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Virginity For Sale


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Alot has to do with the society she was in, being a teacher in the philippines you have the same status almost a a nun


I know... VERY catholic... I have a good friend who is half Filipino.

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The claiming of a girl's virginity has long been something many men in many cultures find...well, stimulating and intriguing. Being the first cock in a woman and all that. Did any of you see Memoirs of a Geisha? In that movie the Geisha ransoms off her virginity. This was common practice - and often made a lot of money. How many websites are there out there claiming 'fresh meat' - virgins first times, horny virgins, etc. It is a hot market.

Do I think it is wrong? No. I think it is ingenius, actually. She is doing this because she was researching powerful women and what power women have, where it stems from, etc. She is working on her graduate dissertation on the subject. This began as research and stemmed from there. Hey, is SHE the stupid one when men are bidding a legitimate million dollars just to break her hymen? She is going to be de-virginized at some point - so either wait until you really love someone, or....well, make a profit. She is the one with the power here.

While I will admit not understanding why a man would pay that much, it is not like she is going to be writhing in ecstasy....but I am sure that is not what they are after...

Also, let me point out that you do not have to be 'experienced' to be good in bed. There is more to good sex than just 'the moment.'

When I started reading this thread, that movie, Memoirs of a Geisha came to mind for me as well. After the selling of their virginity, their sex is NOT for sale, at least, not the traditional one. Their sex is for their "dahn-na" (sp), which is like their protector, and the Geisha their mistress.

Many cultures, even our own, revere virginity on some level or another. I mean, what man DOESN'T like to say "I had a virgin", or "I was her First"? I know of none that aren't proud of at least ONE virgin they've helped bring into womanhood!

Anyway, I heard of a girl that was selling her virginity (probably the same one) to put herself thru school. Where this is "morally" wrong to many people, hey, it's quick, and a good solution to her problem. If she got that $$, and was able to put it all to school, she wouldn't be in debt, be able to make a better living faster (no loan payments), and not worry about that part of her life, financially speaking. If she doesn't want a commitment, & expects none from the de-virginizer, even better! Hey, she has a goal, and will use it! I say that it's her business, and nobody elses.

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Guess I'll start taking bids for the first person to knock some sense into the person that actually pays that price. Bidding starts at $10 million. Now depending on where this takes place at and where the bidder is from I would think there may be some legal charges pending if someone decides to push it. Even the best prostitute isn't worth that kind of money!

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Guess I'll start taking bids for the first person to knock some sense into the person that actually pays that price. Bidding starts at $10 million. Now depending on where this takes place at and where the bidder is from I would think there may be some legal charges pending if someone decides to push it. Even the best prostitute isn't worth that kind of money!


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