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Good News (finally! Maybe?)

I got a package in the mail yesterday from one of the companies I submitted my resume to. I do that a lot, on an average week I submit around 50 copies of my resume to employers. I also fill out roughly 30 applications each week. I get a few hits here and there. When all is said and done, I try and find more employers and find more websites to subit a resume to, I figure that way, any unposted employers can find me in their searches, and I can search their sites and find more employers. It is



A Real Problem

I got a letter today from the state that Liz's dad lives in. It said I could call the toll free number and find out how much child support the state had collected on my behalf. It looks as though he knew he was screwed either way, and signed the paper saying he was dad. Now I have to worry about a whoile new set of problems. His mom for one. She has custody of his other 3 kids, and I am afraid she will try to take Liz away from me, because she is her grand daughter. She lives in a state with gr



First Time

Cool, I figured out the settings on this thing and how to add entries. I knew all that work on the other board would help me out someday. No, I am not a rocket scientist, nor am I a poet, so don't expect anything like that here, sorry. I am however a mom of 4 of the most beautiful girls in this world. Can ya tell I am a tiny bit biased about my kids? LOL And no, I do not think they are angels, well, maybe when they are sleeping. But, when they are awake, you would swear it was a wrestling mat



A New Lover.....

I just started talking to someone I've known for a long time but at a different level. I never imagined he would be interested in me since he never mentioned or gave any kind of sign until now. I am very nervous since he is very handsome and a much older man than me. He lives a couple hours from me and is coming to visit me soon. He wants to meet at his hotel room but I'm very nervous with him.... i feel he is way up there for me and I may not be able to perform as I would normally due to th



Happy Birthday To Me!

I turn 22 today. I'm hoping to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 with my boyfriend. I bought myself a birthday gift on the 3rd from here. The Jenna Jameson vibe kit.



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