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Katie Did It

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Everything posted by Katie Did It

  1. It’s hard for me to come from oral. It takes me while because I get nervous. Nervous that he is only licking my pussy because he feels like he has to or that I am taking too long and he is bored or just done. I have to really concentrate on staying out of my own head. I need my husband to talk to me, ask me sexy questions so I can focus on what he is going not on my silly worries. Is that weird??
  2. My orgasms are all so different. Some quick and no eventful, some deep, some curl my toes, some make me squirt. Some have me wanting more while others have me drained to the core.
  3. Sounds like a perfect way to end the day! Love when my pussy is well cared.
  4. Lots of fun to be had in these boards 😉
  5. I dated a guy who shaved my pussy for me. It was incredibly hot! Then he took her for a spin. I came so hard from the whole experience. His tongue was magical enough on its own, much less after all the stimulation of the shaving. I keep that memory front and center in my “spank bank”
  6. I love it when I’m having my pussy sucked and you just circle around my asshole. Usually makes me squirt.
  7. Pussy is a pretty hot word on its own. But combined with “sucking” and “licking”? I’m ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille. 😉
  8. You are getting a heck of a present in that first video! Cheers!
  9. I love the feeling of a cock in my mouth. It makes me drip. I love to run the tip of my tongue up and down the shaft and watch it perk up. I also love barely grazing my teeth on the soft sweet skin of the head. It so soft and sexy.
  10. Cheers to taking your sex life into your own hands!
  11. So many ways to get me over the edge when I masterbate solo: 1. Relive previous hot encounters in my mind. I can still feel all the sensations of it was good enough. 2. Fantasize about my current celebrity crush, which changes all the time so it keeps things fresh. 3. I like to imagine I can feel certain touches, like at the bottoms of my pussy lips which I’m on my clit, or there are certain words I like to hear in my fantasies, like “cunt.” When masterbating with my husband, I like to use my vibrator on my clit while she softly tickles my lips. The feel of those two sensations together is divine.
  12. Oohhh…a good sexy text is right up my alley! Gets the juices flowing and my mind racing. I’m too nervous to send pics as the cloud is too ever present.
  13. Seems like I am the one cumming out in the better end of this slave agreement 😉. My pussy’s wet and my tits are hard in anticipation.
  14. It is definitely a deep experience to share.
  15. I’m sorry about your surgery but your cock sounds delicious.
  16. That made me hot just reading about it. I love feeling full like that, like there’s nothing I can do to get out of cumming and can feel it over every inch of my body. I’d be your slave after that kind of intense O.
  17. I remember being nervous to try it because it wasn’t for “good Catholic girls” like me. But then again, neither was the premarital sex. Ha!! I don’t remember my first time but I do have vivid memories of some seriously good times.
  18. Opposing schedules? That’s tough. It doesn’t make the desire go away, though.
  19. I love a cock in my mouth, gets me so wet. But do not like the taste of cum. I love to suck it until it’s time, then jack it off and watch it cum.
  20. Squirting feels so amazing! It’s hard for me to let myself do as it is so overwhelming. But Wow it feels so incredibly amazing!
  21. Hope it goes well for you. Take it slow. Lots of lube. It feels so good when combined with genital play.
  22. 1 for me. No matter how hard I’ve tried to save any thread of a sexual relationship, my hubs is just not interested. He really never had much of a sex drive so it’s not a shocker. Since he works nights , most of my sex life has been “in my own hands” anyway. I love to talk on these boards.
  23. My husband and I have never had compatible sex drives. I’m always on, he could care less about sex. He honestly just doesn’t thing about it and it is on my mind daily. I’ve tried to bridge this gap but it has only gotten bigger with time. And now I fear it is insurmountable. I’ve tried all the things for all the love languages, traditionally sexy things, no traditional sexy things..but to no avail.
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