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Horses Are A Lot Of Work, But....


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True, horses are expensive, and a LOT of work, but sometimes you get reminded how much they can bring a lot of joy. We don't ride our horses half as much as we should, so right now, they're mostly like BIG dogs! LOL DH wants us to feed twice a day right now, so this morning I went to do the AM feeding. I had to go into the big pasture to retrieve the food dishes. I was able to scratch and give luvin's to DD's horse, Mikki. She is pregnant, and due in March, and so rolly-polly. She let me rub all over her belly. Then my jealous boy came up to me, and Mikki was pushed outta the way. Wrangler let me love on him, and rub his head. Then I gave him a hug around the neck, and he nudged me closer with his head, and gave me a "horse hug", by pushing down with his head onto me. Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

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The bond between human and animal can be so amazing.

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I will admit it, I've spoiled my boy, Wrangler. He thinks I am HIS pet. I know I'll regret it, and I've been working on him respecting me as his OWNER that loves him, but, I just melt when he eyeballs me, and dips his head down and nickers at me. I probably offer him a bit too much trust too. But, he's never done anything to hurt me being mean. He's stepped on the back of my feet a couple times (which definitely HURTS, BTW), but that was just as much my fault as his. He's not fully trained yet, but, when I get on his back, he has yet to hop, kick, or even drop his ears down. He seems very careful. And he's only 4!!

He is VERY jealous. He wants ME to himself, chasing other horses away from me. In a way, this is good, that he will protect me. In a BIG way, this is BAD, because I may not be able to control another horse with him right there.

For example, one day, we had a friend, who's a part-time farrier, come by to trim their hooves. He asked me to get something, while I was holding Wrangler's lead. Well, I told him that I couldn't, Wrangler would get territorial if I went near the horse he was trimming. Hubby was there too. Our friend's like "Just bring me that stand!", so, I stepped forward, trying to give DH Wrangler's lead, and Wrangler saw where I was going, pinned his ears down, put himself inbetween me and the other horse, and started to posture the "That's MY Momma" stance to chase the other horse. DH told our friend "she CAN'T because Wrangler's attached to HER, and will protect her to keep her to himself because he's SPOILED." Needless to say, I didn't get the stand!! LMAO

I think it kinda irritates DH a bit, because his first horse we got when we moved down here, protected me from other horses that were running towards us, and the mare that he bought trusts ME more and will let ME catch her. She gives HIM a hard time!!! Bwahahahahahaaaaa!!!! Wrangler was one DH chose for himself, but when my horse Lightning died (old age and neglect from previous owners), he gave me Wrangler, and now Wrangler is a definite Momma's Boy!! LOL

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Well, I've posted pics of mine before, but I will do so again, just for you Suzy!! :)


Wrangler, an American Quarter Horse.


DH's horse, Blaze. She's about 14 yrs old.


A rare treat! LOL This was me, last year, not expecting to have my photo taken. We had to get pics of Wrangler for his AQHA paperwork. That's my DD on the left. She's pretending to be a horse too. LOL


This is Mikkie, DD's horse on the left side, mine on the right, this last Spring, while they still had some winter coating on.

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Why do horses bring out the little girl in everyone?

:(HEY I AM NO LIL GIRL!!!:( ON A MORE PRACTICAL NOTE...if you heat your house or shop with wood...you can supplement your firewood with horsepies. When I went to Red Lodge Rendevouz back in '91 I burned cowpies in my woodstove. Hey I was there for 2 weeks in my white canvas tent and 1000 miles from my woodstacks. :rolleyes:

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Beautiful animals, Tyger.

I agree with Suzy, you spend more time with them then anyone else.

It only makes sense that he is so attached to you.

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