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Harder To Cum


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I used to be able to cum fairly easily, within 5 minutes with a vibrator or porn, maybe 10 with oral. In the last few months I have noticed that it is actually getting harder for me to cum, no matter what method I use. I make sure to mix it up so I don't get used to only cumming one way, but no matter what it takes longer. I got a VCH about 9 months ago, I'm not sure if that could be causing this. I have tried a little experimentation with taking it out, and cumming, but its still hard. I know my body fairly well, I play all the time with different techniques and such, I just don't know what to do.

Can anyone help? Has anyone had this problem?

(Sorry a bit rambling, I wanted to get all the info in :) )

Thank you!


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I used to be able to cum fairly easily, within 5 minutes with a vibrator or porn, maybe 10 with oral. In the last few months I have noticed that it is actually getting harder for me to cum, no matter what method I use. I make sure to mix it up so I don't get used to only cumming one way, but no matter what it takes longer. I got a VCH about 9 months ago, I'm not sure if that could be causing this. I have tried a little experimentation with taking it out, and cumming, but its still hard. I know my body fairly well, I play all the time with different techniques and such, I just don't know what to do.

Can anyone help? Has anyone had this problem?

(Sorry a bit rambling, I wanted to get all the info in :) )

Thank you!


Well first what is a VCH? What else is different? Any new stresses? Weight gain etc? Sometimes these can affect you as well. Do you have a partner or are you speaking strictly masturbation? How often do you indulge? Sometimes if you take a break things return to "normal" after...

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Vertical Clitoral Hood Piercing. :)

I have a friend who had her hood pierced (for about year,) when she removed it there was some scar tissue which caused desensitization - it is nearly impossible for her to have a clitoral orgasm now. Everyone is different; but if you noticed the change shortly after your piercing, then I'd say that might have something to do with it. It's also possible that the piercing hasn't fully healed yet. Generally speaking, though - a hood piercing shouldn't effect your ability to have an orgasm, it's more likely that it would INcrease it. But, that's the risk you take, right?!

Have you tried clitoral enhancement creams - such as Viva Cream (cooling) or KamaSutra Warming Gel (warming)? One (or both) of these may help.

Of course, as Sun mentioned, it could be more mental, than physical.


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Thank you for the quick replies, definitely helpful.

Meg, I have tried the creams, they never worked for me even before I had the piercing.

You are not the first person to tell me to stop for a while Sun, so I think that's what I am going to do, hopefully that will help. Gonna be hard though lol.

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I'm not sure if it's okay to say on this website, but have you considered a little bit of pot? Smoking a lot of pot is bad for you, can kill your ambition and hurt your lungs, but i'd say there isn't anything wrong with smoking a little of it every once in a while, and it can really help to increase sensitivity and orgasm. A few friends of mine who are women have said that it helps their masturbation etc. for a decent amount of time after.

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Fact: THC does not increase your orgasm sensitivity; THC is a hallucinogenic. This means that any perceived increase is a hallucination. Opinion: In addition, substances used for sexual purposes tend to isolate the partners who are having sex; focus only on the high and the sexual sensations actually makes having a partner in sex moot. You may as well be masturbating.

Really Iha? Have you tried it recently? I believe it is different for women... What about people who use prescription drugs to help them? Should they"might as well be masturbating" too?

Drugs are drugs! They work differently for different people... If something works for someone why should anyone try to squelch that with guilt or negative opinions or judgment?

I wouldn't suggest that she start smoking. Really the best way is to get there without "help". You wouldn't want to end up becoming reliant upon it. That is a very real concern.

However some women have issues and problems that make having orgasm more difficult and there are articles and facts out there that say this actually does help! Google marijuana and libido... see for yourself! It goes back hundreds, maybe thousands of years!

Hey to each is own! If something helps you and you are happy, as long as you aren't abusing it, who are we to judge!

...but hey kids! Don't do drugs!

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Iha...always interesting information.

Now, since I have the munchies from a contact high, I am gonna address the question so I can go spray some canned cheese into my mouth...

This happened to me, but only for a few days, after I had my first baby. I was a daily (or more than once a day) masturbator. I used toys, fingers, insertion, whatever struck me. I was able to have multiple orgasms - no problems. Then, I had my son and when it was 'Ok to play' again I noticed I couldn't cum. I tried everything, I even waited a week or so to see if it would come back, no luck.

Finally, I asked my doctor at my second follow up visit (yes, I asked her, we have a great relationship) and she told me it was most likely a hormonal imbalance due to the pregnancy. She suggested I wait a little longer to see if my hormones return to normal before she medicated me. It took about another month and it suddenly reappeared!

So, my advice to you is to ask your doctor to run hormone testing - and see if you are all equal or off kilter. Anything else amiss? Not sleeping as well, night sweats, more or less hungry?

Hope this helped!

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I'll be honest here... my BF and I, when we smoke, almost always make it a point it have sex. Most of the time I don't feel quite as connected to him as when we're sober, yes, but sometimes the orgasms are PHENOMENAL. They come on slowly and seem to last a long time, like in a wet dream. I also find it easier to have multiples, since I don't feel as over-sensitive afterwards.

Would I recommend marijunana as a way to "treat" any sort of sexual dysfunction? No. I will say, though, that it sure is fun and different sometimes ;)

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I wouldn't suggest she get buzzed to have better sex. That should come from you and your technique, not from the enhanced perceptions of any drug, and alcohol also falls into that category.

I also think it is the very hallucinogenic aspect that tells the brain it is having better sex and stronger orgasms. The same for the "profound" thoughts that one has while high. It's not that the thoughts are profound, just your brain making it seem that way.

I also like the tuna fish analogy Iha :lol:. THC magnifies everything. If it weren't for the drugs effects, people would be feeling the same great sex and orgasms while they were sober as much as while they were under the influence. Perception is changed with the drug. What you are feeling is not in reality the way it is, it's what your brain is telling you.

I also think pot should be decriminalized. And back on topic, as for the VCH it may be scar tissue, or it could be hormonal. I know first hand hormones can cause a lot of issues.

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