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Swollen/hardened Vein?


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I have this hardened/swollen vein on my right arm just under the ulna or radius (I believe) on the outside of my forearm. This happened a couple weeks ago, but went away on its own, now it's back and worse. It feels warm to the touch, which could indicate an infection, but there is no discoloration at all. It's just in one spot and not moving. I've looked around the net and can't seem to find anything about this except infections, but the symptoms aren't all accurate from that. The swollen area (that I can feel) is about 3 inches in length. I can't tell if it goes deeper because the vein disappears into the arm.

Any ideas?

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I have this hardened/swollen vein on my right arm just under the ulna or radius (I believe) on the outside of my forearm. This happened a couple weeks ago, but went away on its own, now it's back and worse. It feels warm to the touch, which could indicate an infection, but there is no discoloration at all. It's just in one spot and not moving. I've looked around the net and can't seem to find anything about this except infections, but the symptoms aren't all accurate from that. The swollen area (that I can feel) is about 3 inches in length. I can't tell if it goes deeper because the vein disappears into the arm.

Any ideas?

Call a Vascular MD. Your problem is with your vein, that's vascular.

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It's better to go to the doctor's and let them look at it ASAP, that way you won't have a clot or possible anurism (sp). Good luck darlin'!

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As a doctor - please go see a doctor - while it is unlikely to be something really bad you still need to get it checked out. Most likely it's a local vasculitis (inflamation of a vein), but it can also be an infection of some sort - either of the vein itself, of the tissue around the vein or an infected blood clot. If it is an infection you will most likely need antibiotics to treat it. There are other possibilities, but the only way to know for sure is to be seen by an doctor. I would recommend that you see your primary physician (Family Practioner or Internist) first as they can typically treat the problem and it is unlikely that you would be able to be seen by a vascular surgeon without some sort of referral. While I'm inclined to give you some suggestions for conservative treatment until you can get in to see a doctor tomorrow - it's really not appropriate for me to do so since I have no way of examining your arm. The one thing I would say is if you see red streaks going either up or down your arm from the area of swelling and soreness - don't wait until tomorrow - make a visit to the emergency room as that is a much more concerning sign/symptom.

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