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Since I keep my va-ja-ja very well groomed, a some time ago I noticed the skin on my labia's starting to get slightly darker in color. Yuck!, After thinking about this for a while and not interested in getting my labia's bleached (yes you can do that); I decided to try an experiment. Because I always moisturize the rest of my person, from head to toe everyday, but never thought to moisturize the va-ja-ja; I decided to used a moisturizing massage oil (already had it) every day after showering to see if I put thing back to pretty and pink. I'm not sure exactly how long it's been, at least 6 mths (probably more I'm really not sure) the pinky tone has returned. Is this a coincidence or should I have been moisturizing the va-ja-ja all along. I couldn't tell you but, It worked for me, maybe it will work for you. What do you think?

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Since I keep my va-ja-ja very well groomed, a some time ago I noticed the skin on my labia's starting to get slightly darker in color. Yuck!, After thinking about this for a while and not interested in getting my labia's bleached (yes you can do that); I decided to try an experiment. Because I always moisturize the rest of my person, from head to toe everyday, but never thought to moisturize the va-ja-ja; I decided to used a moisturizing massage oil (already had it) every day after showering to see if I put thing back to pretty and pink. I'm not sure exactly how long it's been, at least 6 mths (probably more I'm really not sure) the pinky tone has returned. Is this a coincidence or should I have been moisturizing the va-ja-ja all along. I couldn't tell you but, It worked for me, maybe it will work for you. What do you think?

Hey why not! All skin can get dry especially if you are shaving it! I do it too on occasion. I never noticed any darkening however...

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I haven't really noticed a darkening of my skin, and I've been shaving since I was 19. Moisturizing is always a good thing, however, I've never known for "dry skin" to get darker. If it continues, I would consult a dermatologist.

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Do you think it could be more hormonal?

Not sure. Here's a thought and forgive me if it sounds too personal but are you receiving ALOT of oral attention? Just a thought, but if so maybe that has something to do with it...the chemistry of the saliva on your skin?

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Do you think it could be more hormonal?

I wouldn't worry about it too much! It went away right?

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Do you think it could be more hormonal?

That was my immediate thought. Hormonal changes can trigger melasma, after all, so why not this?

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THe only thing on this topic that i have heard and see...is that they get darker after you have a kid....just like some women get the dark spots on the outside corners of their eyes and then some get the dark line on the belly. It is said that somepeople they don't go away and some people it does. Doesn't sound like you had a baby.........so im jsut guessing its hormonal since thats what causes it around pregnancy.

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THe only thing on this topic that i have heard and see...is that they get darker after you have a kid....just like some women get the dark spots on the outside corners of their eyes and then some get the dark line on the belly. It is said that somepeople they don't go away and some people it does. Doesn't sound like you had a baby.........so im jsut guessing its hormonal since thats what causes it around pregnancy.

NO BABIES!!!! OH GOD, NO MORE BABIES! So I'm going with hormonal.

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  • 2 months later...
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NO BABIES!!!! OH GOD, NO MORE BABIES! So I'm going with hormonal.

Funny, I was just wondering this about myself today. Mine is dark, too, and I don't think it has always been that way. But maybe it has. I don't know.

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Funny, I was just wondering this about myself today. Mine is dark, too, and I don't think it has always been that way. But maybe it has. I don't know.

It may be completely coincidental, but I started moisturizing with a massage oil and noticed a difference in about a month or two. It's been a while, and I feel the constant moisturizing makes a huge difference. They aren't perfectly pink, but they're pretty again. Try it, you have nothing to loose....... let me know if it makes a difference for you too.

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hi, just a thought but it could just be from skin rubbing together especially if you shave your va-ja-ja. i'm a larger gal and have some skin darkening on my inner thighs for that reason that has improved with body butters. could be totally of the mark but just a thought.


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Sorry what was the question? It's hard to focus when a 40's and fabulous female is telling me about applying oils to her va-jay-jay. Back in a minute. Pants are a bit tight. Need to apply ice to my groin to relieve the pressure. Talk amongst yourselves. The Topic: Is there a difference in flavor of dark meat vs. the light meat on a defoliated va-jay-jay?

