Members angelkisses98 Posted February 15, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 I recently started a drug called Remicade to treat my Chron's Disease. If my insurance did not cover this treatment it would cost me $3,500 every 8 weeks for only 1 treatment . Now, here is the kicker. My cousin works in a hospital pharmacy placing drug orders. She told me the hospital only pays $500 per treatment from the drug company. The hospitals and insurance companies then jack up the prices!! This is unbelievable! I knew the prices were jacked up, but I had no idea it was this bad! There are people out there who cant afford the thousands of dollars a month for the medication they need to keep them alive, when in all actuality the medication they need actually cost them less then half of what they are paying Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members hog Posted February 15, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 I agree, the pharmaceutical business is one of the biggest ripoffs in this nation next to the insurance industry which is THE biggest . Medical cost is ridiculous because of big insurance companies. If we were to abolish medical ins a Dr. visit would cost around fifty bucks. I take med every day that cost $6.00 a pop, that is fucking outrageous. I know a lot of peoples Med cost a lot more than that hence they have to go without. Get rid of Big ins and that same six dollar pill would be about a buck fifty and your $3,500 treatment would be less that half that amount.The only good thing is that people who don't have ins can usually negotiate a reasonable fee for service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members angelkisses98 Posted February 15, 2009 Author Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 I agree, the pharmaceutical business is one of the biggest ripoffs in this nation next to the insurance industry which is THE biggest . Medical cost is ridiculous because of big insurance companies. If we were to abolish medical ins a Dr. visit would cost around fifty bucks. I take med every day that cost $6.00 a pop, that is fucking outrageous. I know a lot of peoples Med cost a lot more than that hence they have to go without. Get rid of Big ins and that same six dollar pill would be about a buck fifty and your $3,500 treatment would be less that half that amount.The only good thing is that people who don't have ins can usually negotiate a reasonable fee for service.My husband is from Norway. And like everything else over there, prices are set by government. Which has both it's pros and cons. However, this is the way medicine is handled over there. Doctors/specialist/ nurses ect. ALL make a mandated amount. a GP/OB GYN/ ect makes lets say a flat rate of $60,000 a year from the government. A procedure such as say delivering a child is an additional say $5,000 a year regardless of regular birth, c-section ect. Surgeons and such make another flat amount, and a flat amount for surgery. They are NOT allowed to charge extra fees for little things such as extra medication, extra supplies used ect. Hospitals are only allowed to charge the drug companies/government EXACTLY what the drug cost. there is no jacking up the prices. Non of this $20 for a damn tylonal in the hospital. And yes, the hospitals do charge that. I was in Norway once, and I ended up getting sick. For a doctors visit, an antibiotic, cough meds, an inhaler, and blood work, I paid a whopping $30 USD. At the time, I did not have insurance here, that would have cost me a few hundred easy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ladylove Posted February 15, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 My husband is from Norway. And like everything else over there, prices are set by government. Which has both it's pros and cons. However, this is the way medicine is handled over there. Doctors/specialist/ nurses ect. ALL make a mandated amount. a GP/OB GYN/ ect makes lets say a flat rate of $60,000 a year from the government. A procedure such as say delivering a child is an additional say $5,000 a year regardless of regular birth, c-section ect. Surgeons and such make another flat amount, and a flat amount for surgery. They are NOT allowed to charge extra fees for little things such as extra medication, extra supplies used ect. Hospitals are only allowed to charge the drug companies/government EXACTLY what the drug cost. there is no jacking up the prices. Non of this $20 for a damn tylonal in the hospital. And yes, the hospitals do charge that. I was in Norway once, and I ended up getting sick. For a doctors visit, an antibiotic, cough meds, an inhaler, and blood work, I paid a whopping $30 USD. At the time, I did not have insurance here, that would have cost me a few hundred easy.Let me just say, Surgery fees in The US are set by the insurance co. and medicaid. Surgeons my charge more but very limited due to restriction set upon them by ins co. however they do not collect for meds, or any other services you may need only the surgery and after care. If any meds are ordered the surgeon never sees a penny of it . All those extra cost go to the hospital. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members pappyld04 Posted February 15, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 A 700% mark-up is an outrage!!! I cannot figure out how this would even stand up in a court of law. Regardless of where the money goes it is still ridiculous to pay $20 for an aspirin that sells everywhere else for 0.99 for two. It's not a coincidence that I mention the law in this same post since they are another group that loves to profit from the misery of others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members angelkisses98 Posted February 15, 2009 Author Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 Let me just say, Surgery fees in The US are set by the insurance co. and medicaid. Surgeons my charge more but very limited due to restriction set upon them by ins co. however they do not collect for meds, or any other services you may need only the surgery and after care. If any meds are ordered the surgeon never sees a penny of it . All those extra cost go to the hospital.OK, my last stay in the hospital was for a blocked kidney due to a kidney stone...4 day hosptial stay. The bill? 80grand! yep thats right, 80 grand for 4 days!! 20 grand a day!? for what!? a bed, food, 1 CT, pain meds, antibiotics, iv steriods and pain meds?In the mail I received an itemized list from my insurance company of what was charged from the hosptial/doctors, and what they paid out. *My urologist charged $15,000 for a 20 min surgery to place a stent in my urter!? really? is that necessary? *For a generic brand IV antibiotic $625 a dose!? $385 for generic IV steriod!? $250 for a shot of pain meds!? Its insane!Lets put it another step mother in law is a nurse in Norway, I was telling her about the cost that are being charged here. She then in turn and looked up what doctors are allowed to charge there..