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The Wait

So, I've worked in a pharmacy setting for a decade and there is one question that always invariably comes up. "It's just putting pills in a bottle, why does it take so long?" This attitude is so very outdated. When our grandparents were children, this might well have been true. I'm sure that you could get in and out of your pharmacy within minutes. There were far fewer regulations that had to be followed, there was little or no insurance and it was all paper file, and the preferred medicati



Here We Go!

I just returned to this message board after, what, two years.. and I made my first post in a thread about where people are on their sexual journey in life. I've decided to use my post there as my first blog entry also, because it describes pretty well where I am and what I want. So here goes: When it comes to my husband's and my journey together, I'd say we're right at the beginning, at least when it comes to positive change. We've been married for only 3.5 years, yet our sex life is dead. It



The Lost Look

I work in retail. I love retail. One of the things that makes it fun is the challenges that happen during the course of any given day. Of course, being in retail one has to deal with a "customer is always right" attitude and you must work in a beaurocracy. These are my thoughts and what really goes through my mind in a given situation. It's a common practice nowadays to instruct your employees in the finer points of serving the customer. While this is a very good endeavor, I sometimes think th



The Exagerated Complaint

I work in retail. I love retail. One of the things that makes it fun is the challenges that happen during the course of any given day. Of course, being in retail one has to deal with a "customer is always right" attitude and you must work in a beaurocracy. These are my thoughts and what really goes through my mind in a given situation. What really happened... I had a customer complaint that I had to look into yesterday. Apparently we had a customer come in and look about the store and she



Blow Jobs

I am new to the site and having trouble posting...I am into blow jobs, outlandish sites for sex and anal sex. Recently my lover and I were discussing oral sex and we were wondering when the actual consumation of "blow jobs" started with swallowing the cum versus just oral sex



Just Had To Brag

I was going through the forum and reading about all the sexual dysfunctions various members seem to be encountering, and thought back on some of my past partners, and I realized... I am so lucky! The guy I'm with now... not only is he basically my physical ideal (in addition to being smart, sweet, fun, etc etc... I could go on and on,) he's FANTASTIC in bed. He's shockingly good at manual stimulation, loves extended foreplay, has amazing control (NEVER had a problem with premature ejaculation,



Partners In Life...

Happy noises arise from the foot of my bed Time for my baby boy to be fed Two sets of feet I hear on the floor 6:30am 2 little girls open the door Good Morning they squeal as they both jump in the bed He caresses my back and kisses my head He's making breakfast it takes a while Mickey Mouse pancakes always make them smile We're off to the park, it's a beautiful day Breezy and sunny as we watch them play Kissing boo boos and drying tears comforting, consoling and chasing away fears Laughing




Man, am I beat. I got into work and found out that my helper called off. Then I was greeted by the delivery of 5 skids, approxamitaly 5 feet long by 4 feet high FULL of boxes, that had to be marked, dated, opened and put away. Of course I also had to rotate out the current stock. All of this happend the day before inventory. Wich means I will be laughing my ass off at the assitant manager, because she is the one who ordered it, and she is the one who has to count it all. right before i left I



Scared Shitless

I will be the first to admit...I am scared shitless right now. For those of you who actually read my ramblings, know that my last entry was about a guy I have ben chatting with for the last 6 years. He is coming out here for at least a weeks vacation. I know it is hard to tell about a person online. But once you get to talking with someone for a while, you get a general feeling for them. I know one guy who just wants me to call and masterbatate for him. Another guy just wants to vent once in



I'm Happy

Things are going really well for the time being. I'm the happiest I've been in several years. I feel like a kid on summer vacation; life is simple and full of possibility. The boy moved back home to San Antonio for the summer, but that's less than two hours away, so it's not so bad. He knows how I feel about him now, and he's visiting on Monday. It will only have been 9 days since last I saw him, but I'm still excited as hell... I guess just knowing I can't see him any time I like makes me



Long Time Coming

6 years ago, i started chatting with a guy i met in a chat room. we have talked on and off for 6 years, his net would get cut off, or his work would get him too busy or tired to chat. His wife would get nosey and start trouble etc. but it never failed, he would always find me and chat with me. he and i have talked eiher on the phone or online for no less than 5 years. recently, his company went out of buiness, and will be closing soon. his wife did not like the idea, and divorced him. thank god



Making Memories

Sometimes things happen to me that I think are pivotal, or just beautiful, once-in-a-lifetime kind of things, and I consciously try to remember every little detail about them so that when I'm much older and looking back over my life, those memories will be especially vivid. Sometimes I even plan these situations in advance, or do silly little things that I think will enhance my memories and make them more interesting. A lot of the decisions I make are based on what kind of memories they will p



Too Many Choices!

