjoy it. I just want her better soon.

Poor baby, and poor Mama, too. Worry can really wear on you.

I hope all is better soon. :kiss:

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It sounds like a bad virus. Just keep her hydrated and give Motrin/Tylenol as needed. She'll come out of it in a couple days I bet!

She is actually on the very sick with more than a virus. She has had the fevers since Wed and we have been doing the motrin and tylenol but it spikes within and hour of dosage. Just nuts that is for sure. Poor thing.

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I am sick of doctors, nurses, needles... This HAS to get better!

I hope you feel better soon. You have been sick enough.

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So and I had an extra nice time last night.

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My daughter has finally been fever free for more than 12 hours. This is the first time in a week. She is also starting to eat and act like herself. Granted she is still really congested and such, but it is nice to see her starting to return to her silly self.

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Alzhiemer's sucks.

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Can anyone explain to me why the Cincinnati Airport is in Kentucky? Really. I have asked around today and even the people at the airport couldn't really tell me. :huh:

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Can anyone explain to me why the Cincinnati Airport is in Kentucky? Really. I have asked around today and even the people at the airport couldn't really tell me. :huh:

Hmmmm it is because it is on the state line? I bet I could find a certain someone to tell me!

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Hmmmm it is because it is on the state line? I bet I could find a certain someone to tell me!

:) Could be the reason, but still seems silly to me. Someone at the airport said downtown Cinci is just a few minutes away ... but still - why not name it after the state it is in? Maybe I can find a smart person from nearby to answer this one for me. B)

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My daughter is almost 24 hours fever free. She listened to me and rested all day. If she is good we are going to an indoor arena with lots of things to do tomorrow with some friends tomorrow and I know she is looking forward to it.

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