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Male Body Hair - Turnoff To The Ladies?


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I didn't know where to post this, so I hope it is alright here.

The other day I was in the locker room of my university gym and the guys started talking about body hair. They were razzing me a little because I have a good amount of it. They were saying it was the ultimate turnoff for the girls and the last thing they wanted was a guy that looked like Chewbacca (I don't look that bad!). I can take a razzing pretty well and I gave as good as I received, but it left me wondering. I don't give a toss what the guys think, but I do care what the girls think. I notice a fair number of guys shaving it off their chests when I go to the locker room.

My girlfriend has never said anything about it, but maybe she wouldn't even if she hated it. That bothers me to think that might be the case. So I don't know what to think. I was wondering what the women on here think?

Even if I do decide to get rid of it, what do I do? I don't think I could shave it (how do you shave your back anyway?) and waxing sounds painful and it seems to be only temporary. Should a guy just get rid of it in some places but not bother in others? The only thing I have ever done is just clip back the pubic hair.

Any advice appreciated!

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I think that it is a personal thing. I do not like excessive amounts of body hair - but my sister LOVES it. She married a "Chewbaca" type man, and is turned on as hell. My hubby has very little body hair, and even shaves his balls and shaft, so he is virtually hairless. I like it. I had a fiancee who was pretty hairy, and I loved him, so I loved his hair.

All subjective to the person who is touching it, I suppose. If she ain't complainin' then don't go a shavin'!

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I would normally say it's a personal choice, but I'm beginning to think it's a generational thing. I don't like pointing out ages on this site since that's not what is usually a key factor. However, I notice that my son's generation (which is the same as yours) doesn't particularly like hair. He's very consciencious about it. I don't ask details, but I noticed he trimmed his chest hair this summer. I asked why and he said that most guys do, and his gf would actually prefer that he wax.

I don't think that those things even occurred to the guys when I was that age. They let it come in naturally. So, for some reason, I've always associated hair with what seperated the men from the boys.

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i think it's a hygene thing for me. Hairy guys are always portrayed as sweaty and gross on TV and in movies so I equate body hair with that. But flip side is, if i'm getting hot and heavy with a guy and i take his shirt off to find his man rug, as long as he's clean, i'm not like to cringe and kick him out.I was witha guy once who was pretty hair and he made no secret of it, but he was clean and ohhh those bedroom eyes. Dude looked at me and i got shivers and wet.

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I just think if you love the person then you love everything about them. When I met my husband he had like 3 hairs on his chest. (he was 18) Now he is a little hairier and I really don't mind at all. Now if he happened to be a guy who never grew any I would still be just as happy. It is all relative to emotions I feel...

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Hon, each of us has different prefrences.

As Mikayla has said, if your girl hasn't said anything by now, it is nothing to worry about.

Ever thought those guys might have been a little jelous of your manly look?

How many of them have a comitted girlfriend? Give it a little thought,

you have something going on that they wish they had!

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I guess it would depend really.

I don't normally go for overly hairy men. But, if I loved him, then I'd love his hair.

I prefer no hairy backs, and it's a turn off for me if I see someone down the street like that. But, if it was with someone I was already with, and discovered it later, I'd probably tolerate it better. What I know I couldn't stand is a smelly hairy man. But that goes to hygiene.

Most men know if they're hairy or not. If your woman isn't complaining, or hasn't hinted that she doesn't care for it, then I wouldn't worry.

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Queensman I would try talking to your lady about this cause it's up to her. She might like what's currently there and want you to to keep it and keep it trimmed where it's at. Or she might like more of it or hate it and want it gone. You never know. If you want to keep it and it's not a big deal to her I would say keep it well groomed and clean. Waxing isn't that painful. The first few strips I notice aren't pleasant but bite on a towel or your lip or have someone distract you. I didn't do much but I did a good amount and it does hurt. Not like in the movies or in t.v. but it's like duct tape. Waxing lasts longer than shaving but if you want long lasting hair removal look into laser hair removal. I strongly recommend keeping your pubes short, maybe not hairless but short. Makes you look bigger and girls love it when giving head.

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Gee, thanks, Iha.

Just as I was feeling really reassured by all the ladies' comments (ok, eminatic, you made me a bit nervous) I have to hear you sing that I better buy a weedwacker.

I'm starting to feel insecure again!

Alright, alright it really made me laugh, Iha - well done!

Thanks for all of your comments (and to ohshelly for the effective pep talk! I agree - those guys were just a bunch of losers without girlfriends!).

Unless I notice any obvious signs of disgust on my girlfriend's part, I'll stay the way I am. She's Armenian - maybe the guys don't shave in Armenia?

And I'll stay out of Speedos.

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LMAO iha!! Jeez!!!

Again, I wouldn't worry about the hair. Many cultures don't put such emphasis on shaving/hairlessness as American does, so I wouldn't worry. Many cultures think it odd for a woman to shave, even under her armpits! So, I really wouldn't worry about it.

Oh, and don't worry, eminatic scares a lot of people..... :P;)

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