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some of my experiences

Entries in this blog

On Hold Or Gone Forever?

Well, my Brother layed it out . He feels too guilty about his girl friend to go any further with us. Its understandable, though still disappointing. It seemed to me that he was very reluctant to sign off on it all together, it was almost like he wasnt really sure what he wanted but in an already awkward situation unsurredness sue is a damper, we knew we had to be decisive. The tension in the air on the whole subject was getting to be too much. He assured us that he was extremly tempted to to par



Here We Go Again!

Ok... we thought we had laid this all to rest. Then my brother recently started coming around allot more. Of course, on the sibling level that is great but the thing is he is visiting most often when I am at work. His work schedule is a big part of it as he works 3p - 11p but I think of it like this. Is there really nothing else for him to do or is he still thinking about it. He knows what all options are open to him with my wife and we are all aware of the underlying tension that is present. He



The Early Morning Encounter

slipped into the room in the early morning hours. I could see thier shadows close together in the dark and I could hear the sounds of kissing and the blankets rustling. I eased myself into position to lick her pussy. As I licked her I could taste that she had already been penetrated, his musk was strong on her. I licked her as they kiss for a long while and then I moved to kiss her. I could taste his cock in her mouth. After kissing her for a few moments I went back to licking her. She came agai



Follow Up To Our Escapades

My Brother has told me that he would be interested in "going further" with My wife, though I can still sense alot of aprehension on his part. If only he knew how much she has fantasized about him and for how long. I tried to tell him about it but I guess it is hard to fathom. More on my part.. I really am turned on by the idea of my wife ( of 6 years) being with my younger brother , it holds so many aspects of erotic arousal. First off.. I love her very much and to watch her orgasm or experience



My Wife And My Brother

My Wife (27 Yrs. old, 5'4" 120lbs brown hair and eyes,slim with great hips and nice tits) and I have talked many times about how she is attracted to my younger brother, we decided to take action upon it and so we told him that she thought he was sexy and that she may be interested in more with him. He was shy about it all for a long time. One night he was over and we were all drinking and talking and very bluntly, the question was posed if he would like to "be with her" he nervously said yes b



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