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Blush Ballsy


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This bad boy is not as scary as it seems when you first get a look at it. I tore open the box and opened the package. I felt it, smelled it ect...It has that typical sweet smelling UR3 material smell. He is 7" long and 2" diam, and is heavy. Like the other reviews ballsy is quite floppy.

So, I decided to try him out alone. He has to be guided in a bit slowly because of the floppiness, but once in I didn't have a problem with it. I have to say, this is the closet to the real thing i have tried. It did not take me long to reach orgasm. I have to warn you though, he is heavy, and your arm can get tired. USE ONLY WATER BASED LUBE WITH THIS PRODUCT!! I washed him off, let him air dry, and put him back into the package it came in. DO NOT LET THIS PRODUCT TOUCH ANY OF YOUR OTHER TOYS...IT WILL MELT IT.

When hubby came home I ran to show him what we got in the mail...his first response was HOLY SHIT THATS BIG...now mind you he's the one who wanted to get me a bigger dildo. So, he takes him out and measures the length and girth with his own hands...length wise, almost as long, but girth wise a bit larger.

Hubby decides a few nights later, hubby decides he wants to see what HE can do with this guy. This in the hands of my hubby can be considered a dangerous weapon. He named him floppy John because he is so floppy.

Hubby lubed him up, and slowly inserted him. He started slow and worked up a pace, flipped me on my side, and held one leg up over his shoulder so he can see what was happening. I orgasm'd fast and hard. Hubby then flips me over doggy style and was doing this twisting motion with it, while thrusting hard, and g-spotted me.

THEN..he took 2 pillows and laid a towel over the pillows and laid me ass up over them....2 orgasms yes 2, and no, I'm not lying.

I thought he was done...nope....he decides im going one more round. This time he was going fast and hard, doing that twisting motion that I enjoyed the first time, and i g-spotted again!! i laid there totally spent for a good 10 minutes.

The only complaint my hubby has is that he is to floppy, and would like it better if he was a bit stiffer...just like him :rolleyes:

Hubby said we need something stiffer because i kept pushing him out when i orgasm'd...

overall, i enjoyed ballsy very much.. Hubby? says even though its soft, its a good dildo, but would be even better if it was stiffer.

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Blush Ballsy

Here sweetie...apparently they didn't get on here

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Wow. I'm speechless. That toy is getting amazing reviews.

4 times? Holy guacamole, that thing needs to come with warnings. :blink:

Olav, you da man. 4 and 2 gspots... oh my.


Awesome review, and my birthday is Sept 20th ;)

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Wow. I'm speechless. That toy is getting amazing reviews.

4 times? Holy guacamole, that thing needs to come with warnings. :blink:

Olav, you da man. 4 and 2 gspots... oh my.


Awesome review, and my birthday is Sept 20th ;)

yes doll i know when your bday is. :P and i already have your birthday gift picked out

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  • Review Team
Wow. Now I kinda wish I had got that instead. Oh well. I kinda don't mind the floppy cause I find it funny when I push it out.

I have 'em both Suz, and I think you made the right choice! ;)

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  • Review Team

I'm glad you had a good time with your floppy friend ;) I have one of those myself and I love that thing, despite the fact it's top heavy!

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i like this toy alot (and im REALLY hard to please) i usually twist it so that the "balls" are facing upwards which makes it a little easier to thrust.

I do the same thing with my big Dual Cherry Vibe (one of the big boys!!). I don't like downward tipping cocks, they're uncomfortable for me.

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