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I Feel Very Lucky!


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First, a background pre-story.

My mother directs bridge games at a facility. More often than not, the players are elderly. She's been at this particular place for about 2 years now, and is one of their regular and requested directors. :)

They had a Lost & Found box there, but nobody ever claimed anything, so, the decided (all of the people in charge of taking care of the place) to get rid of the box. They gave people 8 months of warning, that, in December (08) they were going to get rid of the box. Each time they had a game, they reminded people. That's about 5 times per month! LOL Reminded people that if they even THOUGHT they were missing something, to go and check it out.

Nobody did!!

So, at the end of December, all of the directors went thru this rather large box full of stuff, taking what they wanted. Mom got a few sweatshirts, sweaters, even a top. Then she came across this little tupperware box, with a broken bracelet in it. She took that, after offering it to the others, who passed it up. She asked how long it'd been there, and one person said that it'd been there as long as they could remember! She couldn't tell if they were diamonds, or CZs, she honestly thought that it was like just glass or something. Took it home, and sauldered it together (she does glass & has the tools to put together glass using lead sauldering). Then she looked on the clasp, that read 14K. Oops. So, she told me that she had this bracelet, and she was going to give it to me. If I wanted, I could get it fixed right, since it was 14K & worth fixing right.

Cool. So, she brings me this bracelet. The links are like boxes on the bottom. I thought it was a CZ bracelet, cuz the stones were TOO clear, and TOO sparkly! I couldn't believe someone would loose something of that high of value if it was REAL.

We stopped at a pawn shop, mom bought a GPS system, and I asked them if they had a diamond tester. Yep. Would they be willing to test it for me? Absolutely. So, I bring it in, and OMG!!! The thing is REAL!!!!!!!

I took it to a jeweler, cost me $43 to get the lead out, literally, and to have it fixed correctly. I asked the guy how much he thought it was worth, and he said that he thought it was at least 2, maybe 2.5 CW, and worth about $1500-2000!!!!!!! When I got it back it was sooooooooo pretty and sparkly!! They did a GREAT job fixing it!!!!

So, I invested $43 in a really expensive bracelet I got for FREE!!!!

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  • Review Team

That is soooo cool! See - good things happen to good people! :) Show us a photo, it sounds beautiful.

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  • Members

That is great to hear. To think things people just lose and don't think about.

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  • Review Team
That is great to hear. To think things people just lose and don't think about.

I hate to say it, but since most of the patrons are elderly and the bracelet had been there as long as anyone could remember, it's previous owner may no longer be around for one reason or another, like no longer healthy enough to attend or ... well, you know. :huh: Whatever and however, I wish I could make a find like that!

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  • Members

You definitely deserve that honey....enjoy it and wear it out on the town with your hubby!

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