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Waxed Or Shaven


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My girlfriend wants me to have my balls etc waxed or shaven as she said she would find it a real turn on. What do other girls find a turn on. Fully waxed trimmed or just left alone??? :unsure:

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My girlfriend wants me to have my balls etc waxed or shaven as she said she would find it a real turn on. What do other girls find a turn on. Fully waxed trimmed or just left alone??? :unsure:

First, let us clear this up - you CAN'T wax your balls dude! But, you can shave them, and I myself love my hubby all shaved completely clean! No hair to contend with, no hair to get in your teeth - AND it is soooo much better for him!

I suggest all men and women shave their pubic hair - you can't beat it! In my latest article, "Shaving Private Ryan: Removing your Hair, Down There!" I explain why, how and what the benefits are for both men and women! If you are considering this - and you should - read this article! Here is the link!


Mikayla :rolleyes:

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alrighty, I need to say that I like the feel of shaving and the sensations of having clean balls when she takes one in her mouth are INCREDIBLE! It's very worth it. I shave my balls but keep everything above my penis trimmed and very short, I just don't like the itch from when it grows back, so I keep it to a minimum. There are guides all over TT on how and why, Mikaylas article is a stand alone guide on how to and all that, so read it.

Badboy, does she shave hers? If not just tell her that what is good for the goose and all.....besides it can be a very erotic night if you take turns and shave one another!

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Well, here's my take on the situation - there are both pros and cons to shaving. On one hand, it's completely smooth, you don't worry about pubic hair in the mouth while giving oral, and there's no hair to dampen the sensation. On the other hand, if you dont keep it up, it can get pretty prickly, and there's no hair to contain moisture so if you're like me - sopping wet once aroused - you can get some really interesting sloppy sounds going on down there.

Over all, though, I enjoy being smooth, and it works for me when he is as well. You can always use music to cover the sound effects.

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