OK I'm back. WTF. What's wrong with darkish skin on the labia? Anybody can be pink. But to be a sultry, earth tone sounds cool. I bet some gals would pay big bucks to look like that on purpose.

Ladylove, I bet your lips would look amazing even if they were aqua blue.

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hi, just a thought but it could just be from skin rubbing together especially if you shave your va-ja-ja. i'm a larger gal and have some skin darkening on my inner thighs for that reason that has improved with body butters. could be totally of the mark but just a thought.


I'm a thin gal; my legs don't rub together......

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Sorry what was the question? It's hard to focus when a 40's and fabulous female is telling me about applying oils to her va-jay-jay. Back in a minute. Pants are a bit tight. Need to apply ice to my groin to relieve the pressure. Talk amongst yourselves. The Topic: Is there a difference in flavor of dark meat vs. the light meat on a defoliated va-jay-jay?

OK I'm back. WTF. What's wrong with darkish skin on the labia? Anybody can be pink. But to be a sultry, earth tone sounds cool. I bet some gals would pay big bucks to look like that on purpose.

Ladylove, I bet your lips would look amazing even if they were aqua blue.

Thanks! :)

Pink is my favorite color, and it just looks prettier and younger too.

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Pink is my favorite color, and it just looks prettier and younger too.

OK, if Lady wants pink, then pink it is. What scent and flavors are you partial too. Tricky one. You can't have a musky scent with a fruity taste. Completely confuses the licker.

Please forgive my playfulness on this topic. I don't know what has gotten into me today.

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OK, if Lady wants pink, then pink it is. What scent and flavors are you partial too. Tricky one. You can't have a musky scent with a fruity taste. Completely confuses the licker.

Please forgive my playfulness on this topic. I don't know what has gotten into me today.

That's ok it's only in fun..... I'll answer

I have two: Peaches and cream and champagne. I'm always open to suggestions. My SO loves both.

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Don't care about color...it's all yummy.

Surprise your wife for valentines day with a special massage oil, then you can rub it all over and lick it off......

It's fun!

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I have two: Peaches and cream and champagne. I'm always open to suggestions. My SO loves both.

My SO's favorite it peach, too!

I get three bottles at a crack (pun intended) so we don't run out.

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  • 3 months later...
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Since I keep my va-ja-ja very well groomed, a some time ago I noticed the skin on my labia's starting to get slightly darker in color. Yuck!, After thinking about this for a while and not interested in getting my labia's bleached (yes you can do that); I decided to try an experiment. Because I always moisturize the rest of my person, from head to toe everyday, but never thought to moisturize the va-ja-ja; I decided to used a moisturizing massage oil (already had it) every day after showering to see if I put thing back to pretty and pink. I'm not sure exactly how long it's been, at least 6 mths (probably more I'm really not sure) the pinky tone has returned. Is this a coincidence or should I have been moisturizing the va-ja-ja all along. I couldn't tell you but, It worked for me, maybe it will work for you. What do you think?

the only times i have ever noticed it getting darker in color is when my b and i first got together, we had been together about a month and i had seen him atleast every other day, and being a new relationship we naturally HAD to make up for the days not seen by having sex 3+ times a night... anyway he went on a 4 day over night trip with his family and though i tried to masturbate i was extremely horny by the 3rd day and couldnt get my self off. i think the reason for this was that he was the first to ever give me a g-spot O, and i just couldnt give my self one at all. once we had sex and i got a release it went back to normal. but there have been a few other times when i have gotten really in the mood and couldnt do anything right then that i have noticed a darker color.

I do moisturize everything, EVERYDAY! i don't feel the need to put anything special down there but i do have sensitive skin everywhere so i figure if it doesn't bother me anywhere else it shouldn't bother me there. i like the VS body butter, the scent is not too strong and it leaves every part of me feeling silky and smooth. I also thing it helps me not to get so many shaving bumps (conpared to no moisturizer)

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  • 1 month later...
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The va-ja-ja loves some body oil each day to keep the darker skin at bay..... :D

I swear by it ladies!

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