*the charge for the doctor to put a stent in $1,200 USD. *the same antibiotics $65 USD, iv steriods $50, and the pain meds $38Point for meds, doctors, and surgeries ect do NOT have to cost what it does...if restrictions were placed, the greed would not be there..simply because what you get paid is mandated...not what the insurance companies feel you should get. In the long run, we are the ones paying with through the roof health care, deductibles, and medication costs. Something needs to be done. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ladylove Posted February 15, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 Ok, My daughter just had some surgery, the bill was about $10,000. 1600 was dedicated to the surgeon the rest was dedicated to hospital cost and meds. Emergency room visits last one was about $2200.00; about 200 went to the Dr. Rest to the hospital for what ever.The Docs can not collect for meds, just services rendered. Talk to your ins co.I agree health insurance costs are through the roof. Thats were all the $$ is going. Look, I have loads of close friend that are Dr's. They are not allowed to just charge whatever they want to. Ins co. and medicaid mandate and set the cost and collection. The Docs hands are tied by the ins co. They have no say in the process. The AMA has tried to lobby for change, but there #'s aren't strong enough against other parties to win there battles.Medicine is turning into more of a business everyday and less of a profession. We'll all loose if we don't take at least some of the control away from the Ins co.The cost of meds; Drug co are to blame. Friend of mine owns a large Drug co. and they are under tight scrutiny right now. It's about time. The companies through money around to easily and it needs to have monitored so the $$ of the drugs become more reasonable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members mtngal Posted February 15, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 I feel you. Our insurance does not cover well child visits or immunizations. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ladylove Posted February 15, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 15, 2009 Ok, My daughter just had some surgery, the bill was about $10,000. 1600 was dedicated to the surgeon the rest was dedicated to hospital cost and meds. Emergency room visits last one was about $2200.00; about 200 went to the Dr. Rest to the hospital for what ever.The Docs can not collect for meds, just services rendered. Talk to your ins co.I agree health insurance costs are through the roof. Thats were all the $$ is going. Look, I have loads of close friend that are Dr's. They are not allowed to just charge whatever they want to. Ins co. and medicaid mandate and set the cost and collection. The Docs hands are tied by the ins co. They have no say in the process. The AMA has tried to lobby for change, but there #'s aren't strong enough against other parties to win there battles.Medicine is turning into more of a business everyday and less of a profession. We'll all loose if we don't take at least some of the control away from the Ins co. Take a look at some of the higher ups in the ins. business salaries and compensation package and bonuses. It's jaw dropping. The cost of meds; Drug co are to blame. Friend of mine owns a large Drug co. and they are under tight scrutiny right now. It's about time. The companies throw money around to easily and it needs to be monitored so the $$ of the drugs become more reasonable.OOPS! just meant to make a correction. sorry. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members mystofpric Posted February 16, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 16, 2009 I feel you. Our insurance does not cover well child visits or, I don';t get how they can get away with NOT covering things like this! Like when I got told i had chymidia, they didn't pay for the intial exam, the follow-up OR my meds. Luckily The state of ny looks at how much I make and says I'm poor, or i'd be in the poor house just trying to pay for meds! ANd my visits weren't even that much $100 for the exam $300 for lab work and $100 for the follow up appointment and $50 for my 4 pills. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members angelkisses98 Posted February 16, 2009 Author Members Report Share Posted February 16, 2009 I feel you. Our insurance does not cover well child visits or immunizations.Well thats just insane...I have never heard of such a thing. Who is your insurance provider? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ladylove Posted February 16, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 16, 2009 wtf, I don';t get how they can get away with NOT covering things like this! Like when I got told i had chymidia, they didn't pay for the intial exam, the follow-up OR my meds. Luckily The state of ny looks at how much I make and says I'm poor, or i'd be in the poor house just trying to pay for meds! ANd my visits weren't even that much $100 for the exam $300 for lab work and $100 for the follow up appointment and $50 for my 4 pills.I have no idea how this is ok either, but the doc has to show separate charges. If doc doesn't collect for shots or co-pay or what ever, his reimbursement is decreased each and every time. The extra charges can't go into uncollectible for the same and some others. It's horrible. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyger Posted February 16, 2009 Report Share Posted February 16, 2009 I too, think it's insane! I mean, I know it takes quite a bit of $$ to develop these drugs, however, don't drug companies usually consider that, and get grants for development anyway? I doubt it costs that to produce the drug, and the markup isn't at all necassary, IMHO. Do they honestly think that people that get some serious diseases, or the ones that aren't so common, can afford to pay for these meds, since it's an uncommon disease? I mean, really!This is NO WHERE near your cost, but, when my DD had her first sistitus infection, and refused to take the pill crushed up, her pediatrician prescribed the liquid. He didn't do that first cuz the pills were about $5 for an Rx, the liquid, almost $90!!! We didn't have insurance at the time, and he knew that, so he was trying to help. Anyway, I don't see how it's costing them an extra $85 to make it into a liquid form........ridiculous!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members angelkisses98 Posted February 16, 2009 Author Members Report Share Posted February 16, 2009 Also, watch your mail order meds as well. When hubby and I were doing fertility, I needed one shot. I went to fill it at my pharmacy. They told me it had to be ordered through my special pharmacy (caremarx) and i could pay the full $80 and have them reimburse me or order through them..naturally I ordered through them. Caremarx told me the shot was $160!! and I was responsible for the whole amount..uhhhh what? So I asked them why it was only $80 at my pharmacy..the guy played stupid. So, I called my fertility clinic, told them what was up...the nurse said no way! the shot was $80, looked up my insurance in there computer, told me no way, that my co-pay for the shot was $10. I called Caremarx back, demanded a supervisor, the supervisor apolagized for the mistake, and then proceeded to tell me my co-pay was $70...I told her what they were doing was illegal they are ripping people off. Well all of the sudden I only owed $10. I wrote a lovely letter to the president of the company. Which of course big shocker never heard anything from. Point is, had I have not been on top of it, and did not know better, i would have been stuck paying $160 for a shot that only cost $80, and even worse, they were gonna charge me $70 after I called there bluff when I should have payed $10. What about the elderly who are confused, and don't under stand to ask, or anyone for that matter? I would love to know how they can get away with this> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members mystofpric Posted February 17, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 17, 2009 I have no idea how this is ok either, but the doc has to show separate charges. If doc doesn't collect for shots or co-pay or what ever, his reimbursement is decreased each and every time. The extra charges can't go into uncollectible for the same and some others. It's horrible.Well I'm not sure what's up with the insurence company but since i go to Planned Parenthood they are state funded and they have grants and what not to help me pick up the tab. i get that they have to itemize their billing, and i'm totally cool with that. I'm upset that my insurence company refused to pay for it, even though it was technically an STD test which I'm allowed to get twice a year according to my insurence. One in May (covered) and once in December (not covered), I'm really confused why they didn't pay for the meds, unless they decided that even though it wasn't a pharmecy trip that it was a prescirbtion deal. I dunno. New insurence this year, new headaches, I'm sure! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ladylove Posted February 17, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 17, 2009 Well I'm not sure what's up with the insurence company but since i go to Planned Parenthood they are state funded and they have grants and what not to help me pick up the tab. i get that they have to itemize their billing, and i'm totally cool with that. I'm upset that my insurence company refused to pay for it, even though it was technically an STD test which I'm allowed to get twice a year according to my insurence. One in May (covered) and once in December (not covered), I'm really confused why they didn't pay for the meds, unless they decided that even though it wasn't a pharmecy trip that it was a prescirbtion deal. I dunno. New insurence this year, new headaches, I'm sure!If your allowed 2 tests a year and it was 6plus months apart, did you call the company and ask why they didn't cover it? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members mystofpric Posted February 17, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 17, 2009 If your allowed 2 tests a year and it was 6plus months apart, did you call the company and ask why they didn't cover it?Yeah because I didn't have teh appointment far enough in advance. Why does that matter and how can they have that info? I'm not too concerned with it any more because PPh helped me pay for it and i have new insurence. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ladylove Posted February 17, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 17, 2009 Yeah because I didn't have teh appointment far enough in advance. Why does that matter and how can they have that info? I'm not too concerned with it any more because PPh helped me pay for it and i have new insurence.Ok, but in the future if you have a problem alot of issues can be resolved by writing a letter explaining circumstances and not knowing etc..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members mystofpric Posted February 18, 2009 Members Report Share Posted February 18, 2009 Ok, but in the future if you have a problem alot of issues can be resolved by writing a letter explaining circumstances and not knowing etc.....Well most of it was solved witha phone call (they constantly refused to pay for my lab work because the lab is out of network, but i'd call explain and they'd fix it) oh well insanity! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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