Since I over over 13 toys, it's a bit hard to decide to use what one! I love the dual action vibes, though. I want to get another one, one that is waterproof.



My First Review....

Ok, so I was all excited about this expierence to begin with. I was really looking forward to getting my reviews up so I could recieve my next package. So I sent my first 3 reviews to Meagan and she told me great go ahead and post them on the site. She also included some information about making sure your logged in so that your names doesnt show anoyomous and make sure to not forget the links and pictures. So, here I am all excited....tryin to post my reviews.......on the shopping site mind y



Morning Wake Up

I awake with a bit of a start. Some uncomfortable dream has released it’s hold on me. I can see through my slightly parted eyelids that it is still dark in my bedroom. I look to my right and see you are lying on your side with your back to me. Left leg pulled up toward your chest. Your arms seem to be grasping a feather pillow and your face is curled into it. How quite you are when you sleep. You are a very pleasant bedfellow to have around. Craning my head to the left to glance at the



It Bit Me Back

Someone posted something, wating to know hwo people can be in cruel relationships. Ity made me think back to my days in a bad relationship. The fighting, the yelling, the screaming, and the physicla violence that follwed suit. It wasn't too bad, generally a slap on the ass too hard, then it escalated, to slaps on the face, or a punch in the eye. then he wised up, no marks on the face. I had bruises up and down m y legs and arms, on my chest, my hips, my back, everywhere. then the abuse got wo



Need To Get Some Stuff Off My Chest Yet Again

Post is about the same guy from the previous ones... sorry that's all I ever write about on here, but it turns out this is really the only place I feel comfortable talking about it, and I need to vent. First of all, he's doing a lot better. His family found out about his depression and they have all been incredibly supportive... I'm kinda jealous, hehe. He has a great relationship with his family. If a guy wants to hang out with you every day of the week, that probably means he's interested,



New Blog Location

Hello any and all of you who may still be looking for my blogging abilities here. I have decided to move my blog. So, if you want to read more current information regarding my sexcapades, life and anything else, please come visit me at: www.wickedbed.com See ya in my bed!



Hello Again

Hello again! I haven't been to TooTimid in months. I hope to read a lot of reviews. I miss being one.



The Mile High Club

Today I flew the return portion of my weekend get-away. I am probably the only person on this planet who raves about how wonderful air travel is. My point being, if I had needed to drive the same distance it would have taken days in each direction. The trip never would have happened. Sure, I'll admit that it sucks being crammed into a tiny seat with no legroom. Flying today is more akin to being herded into a cattle car than a pleasant journey-- BUT compared to driving, the maximum time spe



A Brief Update

OK, so most people who read this know I have a tendancy of ranting and venting here. Quite honestly, I feel it is better to rant in a blog than fill up the board with my senseless rantings. especially when i make a 180 degree turn. Today is not going to be about ranting and venting. well, maybe. I am actually just going to put down some maybe good news for a change? I am so damn excited I can't stand it.... My 7 yr old has been sick lately, and she has been purposly coughing in everyones fac



My First Entry

Hey all. I'm just testing out how accessible this blog thing is with my screen reader. If you haven't looked, there's a topic about me and how it's being blind so if you hadn't checked it out, please look. It might give you a small idea of how to know what i go through. I don't have much to say so i'm off for now. Hope all have a good weekend, Siobhan

Sailor Girl

Sailor Girl

Shopping For Sex Toys, The Old Fashioned Way

Here's today's ramblings......... Years ago, way back in the dark ages (1980), the only places to go to get sex toys were seedy, awful parts of town. Peep shows and weirdos. Well, actually there were at home parties too. My gal pals and I called'em Fuckerware parties, because it really was the old fashioned Avon/Tupperware/Mary Kay party idea. The rep would bring a Santa's sack stuffed full of wispy clothing--err, if you can call it clothing. Maybe "welcome signs" would be a better word, L



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